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Comparison of Two Simulation Tools to Develop Empathic Communication Skills in Nursing Students Breaking Bad News: A Randomized Controlled Study
12 janvier 2024, Goosse, Manon; BRAGARD, Isabelle; PEETERS, Laurence; Willems, Sylvie,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
C'est un long roman, c'est une belle histoire...
Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Tout commence par un premier pas...
2021, BRAGARD, Isabelle; COLLIN, Jonathan; QUINTING, Birgit,
- Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Comment stimuler la recherche en Haute école ?
Il ne suffit pas de décréter que la recherche fait partie des missions des Hautes écoles pour faire naître des projets et obtenir des résultats. Encore faut-il susciter les vocations, encadrer les chercheurs et reconnaître matériellement les efforts consentis.
En réponse à ce défi, HELMo a choisi de se doter d'un appel à projet interne, l' « appel ...
Table ronde autour de la recherche à HELMo
2021, BRAGARD, Isabelle; QUINTING, Birgit; COLLIN, Jonathan,
- Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Virtual Reality Experience: Immersion, Sense of Presence, and Cybersickness
2020, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; Goosse, M.; Hetzel Campbell, S.; Dardenne, N.; Pilote, B.; Simoneau, I.-L.; Guillaume, M.; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Ghuysen, A.,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Introduction Virtual reality (VR) is a recent topic in healthcare education. Little is known about the factors affecting the immersion and the sense of presence in VR. This study aimed to understand the elements that influence the sense of presence among undergraduate healthcare students and postgraduate (PG). Methods Undergraduate healthcare students (n = 42) and PG (n = 19) were immersed in a mass ...
Virtual reality experience: immersion, sense of presence and cybersickness
2020, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; Goosse, Manon; Campbell, Suzanne; Dardenne, Nadia; Pilote, Bruno; Simoneau, Ivan. L; Simoneau, Ivan. L; BRAGARD, Isabelle; GHUYSEN, Alexandre,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Diagnostic... HELMo a-t-elle réagi positivement à la COVID-19 ?
2020, BRAGARD, Isabelle; KHAMIDOULLINA, Izida; Malengreza, Déborah; OGER, Laurence; SOTTIAUX, Etienne,
- Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Publication d'intérêt général/presse
Alors que la crise sanitaire battait son plein, une enquête qualitative a été menée afin de « prendre le pouls » de la communauté HELMo.
Les résultats brossent le tableau d'une situation complexe et parfois polarisée, mais témoignent également d'une forte disposition à la résilience et à la créativité.
Efficacy of a Short Role-Play Training on Breaking Bad News in the Emergency Department
2019, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Szyld, Demian; Van Ngoc, Pauline; Scholtes, Béatrice; VAN CAUWENBERGE, Isabelle; VAN CAUWENBERGE, Isabelle; Dardenne, Nadia; Goosse, Manon; Pilote, Bruno; Guillaume, Michèle,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Breaking bad news (BBN) in the emergency department (ED) represents a
challenging and stressful situation for physicians. Many medical students and residents feel stressed
and uncomfortable with such situations because of insufficient training. Our randomized controlled
study aimed to assess the efficacy of a four-hour BBN simulation-based training on perceived selfefficacy,
the BBN process, and ...
Efficacy of a Short Role-Play Training on Breaking Bad News in the Emergency Department
2019, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Szyld, D.; Van Ngoc, P.; Scholtes, B.; Van Cauwenberge, I.; Donneau, A.-F.; Dardenne, N.; Goosse, M.; Pilote, B.; Guillaume, M.; Ghuysen, A.,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Breaking bad news (BBN) in the emergency department (ED) represents a
challenging and stressful situation for physicians. Many medical students and residents feel stressed
and uncomfortable with such situations because of insufficient training. Our randomized controlled
study aimed to assess the efficacy of a four-hour BBN simulation-based training on perceived selfefficacy,
the BBN process, and ...
A hypnosis-based group intervention to improve quality of life in children with cancer and their parents.
2019, Grégoire, Charlotte; Chantrain, Christophe; Faymonville, Marie-Elisabeth; Marini, Jennifer; BRAGARD, Isabelle,
- Article scientifique
Article scientifique
Many children with cancer and their parents suffer from distress, fatigue, and relational difficulties. Hypnosis is often used to decrease children’s procedure-related pain and distress in paediatric oncology, and to improve the well-being of adults with cancer. This paper describes a pilot study assessing the acceptability and feasibility of a group intervention combining self-care and hypnosis for ...