• Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron impact ionization and dissociation of CD+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2007, LECOINTRE, Julien; Cherkani-Hassani, S.; Belic, D. S.; Jureta, J. J.; Becker, K.; Deutsch, H.; Märk, T. D.; Probst, M.; Janev, R. K., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ leading to the formation of ionic products (D+, C+, C2+ and C3+) are reported in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. Around the maximum, cross sections are found to be (10.5 ± 1.0) × 10−17 cm2, (20.6 ± 3.5) × 10−17 cm2, (1.20 ± 0.11) × 10−17 cm2 and (8.2 ± 1.5) × 10−20 cm2 for D+, C+, ...
    • Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2008, LECOINTRE, Julien; Jureta, J.J.; Mitchell, J. B. A.; Ngassam, V.; Orel, A. E.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+ leading to the formation of singly and multiply charged products (D+, Ne+, Ne2+ and Ne3+) are reported, in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. The animated crossed-beams method is used. For singly charged fragments, absolute cross sections are obtained separately for dissociative ...
    • Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 4Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2008, LECOINTRE, Julien; Belic, D. S.; Jureta, J. J.; Janev, R. K.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ 4 leading to formation of ionic products (CD2+ 4, CD+ 3, CD+ 2, CD+, C+, D+ 3, D+ 2, and D+) have been measured. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. Around 100 eV, the maximum cross sections are found to be (3.8±0.2) ×10-19 cm2, (10.8±1.5)× ...
    • Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release for doubly and triply charged fragments produced by electron impact on CO+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2006, LECOINTRE, Julien; Belic, D. S.; Jureta, J. J.; Becker, K.; Deutsch, H.; Limtrakul, J.; Märk, T. D.; Probst, M.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact ionization of CO+ leading to the formation of doubly and triply charged products (CO2+, C2+ and O2+, C3+ and O3+) are reported in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2500 eV. Around the maximum, cross section values are found to be (13.36 ± 0.56) × 10−18 cm2, (5.58 ± 0.55) × 10−18 cm2 and (1.37 ± 0.14) × 10−18 cm2 for CO2+, C2+ and O2+, ...
    • Absolute cross-sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact dissociation of D3+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2009, LECOINTRE, Julien; Abdellahi El Ghazaly, M. O.; Jureta, J. J.; Belic, D. S.; Urbain, X.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross-sections for electron-impact dissociation of D+3 leading to the formation of D+ and D+2 products have been measured by applying the animated electron-ion beam method in the energy range from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross-sections are observed to be (13.9 ± 1.1) × 10−17 cm2 and (8.2 ± 0.1) × 10−17 cm2 (around 50 eV) for D+ and for D+2 fragments, ...
    • Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD +3Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2009, LECOINTRE, Julien; Belic, D. S.; Jureta, J. J.; Janev, R. K.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+3/(CH+3) leading to formation of singly-charged fragments (CD +2, CH+, C+, H +2 and D+). The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross-sections are found to be (14.0±1.0)×10-17 cm2, (6.5± 0.7)×10-17 cm2, (3.3± ...
    • Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 2Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2009, Lecointre, J.; Belic, D. S.; Jureta, J. J.; Janev, R. K.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD +2 leading to formation of CD 2+2, CD+, C+, D +2 and D+. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross-sections are found to be (1.2±0.1)×10-17 cm2, (6.1±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (6.4±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (26.3±3.8)×10-19 ...
    • Accounting for surface treatments (ST) in life-cycle assessments (LCA)Peer reviewedOpen access 

      2011, DEGREZ, Marc; D'ANS, Pierreorcid-id, HE Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Degrez M, D'Ans P., Accounting for surface treatments (ST) in life-cycle assessments (LCA), Eurofinish, Gent 28/09/2011
    • Actes de Colloque de la 5ème Journée des Chercheurs en Haute ÉcolePeer reviewedOpen access 

      2020, Dossa, Sabine; Buscemi, Michele; Michaux, Marie-Catherine; Bolly, Catherine; Gonda, Louise, HELMoHE Léonard de VinciHE Louvain en HainautHE Robert SchumanHE ville de LiègeHENALLUXCeREF TechniqueCRIGFoRS
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Actes de Colloque de la 5ème Journée des Chercheurs en Haute École, 28 novembre 2019, Ath
    • Actes de Colloque de la 6ème Journée des Chercheurs en Haute ÉcolePeer reviewedOpen access 

