Parcourir HE en Hainaut par date de publication
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 42
Ways of Approaching Knowledge in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Schools and Scholarship
2012, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de l'ouvrage dans Latomus 76, 1, 2017, p. 241-243 -
Evolution of common-pool resources and social welfare in structured populations
2013, AutreActe de conférence ou de colloqueThe Common-pool resource (CPR) game is a social dilemma where agents have to decide how to consume a shared CPR. Either they each take their cut, completely destroying the CPR, or they restrain themselves, gaining less immediate profit but sustaining the resource and future profit. When no consumption takes place the CPR simply grows to its carrying capacity. As such, this dilemma provides a ... -
Energy Efficiency for Ultrascale Systems: Challenges andTrends from Nesus Project
2015, HE en HainautAutreLivre/Ouvrage ou monographieEnergy consumption is one of the main limiting factors for designing and deploying ultrascalesystems. Therefore, this paper presents challenges and trends associated with energy efficiency forultrascale systems based on current activities of the working group on ”Energy Efficiency” inthe European COST Action Nesus IC1305. The analysis contains major areas that are related tostudies of ... -
Cross-biome comparison of microbial association networks
2015, AutreArticle scientifiqueClinical and environmental meta-omics studies are accumulating an ever-growing amount of microbial abundance data over a wide range of ecosystems. With a sufficiently large sample number, these microbial communities can be explored by constructing and analyzing co-occurrence networks, which detect taxon associations from abundance data and can give insights into community structure. Here, we investigate ... -
Pierre Renucci, Marc Antoine. Un destin inachevé entre César et Cléopâtre.
2016, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu critique de Pierre Renucci, Marc Antoine. Un destin inachevé entre César et Cléopâtre. Paris, Perrin, 2015. -
Le conflit propagandiste entre Octavien et Marc Antoine. De l'usage politique de la uituperatio entre 44 et 30 a.C.n.
2016, HE en HainautLivre/Ouvrage ou monographieTable des matières de la monographie -
CuDB: a Relational Database Engine Boosted by Graphics Processing Units
2016, HE en HainautAutreActe de conférence ou de colloqueGPUs benefit from much more computation power with the same order of energy consumption than CPUs. Thanks to their massive data parallel architecture, GPUs can outperform CPUs, especially on Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) programming paradigm on a large amount of data. Database engines are now everywhere, from different sizes and complexities, for multiple usages, embedded or distributed; ... -
Amélioration des performances d’un moteur de base de données relationnelle embarqué par l’utilisation de GPU
2016, HE en HainautAutreActe de conférence ou de colloqueConcomitamment à la montée en puissance des systèmes de type « Big Data », les systèmes de gestion de base de données relationnelle (SGBDR) restent toujours largement utilisés. Dans cet article, nous présentons une solution capable d'améliorer la rapidité et la consommation énergétique d'un SGBDR embarqué SQLite. Notre solution, nommée CuDB, tente d'exploiter au mieux les spécificités des architectures ... -
Efficiency of GPUs for Relational Database Engine Processing
2016, HE en HainautAutreArticle scientifiqueRelational database management systems (RDBMS) are still widely required by numerous business applications. Boosting performances without compromising functionalities represents a big challenge. To achieve this goal, we propose to boost an existing RDBMS by making it able to use hardware architectures with high memory bandwidth like GPUs. In this paper we present a solution named CuDB. We compare ... -
Compte rendu de "Cycles de la Nature, Cycles de l'Histoire. De la découverte des météores à la fin de l'âge d'or"
2017, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de l'ouvrage de Estelle Bertrand / Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan (éds.), Cycles de la Nature, Cycles de l'Histoire. De la découverte des météores à la fin de l'âge d'or, Bordeaux, 2015 dans Latomus 76, 3, 2017, p. 812-814. -
Improving Performances of an Embedded Relational Database Management System with a Hybrid CPU/GPU Processing Engine
2017, HE en HainautAutreArticle scientifiqueEnd-user systems are increasingly impacted by the exponential growth of data volumes and their processing. Moreover, post-processing operations, essentially dedicated to ergonomic features, require more and more resources. Improving overall performances of embedded relational database management systems (RDBMS) can contribute to deliver better responsiveness of end-user systems while increasing the ... -
Compte rendu de "Hans-Pieter Stahl, Poetry Underpinning Power. Vergil's Aeneid. The Epic for Emperor Augustus. A Recovery Study, Swansea, 2016"
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Hans-Pieter Stahl, Poetry Underpinning Power. Vergil's Aeneid. The Epic for Emperor Augustus. A Recovery Study, Swansea, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 887-890. -
Compte rendu de "Ralf von den Hoff / Wilfried Stroh / Martin Zimmerman, Divus Augustus. Der erste römische Kaiser und seine Welt, München, C.H. Beck, 2014"
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Ralf von den Hoff / Wilfried Stroh / Martin Zimmerman, Divus Augustus. Der erste römische Kaiser und seine Welt, München, C.H. Beck, 2014" dans Latomus 77, 1, 2018, p. 301. -
Compte rendu de "Robinson Baudry et Frédéric Hurlet (éds.), Le prestige à Rome à la fin de la République et au début du principat, Paris, 2016"
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Robinson Baudry et Frédéric Hurlet (éds.), Le prestige à Rome à la fin de la République et au début du principat, Paris, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 793-795. -
Compte rendu de "Jeremy Armstrong, War and Society in Early Rome. From Warlords to Generals, Cambridge, 2016"
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Jeremy Armstrong, War and Society in Early Rome. From Warlords to Generals, Cambridge, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 791. -
Compte rendu de "Clément Chillet, De l'Étrurie à Rome. Mécène et la fondation de l'Empire, Rome, 2016"
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Clément Chillet, De l'Étrurie à Rome. Mécène et la fondation de l'Empire, Rome, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 811. -
Compte rendu de "Thorsten Fögen et Richard Warren (éds.), Graeco-Roman Antiquity and the Idea of Nationalism in the 19th century. Case Studies, Berlin / New York, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 817-819.
2018, HE en HainautAutreCompte rendu de "Thorsten Fögen et Richard Warren (éds.), Graeco-Roman Antiquity and the Idea of Nationalism in the 19th century. Case Studies, Berlin / New York, 2016" dans Latomus 77, 3, 2018, p. 817-819. -
Thioredoxins induce oocyte maturation in holothuroids (Echinodermata)
15 juillet 2019, HE en HainautArticle scientifiqueChromatographic fractions of a rough extract of echinoid spawn (REES) is demonstrated to efficiently induce oocyte maturation in aspidochirote holothuroids. The method is so efficient that it is currently used in holothuriculture to obtain fertilised eggs even outside the reproductive period of the aquacultivated species. In the present study, we isolated and identified from echinoid spawns the ... -
KIT' À TOUT PLANTER - Le kit potager à destination des citadins
2020, HE en HainautTFETFE Techniques Graphiques -
2020, HE en HainautTFETFE Techniques Graphiques