HE Robert Schuman: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 52
Development of a competency framework for advanced practice nurses: A co- design process
11 mars 2024, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueThe aim of the study was to develop a comprehensive competency framework for advanced practice nurses in Belgium. -
Complémentarité des techniques d'évaluation au service de la prévention et de la performance dans le tennis
septembre 2023, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueDans le domaine des sciences du sport, les outils d'évaluation sont nombreux ; tout autant que les domaines d'expertises dans lesquels ils sont développés. En effet, un travail pluridisciplinaire (ex : entraîneur, médecin, kinésithérapeute, préparateur physique, biomécanicien, etc.) autour de l'athlète et de son projet sportif semble essentiel. De la même façon, une mise en commun des données récoltées ... -
A quoi le soin tient-il?
avril 2023, RESSORTActe de conférence ou de colloqueActes du colloque les Printemps de l'éthique 2023 -
Feedback processing and emotion regulation in nursing students during internship
22 juin 2023, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifique[en] Introduction As feedback that nursing students receive during internships triggers emotional episodes, it results in changes in self-esteem, motivation, and learning behaviors. The adaptive or maladaptive nature of emotions is modulated via emotion regulation strategies. Method To understand how the students experienced and acted upon these emotional episodes, we applied an existential ... -
Prevalence and factors associated with academic burnout risk among nursing and midwifery students during the COVID- 19 pandemic: A cross- sectional study
24 décembre 2022, HE Libre de Bruxelles Ilya PrigogineHE GaliléeHE Robert SchumanHENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAim: The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of academic burnout (AB) and its associated factors among nursing and midwifery students during the COVID- 19 pandemic. Design: A correlational cross- sectional study. Methods: An online survey was distributed from November to December 2020 to nursing and midwifery students in Belgium. The risk of AB was assessed using the MBI- SS ... -
L’intervention logopédique chez l’enfant bilingue
octobre 2021, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueIntervention logopédique chez l'enfant bilingue -
Child-oriented or parent-oriented focused intervention: which is the better way to decrease children’s externalizing behaviors?
février 2017, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueResearch has tried to identify risk factors that increase the likelihood of difficulties with externalizing behavior. The relations between individual or environmental factors and externalizing behavior have been especially documented. Child-oriented and parent-oriented interventions have been designed in order to decrease externalizing behavior in preschoolers. To date, however, research has largely ... -
The observation of child behavior during parent-child interaction: the psychometric properties of the crowell procedure
avril 2017, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueThe observation of child behavior has to be made in ecologically valid contexts. Parent-child interaction was thought to be the most suitable context, since empirical evidence displayed strong associations with children’s behavioral outcomes, psychopathology, social relationships and well-being. Using clinical data from 137 caregiver-child dyads, the main goal of the current study was to test the ... -
Introducing the coding observations of parent–child interactions (COPI): an observational measure of the parental behaviours that matter for language development
2021, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiquePrevious studies have highlighted domains of parent--child interactions associated with language development among preschool-aged children, namely responsiveness, support to learning, affect, and control. Although many tools have been developed, no single tool has been validated among young children to allow a comprehensive observation of the parental behaviours linked with early language development. ... -
What are the effects of a parent-implemented verbal responsive intervention on preschoolers with externalizing behavior problems?
20 avril 2017, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueThis research was conducted to assess the impact of a parent-based verbal responsive intervention, aiming to enhance parents’ responsiveness and communication strategies, by way of a sample of parents and their preschool-aged children with a clinical level of externalizing behavior problems. Twenty-one parents received the intervention, consisting of eight 1.5-hour sessions. The study tested the ... -
Strategies developed by service providers to enhance treatment engagement by immigrant parents raising a child with a disability
31 décembre 2016, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueBarriers associated with treatment engagement exist at multiple levels for immigrant parents (IP) raising a child with a disability (e.g. divergent beliefs between family and service providers (SP) concerning the child’s diagnosis and treatment, poor therapeutic alliance, limited language skills, daily stresses, lack of flexibility and complexity of the health care system, the SP’s lack of training ... -
Optimiser les interactions verbales parent-enfant
2017, HE Robert SchumanLivre/Ouvrage ou monographieChapitre 4 du livre "La prise en charge des troubles du comportement du jeune enfant. Manuel à l'usage du praticien" (p. 99 à 133). Description d'un programme d'accompagnement parental en logopédie. -
“I don't know if people realize the impact of their words”: How does feedback during internship impact nursing student learning?
11 octobre 2022, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueArticle de recherche sur les étudiants en sciences infirmières -
Self-esteem and learning dynamics in nursing students: An existential-phenomenological study
07 septembre 2022, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueAim: To describe nursing student self-esteem changes over time and its impacts on learning strategies. Design: Existential phenomenology. Methods: Interviews were conducted in Spring 2018 in a purposive sample of 39 nursing students, exploring events critical to self-esteem and their impacts. Transcriptions were analysed descriptively and interpretatively to decipher the process that links self-esteem, ... -
Influence de la régulation de la dépression intra-ventouse chez les chauffeurs routiers lombalgiques chroniques
25 février 2021, RESSORTActe de conférence ou de colloqueIntroduction : La thérapie ventouse est une médecine traditionnelle complémentaire. Les personnes exerçant les métiers de conduites sont à risque élevé de développer des maux de dos. L’étude a pour but de comparer les effets de 3 pressions : -200, -300 et -400 mbars à l’intérieur des ventouses, sur la douleur et la qualité de vie des chauffeurs routiers souffrant de lombalgies chroniques. Méthode ... -
Quelles représentations sociales du changement climatique chez les jeunes ? Et quels impacts sur l’action ?
25 février 2021, HE Robert SchumanActe de conférence ou de colloqueLe changement climatique est un enjeu crucial de notre société. Pour adopter les bons comportements et soutenir les mesures nécessaires, il est nécessaire de comprendre les causes du changement climatique et le rôle de chacun. Or une majorité d’étudiant·e·s ne parviennent ni à expliquer, ni à établir le lien entre activités humaines et changement climatique. Pour pallier ce phénomène, la diffusion ... -
Postures in Therapeutic Education of Patient: A Paradigm Shift in Caregiver-Sick Person Relation?
mars 2016, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueArticle scientifique sur postures dans l'éducation thérapeutique du patient. -
Competencies – An Ethical Challenge for Nursing Education and Training
septembre 2016, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueArticle scientifique sur l'Ethique en soins infirmiers -
Méthodes innovantes en MR et MRS ? Une quête de sens
janvier 2021, HE Robert SchumanRESSORTArticle scientifiqueMéthodes innovantes en MR et MRS -
L’importance de l’élaboration du récit dans le cadre du processus d’aide à la décision éthique.
septembre 2020, HE Robert SchumanArticle scientifiqueArticle scientifique