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Pulmonary Effects of One Week of Repeated Recreational Closed-Circuit Rebreather Dives in Cold Water
28 décembre 2022, Gouin, Emmanuel; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Orsat, Jeremy; Dugrenot, Emmanuel; L'Her, Erwan,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Background and Objectives: The use of closed-circuit rebreathers (CCRs) in recreational diving is gaining interest. However, data regarding its physiological effects are still scarce. Immersion, cold water, hyperoxia, exercise or the equipment itself could challenge the cardiopulmonary system. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of CCR diving on lung function and autonomous cardiac ...
Full-Face Mask Use during SCUBA Diving Counters Related Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Dysfunction
15 janvier 2022, Levenez, Morgan; LAMBRECHTS, Kate; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Vezzoli, Alessandra; Germonpré, Peter; Pique, Hadrien; Virgili, Fabi; Bosco, Gerardo; Lafere, Pierre; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Impaired flow mediated dilation (FMD), an index of vascular stress, is known after SCUBA diving. This is related to a dysfunction of nitric oxide (NO) availability and a disturbance of the redox status, possibly induced by hyperoxic/hyperbaric gas breathing. SCUBA diving is usually performed with a mask only covering "half face" (HF) and therefore forcing oral breathing. Nasal NO production is ...
The Normobaric Oxygen Paradox-Hyperoxic Hypoxic Paradox: A Novel Expedient Strategy in Hematopoiesis Clinical Issues
janvier 2023, Salvagno, Michele; Coppalini, Giacomo; Taccone, Fabio-Silvio; Strapazzon, Giacomo; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Rocco, Monica; Khalife, Maher; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Hypoxia, even at non-lethal levels, is one of the most stressful events for all aerobic organisms as it significantly affects a wide spectrum of physiological functions and energy production. Aerobic organisms activate countless molecular responses directed to respond at cellular, tissue, organ, and whole-body levels to cope with oxygen shortage allowing survival, including enhanced neo-angiogenesis ...
Architectural and Mechanical Changes after Five Weeks of Intermittent Static Stretch Training on the Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle of Active Adults
27 mars 2023, Levenez, Morgan; Moeremans, Mathieu; Boorghs, Cédric; Vigouroux, Florent; Leveque, Clément; HEMELRYCK, Walter; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
We investigated the effects of intermittent long-term stretch training (5 weeks) on the architectural and mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit (MTU) in healthy humans. MTU's viscoelastic and architectural properties in the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle and the contribution of muscle and tendon structures to the MTU lengthening were analyzed. Ten healthy volunteers participated ...
Elevations of Extracellular Vesicles and Inflammatory Biomarkers in Closed Circuit SCUBA Divers
22 mars 2023, Arya, Awadhesh; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Bhopale, Veena; Tominen, Laura; Raisanen-Sokolowski, Anne; Dugrenot, Emmanuel; Thom, Stephen,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Blood-borne extracellular vesicles and inflammatory mediators were evaluated in divers using a closed circuit rebreathing apparatus and custom-mixed gases to diminish some diving risks. "Deep" divers (n = 8) dove once to mean (+/-SD) 102.5 +/- 1.2 m of sea water (msw) for 167.3 +/- 11.5 min. "Shallow" divers (n = 6) dove 3 times on day 1, and then repetitively over 7 days to 16.4 +/- 3.7 msw, for ...
Hydration status during commercial saturation diving measured by bioimpedance and urine specific gravity
29 septembre 2022, Werke, Stian Lande; Landswerk, Halvor Dagsson; Lautridou, Jacky; Imbert, Jean-Pierre; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Eftedal, Ingrid,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Excessive fluid loss triggered by hyperbaric pressure, water immersion and hot water suits causes saturation divers to be at risk of dehydration. Dehydration is associated with reductions in mental and physical performance, resulting in less effective work and an increased risk of work-related accidents. In this study we examined the hydration status of 11 male divers over 19 days of a commercial ...
Oxygen Variations-Insights into Hypoxia, Hyperoxia and Hyperbaric Hyperoxia - Is the Dose the Clue?
20 septembre 2023, BALESTRA, Costantino
; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Virgili, Fabio,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
on, nitrogen and hydrogen); aerobic organisms depend on it to release energy from carbon-based molecules. The concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is ~20.93–20.95% (209–460 ppm), but this has fluctuated markedly throughout geological history. It stabilized within a habitable range, between ~15% and 35%, which has been maintained from the Cambrian period 540 million years ago until today [1].
The ...
Editorial: Feelings of energy and fatigue: Two different moods
19 avril 2023, Boolani, Ali; Martin, Joel; D'acquisto, Fulvio; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
The "normobaric oxygen paradox": a new tool for the anesthetist?
10 janvier 2014, Rocco, Monica; Ditri, Luciano; De Bels, David; Corazza, Francis; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Hypoxia is the natural trigger for endogenous EPO production but recently the use of intermittent hyperoxia to stimulate EPO has been postulated and this phenomenon has been called the "normobaric oxygen paradox" (NOP). The "NOP" is a mechanism by which oxygen regulates the expression of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 alpha (HIF-1alpha). The HIF-1alpha-depending gene regulation is responsible for ...
Relationships between plasma lipids, proteins, surface tension and post-dive bubbles
13 février 2015, Schellart, Nico; Rozloznik, Miroslav; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Decompression sickness (DCS) in divers is caused by bubbles of inert gas. When DCS occurs, most bubbles can be found in the venous circulation: venous gas emboli (VGE). Bubbles are thought to be stabilized by low molecular weight surfactant reducing the plasma-air surface tension (γ). Proteins may play a role as well. We studied the interrelations between these substances, γ and VGE, measured before ...