• Access to paediatric palliative care in children and adolescents with complex chronic conditions: a retrospective hospital-based study in Brussels, BelgiumPeer reviewedClosed access 

      2019, Friedel, Marie; Gilson, Aurélie; Bouckenaere, Dominique; Brichard, Bénédicte; Fonteyne, Christine; Wojcik, Thomas; De Clercq, Etienne; Guillet, Alain; Mahboub, Alaa; Lahaye, Magali; Aujoulat, Isabelle, HE Léonard de Vinci
      Article scientifique
      Paediatric complex chronic conditions (CCCs) are life-limiting conditions requiring paediatric palliative care, which, in Belgium, is provided through paediatric liaison teams (PLTs). Like the number of children and adolescents with these conditions in Belgium, their referral to PLTs is unknown. Objectives: The aim of the study was to identify, over a 5-year period (2010–2014), the number of children ...
    • Building Bridges, Paediatric Palliative Care in Belgium: A secondary data analysis of annual paediatric liaison team reports from 2010 to 2014Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2018, Friedel, Marie; Brichard, Bénédicte; Fonteyne, Christine; Renard, Marleen; Misson, Jean-Paul; Vandecruys, Els; Tonon, Corinne; Verfaillie, Françoise; Hendrijckx, Georgette; Andersson, Nathalie; Ruysseveldt, Ilse; Moens, Katrien; Degryse, Jean-Marie; Aujoulat, Isabelle, HE Léonard de Vinci
      Article scientifique
      BACKGROUND: Although continuity of care in paediatric palliative care (PPC) is considered to be an essential element of quality of care, it's implementation is challenging. In Belgium, five paediatric liaison teams (PLTs) deliver palliative care. A Royal Decree issued in 2010 provides the legal framework that defines the PLTs' missions, as ensuring continuity of curative and palliative care between ...