      2022, DOSSA, Sabine; BUSCEMI, Michele; NGUYEN, Anh Thy; CARMON, Hélène; MICHAUX, Marie-Catherine; GONDA, Louise, HE Francisco FerrerHE CharlemagneHE CondorcetHE Louvain en HainautHENALLUXHE Léonard de VinciHELMoHE en HainautCeREF TechniqueHE Bruxelles Brabant
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Actes de Colloque de la 6ème Journée des Chercheurs en Haute École, 25 février 2021, Distanciel
    • Adiabatic invariants drive rhythmic human motion in variable gravityPeer reviewedOpen access 

      01 décembre 2020, Boulanger, Nicolas; BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; Dehouck, Victor; White, Olivier, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Voluntary human movements are stereotyped. When modeled in the framework of classical mechanics they are expected to minimize cost functions that may include energy, a natural candidate from a physiological point of view also. In time-changing environments, however, energy is no longer conserved—regardless of frictional energy dissipation—and it is therefore not the preferred candidate for any cost ...
    • Affordable Process for the Production of Strontium Bromide Used in Low Grade Heat Recovery ApplicationsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2018, Gilles, D.; Segato, T.; Courbon, E.; Degrez, M.; D'ANS, Pierreorcid-id, HE Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogine
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Procedia CIRP 69 (2018) 383 – 388
    • Alice et le Pendule : au pays des variables actions-anglesOpen access 

      27 octobre 2020, BUISSERET, Fabien; Boulanger, Nicolas, CeREF Technique
      Publication d'intérêt général/presse
      Article de vulgarisaiton sur le pendule de Foucault
    • Anyons in quantum mechanics with a minimal lengthPeer reviewedOpen access 

      15 février 2017, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The existence of anyons, i.e. quantum states with an arbitrary spin, is a generic feature of standard quantum mechanics in (2+1)-dimensional Minkowski spacetime. Here it is shown that relativistic anyons may exist also in quantum theories where a minimal length is present. The interplay between minimal length and arbitrary spin effects are discussed.
    • Comments on Yang–Mills thermodynamics: The Hagedorn spectrum and the gluon gas pictures for a generic gauge algebraPeer reviewedOpen access 

      20 octobre 2011, BUISSERET, Fabien; Lacroix, Gwendolyn, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      We discuss the dependence of pure Yang–Mills equation of state on the choice of gauge algebra. In the confined phase, we generalize to an arbitrary simple gauge algebra Meyer’s proposal of modeling the Yang–Mills matter by an ideal glueball gas in which the high-lying glueball spectrum is approximated by a Hagedorn spectrum of closed-bosonic-string type. Such a formalism is undefined above the ...
    • Compte rendu de : "Mee (Nicholas), Celestial Tapestry : The Warp and Weft of Art and Mathematics"Open access 

      2022, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Il s'agit du compte rendu du livre : "Mee (Nicholas), Celestial Tapestry : The Warp and Weft of Art and Mathematics. – Ox ford : Oxford University Press, 2020. – 325 p. – 1 vol. broché de 20 × 13 cm. – 16,99 £. – isbn 978-0-19-885195-0".
    • Compte rendu de Cyril Verdet : «Méditations sur la physique : anthologie»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 janvier 2019, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Cyril Verdet : «Méditations sur la physique : anthologie»,
    • Compte rendu de Harry M. Collins : «Gravity's kiss : the detection of gravitational waves»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 janvier 2018, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Harry M. Collins : «Gravity's kiss : the detection of gravitational waves»
    • Compte rendu de Hermann Weyl : «Philosophie des mathématiques et des sciences de la nature»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 octobre 2019, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Hermann Weyl : «Philosophie des mathématiques et des sciences de la nature»
    • Compte rendu de Nicolas Beck : «En finir avec les idées reçues sur la vulgarisation scientifique»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 janvier 2017, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Nicolas Beck : «En finir avec les idées reçues sur la vulgarisation scientifique»