Soumissions récentes
Comparison of Two Simulation Tools to Develop Empathic Communication Skills in Nursing Students Breaking Bad News: A Randomized Controlled Study
12 janvier 2024, HELMoArticle scientifiqueClinical Simulation in Nursing (2024) 87, 101493, 12 p. -
L’élaboration de la dynamique psychomotrice par une lecture intégrée des fonctions instrumentales et relationnelles du bénéficiaire en vue d’un bilan en psychomotricité
16 mars 2023, HELMoAutreAbstract du projet « Bilan psychomotricité » réalisé pour la Journée des chercheurs en Haute École 2023. -
HEAL - InternsHips in futurE hospitAL
16 mars 2023, HELMoAutreAutrePoster. Journée des Chercheurs en Haute École 2023 16/03/2023 08:30 au 16/03/2023 18:00 (Europe/Brussels) Angleur, -
Effets de l’implication des patients dans la formation des soignants sur l’apprentissage et la relation partenariale dans les soins
novembre 2022, HELMoAutrePoster de l'Atelier des experts 2022 du Réseau des CCTT (Réseau des Centres Collégiaux de Transfert de Technologies et de pratiques sociales novatrices) -
2019,RapportResearch Issue: Recent public data indicates that college students of the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care 181.A0 Program lack exposure to authentic learning opportunities, which could reduce their ability to fully acquiring certain prescribed skills. In spite of the program’s excellent success rate, between 2014 and 2018, almost 41% of candidates to the paramedical profession failed the knowledge ... -
Gestion du stress professionnel: sensibilisation aux processus psychologiques et outils de gestion associés
2016,Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie -
Evolutions sociales, innovations et politiques. Nouvelles questions et nouveaux enjeux pour la psychologie de la santé
2016,Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie -
Manuel de formation à la gestion du stress et à la communication avec des patients cancéreux et leurs proches
2006,Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie -
Etude pilote auprès de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein: Apport des méthodes alternatives.
2016,Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie -
Qu'est-ce que l'expérience corporelle des patientes souffrant d'anorexie mentale ? Une étude empirique
2002,Article scientifique -
Is it possible to improve the breaking bad news skills of residents when a relative is present? A randomised study.
2013,Article scientifique -
Etude de la perturbation de l'image du corps dans un échantillon de patientes boulimiques
2002,Article scientifique -
Quality of Work Life, Burnout, and Stress in Emergency Department Physicians: A Qualitative Review
2015,Article scientifique -
Is it possible to improve communication around radiotherapy delivery: A randomized study to assess the efficacy of team training?
2016,Article scientifiqueBackground and purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of a 38-h communication skills training program designed for multidisciplinary radiotherapy teams. Materials and methods: Four radiotherapy teams were randomly assigned to a training program or to a waiting list. Assessments were scheduled at baseline (T1) and then after the training was completed or four months later (T2), ... -
Transfer of communication skills to the workplace: Impact of a 38-hour communication skills training program designed for radiotherapy teams
2015,Article scientifiquePurpose This study assessed the efficacy of a 38-hour communication skills training program designed to train a multidisciplinary radiotherapy team. Methods Four radiotherapy teams were randomly assigned to a training program or a waiting list. Assessments were scheduled at baseline and after training for the training group and at baseline and 4 months later for the waiting list group. Assessments ... -
Normative and psychometric data from the Body Image Assessment - Revised in a population of french-speaking women
2002,Article scientifiqueThis article concerns the creation of norms and the validation in French of the Body Image Assessment – Revised (BIA-R; Beebe, Holmbeck, & Grzeskiewicz, 1999). The sample comprised 100 normal female subjects. They completed questionnaires assessing body experience, eating pathology, psychological functioning, general perception and the BIA-R (Beebe et al., 1999). This test consists of nine silhouettes ...