• Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on metabolic rate during rest and exercise in human: A systematic review and a meta-analysisPeer reviewedClosed access 

      16 janvier 2016, Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi; Boissière, Julien; Gamelin, François X.; CUVELIER, Etienne; Berthoin, Serge; Aucouturier, Julien, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Background Recent randomized controlled trials have suggested that dietary nitrate (NO3-), found in beetroot and other vegetables, and inorganic NO3− salts decrease metabolic rate under resting and exercise conditions. Objective Our aim was therefore to determine from a systematic review and meta-analysis whether dietary NO3− supplementation significantly reduces metabolic rate, expressed as ...
    • Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercisePeer reviewedClosed access 

      29 mai 2015, Aucouturier, Julien; Boissière, Julien; Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi; CUVELIER, Etienne; Gamelin, François-Xavier, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Dietary nitrate (NO3−) supplementation has been shown to increase exercise tolerance and improve oxidative efficiency during aerobic exercise in healthy subjects. We tested the hypothesis that a 3-day supplementation in beetroot juice (BJ) rich in NO3− would improve the tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercise consisting of 15-s exercise periods at 170% of the maximal aerobic power ...
    • L'assiette est un bon point de départ pour faire évoluer les mentalités...Open access 

      2019, Deschampheleire, Sylvie, HELMo
      Publication d'intérêt général/presse
      « Le projet "Cantine durable" est une collaboration entre différents acteurs de HELMo, le Centre d'insertion socio-professionnelle "Jefar" et ses cuisiniers-formateurs, la "Ceinture aliment-terre liégeoise" et ses producteurs, et l'Asbl "Influences-végétales" dont la méthode structure l'ensemble du processus. Comme on le voit, c'est un projet qui fédère pas mal de monde. »