Voici les éléments 890-909 de 2077

    • Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      06 avril 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, Renaud; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...
    • Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, R.; DIERICK, Frédéric, HENALLUXCeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...
    • Head-neck rotational movements using DidRen laser test indicate children and seniors’ lower performancePeer reviewedOpen access 

      25 juillet 2019, Hage, Renaud; BUISSERET, Fabien; Pitance, Laurent; Detrembleur, Christine; Brismée, Jean-Michel; DIERICK, Frédéric, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Sensorimotor control strategies during cervical axial rotation movements have been previously explored in narrow age ranges but never concurrently in Children and Seniors during a well-standardized task. However, the lifespan developmental approach provides a framework for research in human sensorimotor control of the head-neck complex. A cross-sectional design was used to investigate the influence ...
    • HEAL - InternsHips in futurE hospitALOpen access 

      16 mars 2023, MOSSAY, Josiane; Zanini, Fabrice; QUINTING, Birgit; POLET, Anne-Sophie, HELMoAutre
      Poster. Journée des Chercheurs en Haute École 2023 16/03/2023 08:30 au 16/03/2023 18:00 (Europe/Brussels) Angleur,
    • Heart Rate Variability During a Standard Dive: A Role for Inspired Oxygen Pressure?Peer reviewedOpen access 

      13 août 2021, Lafère, Pierre; LAMBRECHTS, Kate; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Balestra, Ambre; Germonpré, Faye-Lisa; Marroni, Alessandro; Cialoni, Danilo; Bosco, Gerardo; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Introduction: Heart rate variability (HRV) during underwater diving has been infrequently investigated because of environment limitations and technical challenges. This study aims to analyze HRV changes while diving at variable hyperoxia when using open circuit (OC) air diving apparatus or at constant hyperoxia using a closed-circuit rebreather (CCR). We used HRV analysis in time and frequency domain ...
    • Heart Rate Variability During a Standard Dive: A Role for Inspired Oxygen Pressure?Peer reviewedOpen access 

      13 août 2021, Lafère, Pierre; LAMBRECHTS, Kate; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; BALESTRA, Ambre; Germonpré, Faye-Lisa; Marroni, Alessandro; Cialoni, Danilo; Bosco, Gerardo; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Introduction: Heart rate variability (HRV) during underwater diving has been infrequently investigated because of environment limitations and technical challenges. This study aims to analyze HRV changes while diving at variable hyperoxia when using open circuit (OC) air diving apparatus or at constant hyperoxia using a closed-circuit rebreather (CCR). We used HRV analysis in time and frequency domain ...
    • Heinich (Nathalie), La cadre-analyse d’Erving Goffman et Le Pont-Neuf de Christo. Deux ouvrages complémentairesPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2021, COLLIN, Jonathan, HELMoHE Léonard de VinciHE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Compte rendu de deux ouvrages publiés simultanément par la sociologue Nathalie Heinich
    • HELMoTagerOpen access 

      2018, Massart, Alexia; Renard, Margot; Sadzot, Hélène, HELMo
      Publication d'intérêt général/presse
      Suite à un concours HELMo, un groupe d'étudiants a eu l'occasion de mettre en place son projet innovant : des potagers au sein de l'école pour approvisionner la cantine de HELMo Sainte-Marie.
    • Hemoglobin and Erythropoietin After Commercial Saturation DivingPeer reviewedOpen access 

      21 août 2018, Kiboub, Fatima Zohra; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Loennechen, Øyvind; Eftedal, Ingrid, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Saturation divers are exposed to elevated partial pressure of oxygen (ppO2) in their hyperbaric work environment. Experimental studies indicate that oxygen transport is altered, and we have previously reported a drop in hematocrit and extensive downregulation of genes involved in blood oxygen transport capacity after decompression from professional saturation diving. Here we investigate the initial ...
    • Hergé, de l'Abbé Wallez à Steven Spielberg 

      2017, JOURET, J.C.
      Livre/Ouvrages ou monographie
    • Hermetia Illucens : la magie des insectes !Open access 

      2023, Golgoun, Nicolas; Wera, Roan, HELMo
      Publication d'intérêt général/presse
      Quand les perspectives durables éclosent grâce à des larves de mouches. Dans le cadre de leur deuxième année de Master du Cursus Ingérieur.e industriel.le, les étudiants doivent choisir un projet multidisciplinaire auquel prendre part, parmi une sélection dont font parfois partie des projets de recherche. C'est le cas du projet pour lequel ont opté Nicolas Golgoun, Camille Jetten, Chloé Michel ...
    • High level constraints weighting on the possible shapes knowledge can take onOpen access 

      2017, JOB, Pierre; GANTOIS, Jean Yves
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    • High Specificity of Single Inertial Sensor-Supplemented Timed Up and Go Test for Assessing Fall Risk in Elderly Nursing Home ResidentsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      17 février 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; Schütz, Gaston; Stoffel, Pierre-Loup; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is commonly used to estimate the fall risk in the elderly. Several ways to improve the predictive accuracy of TUG (cameras, multiple sensors, other clinical tests) have already been proposed. Here, we added a single wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) to capture the residents’ body center-of-mass kinematics in view of improving TUG’s predictive accuracy. The aim ...
    • Higher-derivative harmonic oscillators: stability of classical dynamics and adiabatic invariantsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      06 janvier 2019, Boulanger, Nicolas; BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; White, Olivier, CERISIC
      Article scientifique
      he status of classical stability in higher-deriv- ative systems is still subject to discussions. In this note, we argue that, contrary to general belief, many higher-derivative systems are classically stable. The main tool to see this prop- erty are Nekhoroshev’s estimates relying on the action-angle formulation of classical mechanics. The latter formulation can be reached provided the Hamiltonian ...
    • Highlighting of allergens found in edible crickets (Ornithachris turbida cavroisi) from Niger using 2D Western blot – a clinical case reportOpen access 

      01 décembre 2018, COURTOIS, Justine; Hamidou, Tahirou; Van der Brempt, Xavier; Gadisseur, Romy; Cavalier, Etienne; TOLLENAERE, Stéphanie, HELMoCRIG
      Colloques et congrès scientifiques : Communication orale non publiée/Abstract
    • Highlighting of allergens found in edible crickets (Ornithachris turbida cavroisi) from Niger using 2D Western blot – a clinical case reportOpen access 

      16 novembre 2018, COURTOIS, Justine; Hamidou, Tahirou; Van Der Brempt, Xavier; Gadisseur, Romy; Cavalier, Etienne; TOLLENAERE, Stéphanie, HELMo
      Communication poster
    • Highlighting of an allergenic cross-reaction between crustaceans, house dust mites and crickets using 2D Western blotOpen access 

      16 novembre 2018, COURTOIS, Justine; QUINTING, Birgit; Van Der Brempt, Xavier; Gadisseur, Romy; Cavalier, Etienne; TOLLENAERE, Stéphanie, HELMoCRIG
      Communication poster
    • Histoire de l'art chrétienOpen access 

      2015, STOFFEL, Jean-Françoisorcid-id, HE Louvain en HainautHENALLUX
      Régendat en français / religion
    • Histoire de la philosophie – Vol. 2 : Moyen âgeOpen access 

      2019, STOFFEL, Jean-Françoisorcid-id, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Bachelor en philosophie
    • Histoire de la philosophie – Vol. 1 : AntiquitéOpen access 

      2018, STOFFEL, Jean-Françoisorcid-id, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Bachelor en philosophie