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10-year experiences of tutorship at Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci (HE Vinci) in Brussels
2011, HE Léonard de VinciLivre/Ouvrage ou monographie[Chapitre dans Pratiche in viaggio. La tutorship nella sanità in Italia e Europa.] -
2 expériences de "supérieur inversé"
02 février 2018, HE Albert JacquardActe de conférence ou de colloqueIntervention relatant deux expériences de classes inversées dans l'enseignement supérieur, dans le cadre du colloque scientifique de la CL!SE 2018 (semaine de la classe invsersée), organisée par la HE2B -
2017, année internationale du tourisme durable. En Wallonie aussi ?
juin 2016, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueDepuis près de 20 ans, on observe, chez les touristes comme chez les opérateurs du secteur touristique, une prise de conscience de l’importance des enjeux de la durabilité du tourisme. La vision que l’on en a reste cependant floue. Tentons d’y voir plus clair. -
Ableism as a regulator of social practice and disabled people’s self-determination to participate in sport and physical activity
2020, ICHEC-ECAM-ISFSCArticle Scientifique -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron impact ionization and dissociation of CD+
2007, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ leading to the formation of ionic products (D+, C+, C2+ and C3+) are reported in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. Around the maximum, cross sections are found to be (10.5 ± 1.0) × 10−17 cm2, (20.6 ± 3.5) × 10−17 cm2, (1.20 ± 0.11) × 10−17 cm2 and (8.2 ± 1.5) × 10−20 cm2 for D+, C+, ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+
2008, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+ leading to the formation of singly and multiply charged products (D+, Ne+, Ne2+ and Ne3+) are reported, in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. The animated crossed-beams method is used. For singly charged fragments, absolute cross sections are obtained separately for dissociative ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 4
2008, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ 4 leading to formation of ionic products (CD2+ 4, CD+ 3, CD+ 2, CD+, C+, D+ 3, D+ 2, and D+) have been measured. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. Around 100 eV, the maximum cross sections are found to be (3.8±0.2) ×10-19 cm2, (10.8±1.5)× ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release for doubly and triply charged fragments produced by electron impact on CO+
2006, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact ionization of CO+ leading to the formation of doubly and triply charged products (CO2+, C2+ and O2+, C3+ and O3+) are reported in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2500 eV. Around the maximum, cross section values are found to be (13.36 ± 0.56) × 10−18 cm2, (5.58 ± 0.55) × 10−18 cm2 and (1.37 ± 0.14) × 10−18 cm2 for CO2+, C2+ and O2+, ... -
Absolute cross-sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact dissociation of D3+
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections for electron-impact dissociation of D+3 leading to the formation of D+ and D+2 products have been measured by applying the animated electron-ion beam method in the energy range from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross-sections are observed to be (13.9 ± 1.1) × 10−17 cm2 and (8.2 ± 0.1) × 10−17 cm2 (around 50 eV) for D+ and for D+2 fragments, ... -
Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD +3
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+3/(CH+3) leading to formation of singly-charged fragments (CD +2, CH+, C+, H +2 and D+). The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross-sections are found to be (14.0±1.0)×10-17 cm2, (6.5± 0.7)×10-17 cm2, (3.3± ... -
Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 2
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD +2 leading to formation of CD 2+2, CD+, C+, D +2 and D+. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross-sections are found to be (1.2±0.1)×10-17 cm2, (6.1±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (6.4±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (26.3±3.8)×10-19 ... -
Abus sexuels infantiles: vers un élargissement des modes de prise en charge au sein des équipes Sos-enfants.
2008, HE de la Province de NamurPublication d'intérêt général/presseAbus sexuels infantiles: vers un élargissement des modes de prise en charge au sein des équipes Sos-enfants. -
Access to paediatric palliative care in children and adolescents with complex chronic conditions: a retrospective hospital-based study in Brussels, Belgium
2019, HE Léonard de VinciArticle scientifiquePaediatric complex chronic conditions (CCCs) are life-limiting conditions requiring paediatric palliative care, which, in Belgium, is provided through paediatric liaison teams (PLTs). Like the number of children and adolescents with these conditions in Belgium, their referral to PLTs is unknown. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify, over a 5-year period (2010–2014), the number of children ... -
Acclimatation de vitroplants de bananier (Musa sp.) en culture hydroponique : impact de différentes concentrations en cuivre sur la croissance des vitroplants
janvier 2013, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueLes contraintes dues au cuivre et les conséquences de son accumulation par les vitroplants de bananier pendant la phase d’acclimatation ont été étudiées en culture hydroponique. Des doses de 0-100-500-1000 ppm de cuivre, sous forme de CuSO4, ont été ajoutées au milieu nutritif en culture hydroponique. A 1000 ppm CuSO4, les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence des concentrations en cuivre élevées ... -
Accompagner des futurs enseignants dans le cadre d'un stage - Conception d'une classe inversée
10 mars 2020, HE Albert JacquardActe de conférence ou de colloqueDiaporama de présentation du témoignage présenté lors du 7ème Rapplye pédagogique organisé par le CDES, Pôle académique Liège Luxembourg. Ce témoignage portait sur l'accompagnement des étudiants en stage, mis en place à la Haute École Albert Jacquard, dans le cadre du projet BEE ( -
Accompagner la mise en place d'outils de différenciation pour l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de la lecture
août 2021, HELMoHE Léonard de VinciRapportRecherche en éducation dans le cadre du Pacte pour un Enseignement d’excellence et de l’expérience pilote visant à renforcer la différenciation dans l’apprentissage de la lecture. -
Accompagner les difficultés de lecture de la 3e maternelle à la 2e primaire : freins et leviers perçus par les enseignants dans le cadre d'un dispositif de coenseignement visant à développer la différenciation.
07 septembre 2022, HE Léonard de VinciArticle scientifiqueDans l'objectif de réduire les inégalités scolaires, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles a mis sur pied, de janvier 2019 à aout 2020, un projet pilote visant à développer la différenciation dans l'apprentissage initial de la lecture dans les classes de 3e maternelle, 1e et 2e primaire. Dans ce cadre, notre équipe a mis en œuvre, dans 45 écoles, un dispositif d'accompagnement au développement professionnel, ... -
Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Flowmeters: A Multicentric Field Study
août 2014, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueThe accuracy of 476 oxygen flowmeters was investigated using a thermal mass flowmeter in eight hospitals in France and Belgium. Different oxygen flow rates (2 to 15 l/min) were evaluated at the patient’s bed. When the sample was considered as a whole, the accuracy of delivered flow was acceptable but precision was poor. The variability of the delivered flow between devices was greater when a low ... -
Accuracy of oxygen flow delivered by compressed-gas cylinders in hospitals and prehospital emergency care
mars 2018, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueOxygen cylinders are widely used both in hospital and prehospital care. Excessive or inappropriate FIO2 may be critical for patients with hypercapnia or hypoxia. Moreover, over-oxygenation could be deleterious in ischemic disorders. Supplemental oxygen from oxygen cylinder should therefore be delivered accurately. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of oxygen flows for oxygen cylinder ... -
Acidophilic adaptation of family 11 endo-β-1, 4-xylanases: Modeling and mutational analysis
2004, AutreArticle scientifique13 (2004), p. 1209-1218