• Nitric oxide-related endothelial changes in breath-hold and scuba diversPeer reviewedClosed access 

      01 mars 2013, THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Guerrero, François; Sponciello, Nicholas; Cialoni, Danilo; Pieri, Massimo; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Obeid, Georges; Tillmans, Frauke; Papadopoulou, Virginie; HEMELRYCK, Walter; Marroni, Alessandro; De Bels, David; BALESTRA, Costantino, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Objective: Scuba and breath-hold divers are compared to investigate whether endothelial response changes are similar despite different exposure(s) to hyperoxia. Design: 14 divers (nine scuba and five breath-holding) performed either one scuba dive (25m/25 minutes) or successive breath-hold dives at a depth of 20 meters, adding up to 25 minutes of immersion time in a diving pool. Flow-mediated ...