• Gravitating Bubbles of Gluon Plasma above Deconfinement TemperaturePeer reviewedOpen access 

      13 octobre 2020, Brihaye, Yves; BUISSERET, Fabien, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      The equation of state of SU(3) Yang–Mills theory can be modelled by an effective Z3− symmetric potential depending on the temperature and on a complex scalar field ϕ . Allowing ϕ to be dynamical opens the way to the study of spatially localized classical configurations of the scalar field. We first show that spherically symmetric static Q-balls exist in the range (1−1.21)×Tc , Tc being the ...
    • Q-ball formation at the deconfinement temperature in large-Nc QCDPeer reviewedOpen access 

      23 janvier 2013, BUISSERET, Fabien; Brihaye, Yves, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The deconfinement phase transition in large-Nc QCD is studied within the framework of an effective Polyakov-loop model, where the potential has a U(1) symmetry originating in the large-Nc limit of a ZNc-symmetric model. At the critical temperature, the shape of the effective potential allows the existence of Q-balls as position-dependent fluctuations of the Polyakov loop. Q-balls with spherical ...
    • Q-balls and charged Q-balls in a two-scalar field theory with generalized Henon-Heiles potentialPeer reviewedOpen access 

      30 avril 2024, Buisseret, Fabien; Brihaye, Yves, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      We construct Q-ball solutions from a model consisting of one massive scalar field ξ and one massive complex scalar field ϕ interacting via the cubic couplings g1ξϕ ϕ þ g2ξ3, typical of Henon-Heiles-like potentials. Although being formally simple, these couplings allow for Q-balls. In one spatial dimension, analytical solutions exist, either with vanishing or nonvanishing ϕ. In three spatial ...