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A deep stop during decompression from 82 fsw (25 m) significantly reduces bubbles and fast tissue gas tensions.
janvier 2004, Marroni A; Bennett PB; Cronje FJ; Cali-Corleo R; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Pieri M; Bonuccelli C; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
n spite of many modifications to decompression algorithms, the incidence of decompression sickness (DCS) in scuba divers has changed very little. The success of stage, compared to linear ascents, is well described yet theoretical changes in decompression ratios have diminished the importance of fast tissue gas tensions as critical for bubble generation. The most serious signs and symptoms of DCS ...
A fully automated method for late ventricular diastole frame selection in post-dive echocardiography without ECG gating
02 mars 2021, Markley, Eric; Le, David; Germonpré, Peter; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Tillmans, Frauke; Denoble, Petar; Freiberger, Jake; Moon, Richard; Dayton, Paul; Papadopoulou, Virginie,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Venous gas emboli (VGE) are often quantified as a marker of decompression stress on echocardiograms. Bubble-counting has been proposed as an easy to learn method, but remains time-consuming, rendering large dataset analysis impractical. Computer automation of VGE counting following this method has therefore been suggested as a means to eliminate rater bias and save time. A necessary step for this ...
A fully automated method for late ventricular diastole frame selection in post-dive echocardiography without ECG gatingEr
02 mars 2021, Markley, Eric; Germonpré, Peter; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Tillmans, Frauke; Denoble, Petar; Freiberger, Jake; Moon, Richard; Dayton, Paul; Papadopoulou, Virginie,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Venous gas emboli (VGE) are often quantified as a marker of decompression stress on echocardiograms. Bubble-counting has been proposed as an easy to learn method, but remains time-consuming, rendering large dataset analysis impractical. Computer automation of VGE counting following this method has therefore been suggested as a means to eliminate rater bias and save time. A necessary step for this ...
A red orange extract modulates the vascular response to a recreational dive: a pilot study on the effect of anthocyanins on the physiological consequences of scuba diving
07 novembre 2015, BALESTRA, Costantino
; Cimino, Francesco; THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; SNOECK, Thyl; Provyn, Steven; Canali, Raffaella; Bonina, Andrea; Virgili, Fabio,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Nutritional antioxidants have been proposed as an expedient strategy to counter the potentially deleterious effects of scuba diving on endothelial function, flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and heart function. Sixteen volunteers performing a single standard dive (20 min at 33 m) according to US Navy diving procedures were randomly assigned to two groups: one was administered with two doses of 200 mg of ...
A ternary model of decompression sickness in rats
01 décembre 2014, Buzzacott, Peter; LAMBRECHTS, Kate; Mazur, Aleksandra; Wang, Qiong; Papadopoulou, Virginie; Theron, Michaël; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Guerrero, François,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Background: Decompression sickness (DCS) in rats is commonly modelled as a binary outcome. The present study aimed to develop a ternary model of predicting probability of DCS in rats, (as no-DCS, survivable-DCS or death), based upon the compression/decompression profile and physiological characteristics of each rat.
Methods: A literature search identified dive profiles with outcomes no-DCS, ...
Architectural and Mechanical Changes after Five Weeks of Intermittent Static Stretch Training on the Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle of Active Adults
27 mars 2023, Levenez, Morgan; Moeremans, Mathieu; Boorghs, Cédric; Vigouroux, Florent; Leveque, Clément; HEMELRYCK, Walter; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
We investigated the effects of intermittent long-term stretch training (5 weeks) on the architectural and mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon unit (MTU) in healthy humans. MTU's viscoelastic and architectural properties in the human medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle and the contribution of muscle and tendon structures to the MTU lengthening were analyzed. Ten healthy volunteers participated ...
Beneficial effect of enriched air nitrox on bubble formation during scuba diving. An open-water study
12 avril 2017, Brebek, Anne-Kathrin; Deussen, Andreas; Schmitz-Peiffer, Henning; Range, Ursula; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Cleveland, Sinclair; Schipke, Jochen,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Backround: Nitrogen narcosis impairs cognitive function, a fact relevant during SCUBA-diving. Oxygen-enriched air (nitrox) became popular in recreational diving, while evidence of its advantages over air is limited. AIM: Compare effects of nitrox28 and air on two psychometric tests. METHODS: In this prospective, double-blind, open-water study, 108 advanced divers (38 females) were randomized to an ...
Clustering of recreational divers by their health conditions in a database of a citizen science project
05 mai 2019, Ozyigit, Tamer; Yauz, Cüneyt; Egi, Salih Murat; Pieri, Massimo; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Marroni, Alessandro,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Divers Alert Network Europe has created a database with a large amount of dive-related data that has been collected since 1993 within the scope of the Diving Safety Laboratory citizen science project. The main objectives of this study are the grouping divers by their health information and revealing significant differences in diving parameters using data mining techniques. Due to the methodology of ...
Commercial Divers' Subjective Evaluation of Saturation
30 janvier 2019, Imbert, Jean Pierre; BALESTRA, Costantino
; Kiboub, Fatima Zohra; Loennechen, Øyvind; Eftedal, Ingrid,
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Commercial saturation diving involves divers living and working in an enclosed atmosphere with elevated partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) for weeks. The divers must acclimatize to these conditions during compression, and for up to 28 days until decompression is completed. During decompression, the ppO2 and ambient pressure are gradually decreased; then the divers must acclimatize again to breathing ...
Comparison of insulation provided by dry or wetsuits among recreational divers during cold water immersion (< 5 degrees C)
05 octobre 2021, Lafère, Pierre; Guerrero, François; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; BALESTRA, Costantino
- HE Bruxelles Brabant
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
BACKGROUND: Divers thermal status influences susceptibility to decompression sickness hence the need for proper insulation during immersion in cold water. However, there is a lack of data on thermal protection provided by diving suits, hence this study. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two different groups of divers wearing either a wetsuit (n = 15) or a dry suit (n = 15) volunteered for this study. Anthropometric ...