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Growth performance, carcass characteristics, fatty acid profile, and meat quality of male goat kids supplemented by alternative feed resources: bitter vetch and sorghum grains
07 octobre 2024, Boukrouh, Soumaya; Noutfia, Ali; Moula, Nassim; AVRIL, Claire; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Hornick, Jean-Luc; Cabaraux, Jean-François; Chentouf, Mouad,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Abstract : Bitter vetch and sorghum grains are alternative local feed resources that are underutilized in the southern Mediterranean area. This study aimed to assess the effects of incorporating these grains into the diet of local goat breeds on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. Twenty-four goat kids were divided into three groups. The control group received a conventional ...
Characterisation of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd) ecotypes: An ancient and promising legume
12 septembre 2024, Boukrouh, Soumaya; Noutfia, Ali; Moula, Nassim; AVRIL, Claire; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Hornick, Jean-Luc; Chentouf, Mouad; Cabaraux, Jean-François,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Abstract : "Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd) is a promising legume, drought tolerant, mainly used in the Mediterranean area for its grains as a source of proteins in animal feed. However, it is an underused crop cultivated in marginal soils. Ecological, agro-morphological, and bromatological diversity evaluations were conducted to study its reintroduction potential. Seeds of seventeen ecotypes ...
Traitement aux ultrasons de la vendange et impacts sur les propriétés du moût et du vin : cas du cépage Souvignier gris en conditions septentrionales
21 mai 2024, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Leclercq, Antoine; Diefe Kemzeu, Cédric; Stalport, Anouck,
- HE Condorcet
- Autre
Genetic control of root morphology in response to nitrogen across rapeseed diversity
01 mai 2024, Haelterman, Loïc; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Chiodi, Claudia; Bouchet, Anne-Sophie; Kupcsik, Laszlo; Stahl, Andreas; Rousseau-Gueutin, Mathieu; Snowdon, Rod; Laperche, Anne; Nesi, Nathalie; Hermans, Christian,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Abstract : "Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is an oil-containing crop of great economic value but with considerable nitrogen requirement. Breeding root systems that efficiently absorb nitrogen from the soil could be a driver to ensure genetic gains for more sustainable rapeseed production. The aim of this study is to identify genomic regions that regulate root morphology in response to nitrate availability. ...
Ecological, morpho‑agronomical, and bromatological assessment of sorghum ecotypes in Northern Morocco
20 septembre 2023, Boukrouh, Soumaya; Noutfia, Ali; Moula, Nassim; Avril, Claire; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Hornick, Jean-Luc; Cabaraux, Jean-François; Chentouf, Mouad,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
"Sorghum Bicolor is a cereal used for grains as feed and food, mainly cultivated in dry areas. To study the possibilities of increasing its cultivation for feed purposes, ecological, morpho-agronomical, and bromatological characterization of some local ecotypes was conducted as the first steps toward selecting better cultivars. Indeed, twenty-one ecotypes were collected from farms in Northern Morocco ...
Intraspecific size shifts in generalist bumblebees and flowers lead to low functional consequences
04 septembre 2023, Reverté, Sara; Gérard, Maxence; Bodson, Maxime; Descamps, Charlotte; GOSSELIN, Matthias; Jacquemart, Anne-Laure; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Smagghe, Guy; Vandamme, Peter; Vereecken, Nicolas J.; Michez, Denis,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Abstract : "Body size is a trait that can affect plant–pollinator interaction efficiency and plant reproductive success. We explored the impact of intraspecific size shifts on the interactions between pollinators and flowering plants under controlled conditions. We considered two development conditions leading to the production of large and small individual flowers of Borago officinalis and Echium ...
Ecological, morpho-agronomical, and nutritional characteristics of Sulla flexuosa (L.) Medik. ecotypes
16 août 2023, Boukrouh, Soumaya; Noutfia, Ali; Moula, Nassim; Avril, Claire; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Hornick, Jean-Luc; Chentouf, Mouad; Cabaraux, Jean-François,
- HE Condorcet
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
"The present work was part of assessing wild genetic plant resources of forage interest in Northern Morocco and aimed to study the agro-morphology and nutritional value of Sulla fexuosa (L.) Medik. (Hedysarum fexuosum L.) ecotypes. The seeds of twenty-one wild S. fexuosa (L.) Medik. ecotypes were collected from 21 sites. The edaphic and climatic characteristics of the collection sites were studied ...
Que nous apprend cette 1ère mesure de l’activité biologique des sols ?
Publication d'intérêt général/presse
"Évaluer la fertilité des sols n'est pas trivial. Très souvent, on résume cela à une série de mesures physico-chimiques telles que le pH, la granulométrie (texture), la richesse en éléments nutritifs (P, K, etc.) ou le statut organique (teneur en carbone total). Cette approche a ses avantages car elle se base sur des procédures éprouvées et bien souvent standardisées, relativement rapides et stables ...
Impact of copper-based fungicide and copper accumulation on soil microbial biomass abundance and activity in cultivated soils
2023, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Stalport, Anouck; Caurain, Marion; Hamid, Jabrane,
- HE Condorcet
- Autre
Les mécanismes de défense chez les cépages interspécifiques
Article scientifique