Parcourir HE Vinci thématique/sous thématique "Sciences de la santé humaine>>Sciences de la motricité"
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Brain activation changes following motor training in children with unilateral cerebral palsy: An fMRI study
mai 2021, HE Léonard de VinciArticle scientifiqueBackground Intensive motor-learning-based interventions have demonstrated efficacy for improving motor function in children with unilateral spastic cerebral palsy (USCP). Although this improvement has been associated mainly with neuroplastic changes in the primary sensori-motor cortices, this plasticity may also involve a wider fronto-parietal network for motor learning. Objective To determine ... -
Efcacy of integrating a semi-immersive virtual device in the HABIT-ILE intervention for children with unilateral cerebral palsy: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial
2023, HE Léonard de VinciHE Louvain en HainautArticle scientifiqueBackground The implementation of virtual devices can facilitate the role of therapists (e.g., patient motivation, intensity of practice) to improve the effectiveness of treatment for children with cerebral palsy. Among existing therapeutic devices, none has been specifically designed to promote the application of principles underlying evidence-based motor skill learning interventions. Consequently, ... -
Feasibility and effectiveness of HABIT-ILE in children aged 1 to 4 years with cerebral palsy: A pilot study
mai 2021, HE Léonard de VinciAutreLettre à l'éditeur pour le numéro. -
La pratique de la guitare en rééducation favorise-t-elle la volition ainsi que la récupération sensorimotrice chez le patient atteint de Sclérose en Plaques ?
2022, HE Léonard de VinciHE Louvain en HainautArticle scientifiqueContexte : La sclérose en plaques (SEP) engendre fréquemment des troubles sensorimoteurs au niveau des membres supérieurs. Elle perturbe la personne dans son répertoire occupationnel particulièrement au niveau de ses loisirs. Ces transitions occupationnelles peuvent altérer le processus volitionnel des personnes. L’objectif de ce travail est d’investiguer si la pratique de la guitare en ...