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- HE de la Province de Namur
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La Tâche Du Château : construction d’un outil d’exploration métaphorique pour l’enfant victime d’abus sexuel.
In therapy, asking about the sexual abuse facts known by the child can sometimes appear like additional maltreatment. On the other hand, not talk about it could also mean not to be interested or not being able to do so and therefore, not being a big help for the child victim. Despite the various recommendations in the treatment of children victims of sexual abuse, it seems to continue to be unclear how therapist should address these facts in the therapeutic process and that, whatever its orientation. We wanted to present what we call here The Castle Task, based on Winnicott’s Self-concept and the structuralist approach of family by Minuchin. We believe it allows the child to address their traumatic experience indirectly and therefore to explore without fear of exposure.