Collections dans cette communauté

Soumissions récentes

  • Simplified test bench for experimental investigations of space heating appliancesPeer reviewedOpen access 

    01 mai 2023, Paulus, Nicolas; Lemort, Vincent, HE de la Province de Liège
    Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    The energy transition requires efficient space heating appliances. In that context, it is common that thermodynamics laboratories are asked to conduct experimental investigations on those appliances to establish or verify their performance. This paper aims to offer and report an example of a very simple test rig that allows for controlling both the space heating water flow rate and the space heating ...
  • Grid-impact factors of field-tested residential Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell systemsPeer reviewedOpen access 

    15 mai 2022, Paulus, Nicolas; Lemort, Vincent, HE de la Province de Liège
    Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    Much needed energy transition currently brings focus on micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) systems for residential uses, especially on low-capacity fuel cells (about 1 kWel) because it has been reported that they allow for increased CO2 savings per kWel compared to engine-based mCHP’s [1]. One of those (already commercialized), is a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) system hybridized with ...
  • Decarbonization potential of fuel cell technologies in micro-cogeneration applications: spotlight on SOFCs in a Belgian case studyPeer reviewedClosed access 

    30 janvier 2025, Nicolas Paulus, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    There is a plethora of fuel cell technologies, many of which hold great promise in terms of their decarbonisation potential, which this paper aims to explore. In fact, this paper is primarily based on the only two existing technologies on the market, polymer exchange membrane fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Unfortunately, these commercial systems mainly use natural gas as primary fuel ...
  • Post-Process Local Porous Silicon Integration Method for RF ApplicationOpen access 

    02 juin 2019, Scheen, Gilles; Tuyaerts, Romain; Nyssens, Lucas; Rack, Martin; Rasson, J; Raskin, JP, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPE
    Proceedings de IMS 19
  • GaN-on-Porous Silicon for RF ApplicationsPeer reviewedOpen access 

    17 septembre 2023, Scheen, Gilles; Tuyaerts, Romain; Cardinael, Pieter; Ekoga, Enriqué; Aouadi, Khaled; Pavageau, Christophe; Rassekh, Amin; Nabet, Massinissa; Yadav, Sachin; Raskin, Jean-Pierre; Parvais, Bertrand; Emam, Mostafa, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPE
    Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    Proceedings European microwave week 23
  • GaN-on-Porous Silicon for RF ApplicationsPeer reviewedOpen access 

    17 septembre 2023, Scheen, Gilles; Tuyaerts, Romain; Cardinael, Pieter; Ekoga, Enriqué; Aouadi, Khaled; Pavageau, Christophe; Rassekh, Amin; Nabet, Massinissa; Yadav, Sachin; Raskin, Jean-Pierre; Parvais, Bertrand; Emam, Mostafa, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPE
    Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    Poster présenté lors de l'European Microwave Week
  • Confronting Nationally Determined Contributions to IPPC’s +2°C Carbon Budgets through the Analyses of France and Wallonia Climate PoliciesPeer reviewedOpen access 

    01 juin 2023, Paulus, Nicolas, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    A method to objectively compare and link climate policies, expressed in CO2eq, to IPCC’s carbon budgets, expressed in CO2-only, is exhibited, as countries often omit to so in their Nationally Determined Contributions. Furthermore, they are usually pledging only towards territorial targets despite the fact that imported emissions are now greater in occidental countries, thus relying on the countries ...
  • Experimental assessment of pollutant emissions from residential fuel cells and comparative benchmark analysisPeer reviewedClosed access 

    07 mai 2024, Paulus, Nicolas; Lemort, Vincent, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    Energy transition currently brings focus on fuel cell micro-combined heat and power (mCHP) systems for residential uses. The two main technologies already commercialized are the Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFCs) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs). The pollutant emissions of one system of each technology have been tested with a portable probe both in laboratory and field-test configurations. ...
  • Experimental investigation and modelling of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) used in residential cogeneration applicationsPeer reviewedOpen access 

    18 septembre 2024, Paulus, Nicolas; Lemort, Vincent, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    The much-needed energy transition brings special focus on fuel cell micro-combined Heat and Power (mCHP or micro-CHP) systems for residential uses, one of which is a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC), fed by natural gas, designed to provide continuously 1.5 kWel with an associated amazingly high expected Low heating Value (LHV) electrical efficiency of 60%. This power output can be modulated as desired ...
  • Developing individual carbon footprint reduction pathways from carbon budgets: Examples with Wallonia and FrancePeer reviewedClosed access 

    23 avril 2024, Paulus, Nicolas, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    Traditional climate strategies focus on long-term emissions targets, neglecting cumulative CO2 emissions and often limiting their scope to territorial emissions. Additionally, individual citizens struggle to connect with community targets. This study addresses these issues by computing a comprehensive carbon footprint pathway that, as a main contribution, can be easily personalized and associated ...
  • EP3301335B1 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    04 avril 2018, Paulus, Nicolas; Frippiat, Cédric; Bomal, Jean-Christian, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • EP3128215B1 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    08 février 2017, Paulus, Nicolas; Frippiat, Cédric; Bomal, Jean-Christian, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • US10208873B2 - Fluidic valveOpen access 

    19 février 2019, Paulus, Nicolas; Frippiat, Cédric; Bomal, Jean-Christian, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • US10760707B2 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    01 septembre 2020, Paulus, Nicolas; Frippiat, Cédric; Bomal, Jean-Christian, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • Field-test performance models of a residential micro-cogeneration system based on the hybridization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell and a gas condensing boilerPeer reviewedOpen access 

    10 septembre 2023, Vincent Lemort; Paulus, Nicolas, HE de la Province de Liège
    Article scientifique
    The energy transition brings focus on cogeneration systems, even at residential levels. One of the latter systems consists in a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) combined with a gas condensing boiler and a 220L domestic hot water tank. The system, fed by natural gas, is designed to provide the heat demands of residential houses and to participate locally in the electrical produc-tion thanks ...
  • EP3524865B1 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    09 septembre 2020, Paulus, Nicolas; Bomal, Jean-Christian; Frippiat, Cédric, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • EP3524866B1 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    09 septembre 2020, Paulus, Nicolas; Bomal, Jean-Christian; Frippiat, Cédric, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • EP3527865B1 - Fluid valveOpen access 

    03 mars 2021, Paulus, Nicolas; Bomal, Jean-Christian; Frippiat, Cédric, HE de la Province de Liège
    Hydraulic valves often require actuators or servo motors with dedicated electronics and dedicated electrical power supply. So, you have usually "2 signals" to provide to the actuator/motor : the command signal, which is usually low voltage and/or low current (no real power with it) and the power supply. The actuator/motor requires electronics to handle both signals (and that is expensive, and in ...
  • US11022232B2 - Valve with proportional electromagnetic actuatorOpen access 

    01 juin 2021, Paulus, Nicolas, HE de la Province de Liège
    One limitation of conventional monostable solenoïd actuators, especially the proportional ones (which are not only used in ON/OFF regulation but on whole the stroke window, which require radial and not axial airgaps), is that the force that they can provide is quite limited for a given size of actuator. This is because the mobile part is usually set in the center of the actuator and it saturates ...

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