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Oxygen Variations
26 septembre 2023, BALESTRA, Costantino
; Virgili, Fabio; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
For many years, diving and hyperbaric medicine has strived to increase our understanding of the effects of environmental stressors on human pathophysiology. It has demonstrated the importance of oxygen and has taught us not to fear this oxidative molecule, the name of which is derived from the ancient Greek meaning the “acid generator” or Oxy-Gene; indeed, at that time, it was believed that all acids ...
Hyperbaric medicine
12 février 2023, BALESTRA, Costantino
; Kot, Jacek,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Oxygen (both its presence and absence) acts as a potent signaling mechanism in many, if not
most, cellular processes.
Oxygen has been used therapeutically mainly to alleviate or correct hypoxia, and has been
administered in supra-atmospheric doses in the form of hyperbaric oxygen (a method derived from
diving medicine practices, but has been used in non-diving applications since the 1960s).
Hyperbaric ...
Qu'est-ce qui va changer? - Capitre dans Coeur et Plongée
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Le monde sous-marin est devenu accessible au plus grand nombre. Les méthodes de plongée se sont diversifiées, la population de plongeurs aussi... Mais la plongée demeure une activité à risques. Les pathologies cardiaques peuvent faire courir des dangers importants, non seulement au plongeur, mais aussi à tous ceux impliqués en cas d'assistance. Or, les données concernant les décès en plongée mettent ...
Diving deeper into SCUBA Science
12 février 2017, BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
The editors of and authors of this book are a cadre of scientists and physicians with broad experience and knowledge of diving physiology and decompression theory. As is often the case, it requires a group effort to succeed in advancing practical knowledge. The colloquialism "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is often true and the PHYPODE Reasearch Group epitomizes this concept. By ...
Scuba Physiological: Think You Know All About Scuba Medicine? Think again!
01 décembre 2017, Pridmore, Simon; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
"This book makes it easy to understand the latest discoveries in diving research. You will enjoy reading about our current understanding of what happens to our bodies when we dive." JP Imbert: Decompression designer and technical diving pioneer
"As a doctor with a fair history and understanding of diving medicine and diving physiology I found the book interesting. It's the sort of book I would ...
Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS), Antioxidants, and Cerebral Vascular Tone
09 janvier 2024, Michele SALVAGNO; Elda STERCHELE; Mario ZACCARELLI; Simona MRAKIC-SPOSTA; Ian James WELSBY; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Fabio Silvio TACCONE,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Autre
he brain's unique characteristics make it exceptionally susceptible to oxidative stress, which arises from an imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, reactive nitrogen species (RNS) production, and antioxidant defense mechanisms. This review explores the factors contributing to the brain's vascular tone's vulnerability in the presence of oxidative damage, which can be of clinical ...
Pulmonary Effects of One Week of Repeated Recreational Closed-Circuit Rebreather Dives in Cold Water
28 décembre 2022, Gouin, Emmanuel; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Orsat, Jeremy; Dugrenot, Emmanuel; L'Her, Erwan,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Background and Objectives: The use of closed-circuit rebreathers (CCRs) in recreational diving is gaining interest. However, data regarding its physiological effects are still scarce. Immersion, cold water, hyperoxia, exercise or the equipment itself could challenge the cardiopulmonary system. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of CCR diving on lung function and autonomous cardiac ...
Full-Face Mask Use during SCUBA Diving Counters Related Oxidative Stress and Endothelial Dysfunction
15 janvier 2022, Levenez, Morgan; LAMBRECHTS, Kate; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Vezzoli, Alessandra; Germonpré, Peter; Pique, Hadrien; Virgili, Fabi; Bosco, Gerardo; Lafere, Pierre; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Impaired flow mediated dilation (FMD), an index of vascular stress, is known after SCUBA diving. This is related to a dysfunction of nitric oxide (NO) availability and a disturbance of the redox status, possibly induced by hyperoxic/hyperbaric gas breathing. SCUBA diving is usually performed with a mask only covering "half face" (HF) and therefore forcing oral breathing. Nasal NO production is ...
The Normobaric Oxygen Paradox-Hyperoxic Hypoxic Paradox: A Novel Expedient Strategy in Hematopoiesis Clinical Issues
janvier 2023, Salvagno, Michele; Coppalini, Giacomo; Taccone, Fabio-Silvio; Strapazzon, Giacomo; Mrakic-Sposta, Simona; Rocco, Monica; Khalife, Maher; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Hypoxia, even at non-lethal levels, is one of the most stressful events for all aerobic organisms as it significantly affects a wide spectrum of physiological functions and energy production. Aerobic organisms activate countless molecular responses directed to respond at cellular, tissue, organ, and whole-body levels to cope with oxygen shortage allowing survival, including enhanced neo-angiogenesis ...
Architectural and Mechanical Changes after Five Weeks of Intermittent Static Stretch Training on the Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle of Active Adults
27 mars 2023, Levenez, Morgan; Moeremans, Mathieu; Boorghs, Cédric; Vigouroux, Florent; Leveque, Clément; HEMELRYCK, Walter; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
We investigated the effects of intermittent long-term stretch training (5 weeks) on the architectural and mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit (MTU) in healthy humans. MTU's viscoelastic and architectural properties in the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle and the contribution of muscle and tendon structures to the MTU lengthening were analyzed. Ten healthy volunteers participated ...