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- HE Vinci
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Normative values and discriminative ability across functional levels of ACTIVLIM-CP, a measure of global activity performance for children with cerebral palsy
11 avril 2019, Paradis, Julie; ARNOULD, Carlyne; Bleyenheuft, Yannick, HE Léonard de VinciHE Louvain en HainautArticle scientifiquePurpose: This study aims to provide normative values of a global activity performance questionnaire (ACTIVLIM-CP) and investigate its ability to discriminate children with cerebral palsy of various functional levels. Methods: Parents of 503 typically developing children aged 2–18 years old (mean age ± standard deviation (SD): 9.56 ± 4.62 years) and 285 children with cerebral palsy aged 2–18 years ...