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Walking kinematics in subjects with asymptomatic genu recurvatum: lower limb joint angles and effect of speed
28 février 2022, DIERICK, Frédéric; BUISSERET, Fabien; Schreiber, Pauline; Lavallée, Pauline,
- HE Louvain en Hainaut
- Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Acte de conférence ou de colloque
The aim of this study was to carry out a kinematic analysis of the lower limb during gait in subjects with
asymptomatic genu recurvatum. The sagittal plane kinematics of the lower limb during gait in a group
of 13 subjects with genu recurvatum was shown to be significantly different to that of a group of 13
control healthy subjects. An increase in extension and a decrease in flexion of the hip ...
Walking stride interval variability in patients with diabetic Charcot foot: A pilot study
28 février 2022, DIERICK, Frédéric; Colson, Simon; Orioli, Laura; Vandeleene, Bernard; BARVAUX, Vincent; Detrembleur, Christine; BUISSERET, Fabien,
- HE Louvain en Hainaut
- Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Introduction: The variability of human walking has been studied for about twenty years. It appears not
to be random but long-term autocorrelated, i.e. on time scales corresponding to several hundreds of gait
cycles. It has been shown that the central nervous system (CNS) plays an important role in this
variability. Indeed, people with CNS alterations have a different autocorrelation pattern than ...
High Specificity of Single Inertial Sensor-Supplemented Timed Up and Go Test for Assessing Fall Risk in Elderly Nursing Home Residents
17 février 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; Schütz, Gaston; Stoffel, Pierre-Loup; DIERICK, Frédéric,
- CeREF Technique
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is commonly used to estimate the fall risk in the elderly. Several ways to improve the predictive accuracy of TUG (cameras, multiple sensors, other clinical tests) have already been proposed. Here, we added a single wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) to capture the residents’ body center-of-mass kinematics in view of improving TUG’s predictive accuracy. The aim ...
Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser Test
2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, R.; DIERICK, Frédéric,
- CeREF Technique
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...
Perceived Usefulness of Telerehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Belgium–France Pilot Study during Second Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic
22 novembre 2021, DIERICK, Frédéric; PIERRE, Amélie; Profeta, Loredana; Telliez, Frédéric; BUISSERET, Fabien,
- CeREF Technique
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Background: COVID-19 has affected the practice of physiotherapy, and telerehabilitation (TR) may be seen as an alternative model of care if it is accepted by patients and physiotherapists. This study investigates the perceived usefulness of TR and the intention to use it among physiotherapists and patients from Belgium and France concerned with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) during the pandemic ...
Capteur, ce movement est-il déconseillé ?
Comme tous les systèmes dynamiques, l’Homme est soumis aux lois de la mécanique. Il n’est toutefois pas réductible à une machine comme les autres : il est biologique, psychologique et social !
La douleur, définie comme une expérience sensorielle et émotionnelle désagréable associée à une lésion tissulaire réelle ou non, est une composante de nature complexe. Elle se manifeste notamment dans les ...
Telerehabilitation of musculoskeletal diseases: Who wants it?
16 octobre 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; Profeta, Loredana; PIERRE, Amélie; Telliez, Frédéric,
- CeREF Technique
- Autre
Motor strategies and adiabatic invariants: The case of rhythmic motion in parabolic flights
05 août 2021, White, Olivier; DIERICK, Frédéric; Dehouck, Victor; BUISSERET, Fabien; Boulanger, Nicolas,
- CeREF Technique
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
The role of gravity in human motor control is at the same time obvious and difficult to isolate. It can be
assessed by performing experiments in variable gravity. We propose that adiabatic invariant theory may be used
to reveal nearly conserved quantities in human voluntary rhythmic motion, an individual being seen as a complex
time-dependent dynamical system with bounded motion in phase space. ...
Fine adaptive precision grip control without maximum pinch strength changes after upper limb neurodynamic mobilization
30 juin 2021, DIERICK, Frédéric; Brismée, Jean-Michel; White, Olivier; Bouché, Anne-France; Périchon, Céline; Filoni, Nastasia; Barvaux, Vincent; BUISSERET, Fabien,
- HE Louvain en Hainaut
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Before and immediately after passive upper limb neurodynamic mobilizations targeting the median
nerve, grip ( GF ) and load ( LF ) forces applied by the thumb, index and major fingers (three-jaw chuck
pinch) were collected using a manipulandum during three different grip precision tasks: grip-lifthold-
replace (GLHR), vertical oscillations (OSC), and vertical oscillations with up and down ...
Low-Cost Sensors and Biological Signals
01 juin 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; EGGERMONT, Stéphanie,
- CeREF Technique
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie