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Improving Performances of an Embedded Relational Database Management System with a Hybrid CPU/GPU Processing Engine
2017, CREMER, Samuel; Bagein, Michel; Mahmoudi, Saïd; Manneback, Pierre,
- HE en Hainaut
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- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
End-user systems are increasingly impacted by the exponential growth of data volumes and their processing. Moreover, post-processing operations, essentially dedicated to ergonomic features, require more and more resources. Improving overall performances of embedded relational database management systems (RDBMS) can contribute to deliver better responsiveness of end-user systems while increasing the ...
CuDB: a Relational Database Engine Boosted by Graphics Processing Units
2016, CREMER, Samuel; Bagein, Michel; Mahmoudi, Saïd; Manneback, Pierre,
- HE en Hainaut
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- Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Acte de conférence ou de colloque
GPUs benefit from much more computation power with the same order of energy consumption than CPUs. Thanks
to their massive data parallel architecture, GPUs can outperform CPUs, especially on Single Program Multiple
Data (SPMD) programming paradigm on a large amount of data. Database engines are now everywhere, from
different sizes and complexities, for multiple usages, embedded or distributed; ...
Amélioration des performances d’un moteur de base de données relationnelle embarqué par l’utilisation de GPU
2016, CREMER, Samuel; Bagein, Michel; Mahmoudi, Saïd; Manneback, Pierre,
- HE en Hainaut
- Autre
- Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Acte de conférence ou de colloque
Concomitamment à la montée en puissance des systèmes de type « Big Data », les systèmes de gestion de base de données relationnelle (SGBDR) restent toujours largement utilisés. Dans cet article, nous présentons une solution capable d'améliorer la rapidité et la consommation énergétique d'un SGBDR embarqué SQLite. Notre solution, nommée CuDB, tente d'exploiter au mieux les spécificités des architectures ...
Efficiency of GPUs for Relational Database Engine Processing
2016, CREMER, Samuel; Bagein, Michel; Mahmoudi, Saïd; Manneback, Pierre,
- HE en Hainaut
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- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are still widely required by numerous business applications. Boosting performances without compromising functionalities represents a big challenge. To achieve this goal, we propose to boost an existing RDBMS by making it able to use hardware architectures with high memory bandwidth like GPUs. In this paper we present a solution named CuDB. We compare ...
Energy Efficiency for Ultrascale Systems: Challenges andTrends from Nesus Project
2015, Bagein, Michel; Barbosa, Jorge; Blanco, Vicente; Brandic, Ivona; CREMER, Samuel; Frémal, Sébastien; Karatza, Helen D.; Lefevre, Laurent; Mastelic, Toni; Oleksiak, Ariel; Orgerie, Anne-Cécile; Stavrinides, Georgios L.; Varrette, Sébastien,
- HE en Hainaut
- Autre
- Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
Energy consumption is one of the main limiting factors for designing and deploying ultrascalesystems. Therefore, this paper presents challenges and trends associated with energy efficiency forultrascale systems based on current activities of the working group on ”Energy Efficiency” inthe European COST Action Nesus IC1305. The analysis contains major areas that are related tostudies of ...