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Duprez, Frédéric
Dubois, Adrien
Ollieuz, Sandra
Cuvelier, Grégory
Reychler, Grégory
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Thorpe tube and oxygen flow restrictor : what's flow accuracy ?
Oxygen gas flowmeters (OGF) are used to regulate the oxygen flow in acute and chronic care. In hospitals, Thorpe tubes (TT) are the classical systems most used for delivering oxygen. In recent years, the oxygen flow restrictor (OFR) has appeared. These devices use a series of calibrated openings in a disk that can be adjusted to deliver different flow rates. These devices have a reputation for delivering more accurate oxygen flow rates compared to classical OGFs. However, to our knowledge, few study has examined this supposition. This study aimed to compare and evaluate the accuracy and precision of the ready-to-use TTs and OFRs. OGFs were selected from hospitals in Belgium and France.