• Définition des troubles neuro-musculo-squelettiques et la douleurOpen access 

      2019, LA PAGLIA, Vincent; Thiry, P.; DIERICK, Frédéric; Hage, R.; Roussel, N., HENALLUXCeREF SantéCeREF Technique
      On définit d’abord le terme neuro-musculo-squelettique (NMS) comme les interactions complexes entre les systèmes squelettique, musculaire et nerveux responsables du mouvement.
    • Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, R.; DIERICK, Frédéric, HENALLUXCeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...