• DYSKIMOT: An Ultra-Low-Cost Inertial Sensor to Assess Head’s Rotational Kinematics in Adults during the Didren-Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      04 février 2020, Hage, Renaud; Detrembleur, Christine; DIERICK, Frédéric; Pitance, Laurent; JOJCZYK, Laurent; ESTIEVENART, Wesley; BUISSERET, Fabien, CERISIC
      Article scientifique
      Various noninvasive measurement devices can be used to assess cervical motion. The size, complexity, and cost of gold-standard systems make them not suited to clinical practice, and actually difficult to use outside a dedicated laboratory. Nowadays, ultra-low-cost inertial measurement units are available, but without any packaging or a user-friendly interface. The so-called DYSKIMOT is a home-designed, ...
    • Head-neck rotational movements using DidRen laser test indicate children and seniors’ lower performancePeer reviewedOpen access 

      25 juillet 2019, Hage, Renaud; BUISSERET, Fabien; Pitance, Laurent; Detrembleur, Christine; Brismée, Jean-Michel; DIERICK, Frédéric, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Sensorimotor control strategies during cervical axial rotation movements have been previously explored in narrow age ranges but never concurrently in Children and Seniors during a well-standardized task. However, the lifespan developmental approach provides a framework for research in human sensorimotor control of the head-neck complex. A cross-sectional design was used to investigate the influence ...