• Comparison of the movement behaviour of experienced and novice performers during the Cat exercisePeer reviewedOpen access 

      22 décembre 2022, Hallemans, Ann; Jacobs, Emmanuel; Gielen, Jan; Ven den Dries, Luc; Van Moorsel, Annouck; BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; Roussel, Nathalie, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      wo previous studies showed kinematic differences between novice and experienced performers during unchoreographed movements executed in standing position. However, no study explores if these kinematic differences holds during unchoreographed movements executed in quadrupedal position. The aim of this study is to compare the movement behaviour of experienced and novice performers during an exercise ...
    • Existence of aesthetic-kinematic correlations in grand battement in young recreational dancersOpen access 

      27 mars 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; Roussel, Nathalie; Filiputti, Loreda, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Diaporama de la présentation orale donnée au congrès Genees & Kunst 2021 , organisé par la Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dans- en Muziekgeneeskunde.
    • Low-Cost Sensors and Biological SignalsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      21 février 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; EGGERMONT, Stéphanie; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Editorial of the Special issue Low-Cost sensors and Biological signals https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/LCSBS