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Exploring “practice-based evidence” to maintain/regain employment for cancer-patients in Belgian oncology care

dc.contributor.authorDESIRON, Huget
dc.contributor.authorSIMONS, To
dc.contributor.authorVAN KELST, Kirsten
dc.contributor.authorBRUNOIS, Theo
dc.contributor.authorOTTE, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorCAMUT, Stéphane
dc.contributor.authorVAN DE VELDE, Dominique
dc.contributor.authorSPOOREN, Annemie
dc.contributor.authorGODDERIS, Lode
dc.description.abstractDésiron H., et al, Exploring “practice-based evidence” to maintain/regain employment for cancer-patients in Belgian oncology care, RI WORLD, Aarhus 2021en_US
dc.description.abstractenBackground For cancer-survivors at working age, labour-participation is part of their quality of life (QoL). Scientific evidence emphasises on the importance of early administrated, hospital-based support of RTW but the implementation of available knowledge in oncological healthcare appears to be limited. Objectives This study inventories practice based evidence to understand what barriers hinder health-care professionals (HcP) to apply the available knowledge and what they perceive as ‘good practice’. Methods A scoping review updated literature that founded a Belgian mimic RCT on hospitalbased RTW-support for cancer-patients was used to develop two qualitative studies: 1) in dept interviews with leaders of multidisciplinary teams in oncological care in Belgian hospitals (n = 79); 2) focus group-discussion (n=44) with multidisciplinary groups of HcP involved in direct patient-contact with cancer survivors. Analyses of transcribed recordings of both studies will be realised by using Nvivo, with contribution of the members of the research- committee (all co-authors). Results Analysis of the first study-part reveals the low focus on RTW in hospitals. Few hospitals provide some kind of RTW support (often delivered by volunteers or external organisations) but a great part of the interviewees indicate that they regret to be unable to do so in a systematic way. The need for multidisciplinary team-support is recognised but not realised due to lack of time, finances, knowledge, and specific (assessment-)instruments. The second study’s focusgroup-discussions are planned in January 2020. Full results will be available in July 2020. Impact The identification of the barriers and facilitators that influence the way in which oncologic care-practice can or cannot integrate scientific evidence enables not only to set up policies that enhance hospital based quality of RTW-support. It creates a practice based foundation that will provide knowledge to construct the following steps of an implementable guideline.en_US
dc.publisherRI WORLDen_US
dc.titleExploring “practice-based evidence” to maintain/regain employment for cancer-patients in Belgian oncology careen_US
dc.title.enExploring “practice-based evidence” to maintain/regain employment for cancer-patients in Belgian oncology careen_US
dc.typeActe de conférence ou de colloqueen_US
synhera.classificationSciences de la santé humaineen_US
synhera.institutionHE Libre de Bruxelles Ilya Prigogineen_US

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