• DYSKIMOT: An Ultra-Low-Cost Inertial Sensor to Assess Head’s Rotational Kinematics in Adults during the Didren-Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      04 février 2020, Hage, Renaud; Detrembleur, Christine; DIERICK, Frédéric; Pitance, Laurent; JOJCZYK, Laurent; ESTIEVENART, Wesley; BUISSERET, Fabien, CERISIC
      Article scientifique
      Various noninvasive measurement devices can be used to assess cervical motion. The size, complexity, and cost of gold-standard systems make them not suited to clinical practice, and actually difficult to use outside a dedicated laboratory. Nowadays, ultra-low-cost inertial measurement units are available, but without any packaging or a user-friendly interface. The so-called DYSKIMOT is a home-designed, ...
    • Evaluating cervical spine mobility and Fitt’s law compliance: The DidRen laser test adapted for virtual reality with age and sex effectsPeer reviewedClosed access 

      28 août 2024, Frédéric, Dierick; Hage, Renaud; ESTIEVENART, Wesley; Bruno, Joey; Nocent, Olivier; Bertucci, William; Buisseret, Fabien, CeREF SantéCeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Cervical spine mobility assessment is crucial in rehabilitation to monitor patient progress. This study introduces the DidRen VR test, a virtual reality (VR) adaptation of the conventional DidRen laser test, aimed at evaluating cervical spine mobility. We conducted a cross-sectional study involving fifty healthy participants that underwent the DidRen VR test. The satisfaction of Fitts’ law within ...
    • Evaluating the additive diagnostic value of DidRen LaserTest: Correlating temporal and kinematic predictors and patient-reported outcome measures in acute-subacute non-specific neck painPeer reviewedOpen access 

      12 mars 2024, Hage, Guillaume; Buisseret, Fabien; Brismée, Jean-Michel; Dierick, Frédéric; Detrembleur, Christine; Hage, Renaud, CeREF Santé
      Article scientifique
      This study aims to investigate the relationships between altered kinematic parameters, as assessed by the DidRen laser test, and PROMs. Using a multivariate logistic regression (LR) model, we sought to identify the best predictors for discriminating ANSP patients from HCP. We hypothesized that the DidRen laser test would reveal different relationships between kinematic parameters and PROMs ...
    • Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      06 avril 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, Renaud; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...
    • NOMADe : présentation du projet et premières réalisationsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      11 décembre 2020, BUISSERET, Fabien; BONGE, Elinore; DEHOUCK, Stéphanie; EGGERMONT, Stéphanie; ESTIEVENART, Wesley; Gérard, Martine; Hage, Renaud; Thiry, Paul; DIERICK, Frédéric; VELINGS, Nicolas, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Où le projet INTERREG FWVL NOMADe (NeurOMuskuloskeletAl Disorders – e-learning ecosystem) est présenté, ainsi que deux réalisations illustrant la première année de son déroulement