• The fractal approach as a tool to understand asymptomatic brain hyperintense MRI signalsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2004, BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Marroni, A.; Farkas, B.; Peetrons, P.; Vanderschueren, F.; Duboc, E.; SNOECK, Thyl; GERMONPRÉ, Peter, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      The prevalence of a Patent Foramen Ovale is described in merely 30% of the asymptomatic population. This patency has been shown to be an increasing risk factor for paradoxical cerebral embolization. Some desaturation or decompression situations in human activities such as scuba diving or altitude flight are prone to provoke embolisations. The association with the presence of a patent Foramen Ovale ...