Voici les éléments 670-689 de 2077

    • Effet d’un entrainement spécifique de la « position trophée » et de la présentation de balle sur la gestuelle, la vitesse et la précision du service au tennis chez des enfants en période d’apprentissagePeer reviewedOpen access 

      novembre 2020, TUBEZ, François; Forthomme, Bénédicte; Piérard, Maud; Gelhausen, Marc; VAN BELLE, Astrid; Croisier, Jean-Louis; Schwartz, Cédric, HE Robert Schuman
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Le service est un coup très important au tennis. De nombreux outils existent pour analyser ce geste en situation de laboratoire ou de terrain. Un des buts de l’évaluation est d’amener les joueurs à développer un geste le plus performant possible. Dans cette étude, l’objectif est d’étudier l’effet d’un entrainement spécifique axé sur la position trophée et sur la présentation de balle afin d’améliorer ...
    • Effet d’un programme d’échauffement en entreprise sur les aptitudes physiques et impact potentiel sur les troubles musculosquelettiques (TMS)Peer reviewedOpen access 

      2016, DRAYE, Nicolas; ARNOULD, Carlyne; Malbranque, Marion; Morand, Maxime; SCOHIER, Mikaël, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Cette étude a examiné l’effet d’un programme d’échauffement de 4 semaines sur la condition physique de travailleurs soumis à des mouvements répétitifs au niveau des membres supérieurs et du tronc. Six à 8 minutes d’activités physiques par jour suffisent à améliorer la condition physique du travailleur sédentaire, ce qui pourrait indirectement avoir un impact positif sur leur bien-être, la réduction ...
    • Effets de l’implication des patients dans la formation des soignants sur l’apprentissage et la relation partenariale dans les soinsOpen access 

      novembre 2022, DANS, Catherine, HELMo
      Poster de l'Atelier des experts 2022 du Réseau des CCTT (Réseau des Centres Collégiaux de Transfert de Technologies et de pratiques sociales novatrices)
    • Effets des différentes balances hormonales sur la micropropagation du Cv. Hybride FHIA-01 (Musa sp.)Peer reviewedOpen access 

      juillet 2013, Mazinga Kwey, Michel; Van Koninckxloo, Michel; Godoy Jara, Mario; Baboy Loganza, Louis, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      Différentes balances hormonales ont été évaluées afin de proposer un milieu de prolifération permettant de multiplier efficacement l’hybride FHIA-01 en culture in vitro. Les principaux résultats obtenus sont: l’inhibition presque complète de la prolifération par la BAP; l’inhibition totale de l’enracinement par la concentration de 10 µM BAP+10 µM MemTR, l’amélioration de la prolifération moyenne de ...
    • Effets d’un confinement sur la pratique sportive de cyclistes et coureurs à pied amateurs : analyse des données Strava® d’utilisateurs belges et françaisPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2021, Dhenin, Julie; SCOHIER, Mikaël, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      De mars à mai 2020, le confinement lié à la pandémie de Covid-19 a considérablement limité l’accès à l’activité physique avec, notamment, la fermeture des salles et clubs de sport et l’annulation de toutes les compétitions. L’objectif de cette étude était de mesurer les effets du confinement sur le volume d’activité physique pratiqué par des coureurs et cyclistes amateurs, français et belges, ...
    • Efficacy of a Communication and Stress Management Training on Medical Residents’ Self-efficacy, Stress to Communicate and Burnout: A Randomized Controlled StudyOpen access 

      2010, BRAGARD, Isabelle; Etienne, Anne-Marie; Merckaert, Isabelle; Libert, Yves; Razavi, Darius
      Article scientifique
    • Efficacy of a communication and stress management training on residents’ stress to communicate, self-efficacy and burnout: A randomized controlled studyOpen access 

      2009, BRAGARD, Isabelle; Etienne, Anne-Marie; Libert, Yves; Merckaert, Isabelle; Liénard, Aurore; Meunier, Julie; Delvaux, Nicole; Marchal, Serge; Reynaert, Christine; Scalliet, Pierre; Slachmuylder, Jean-Louis; Razavi, Darius
      Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
    • The efficacy of a communication skills training program : is it possible to predict assessment and supportive skills learning among residents?Open access 

      2010, BRAGARD, Isabelle; Merckaert, I.; Libert, Y.; Delvaux, N.; Etienne, Anne-Marie; Marchal, S.; Marchal, S.; Meunier, J.; Reynaert, Ch.; Slachmuylder, J.-L.; Razavi, D.
      Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
    • Efficacy of a hypnosis-based intervention to improve well-being during cancer: a comparison between prostate and breast cancer patientsOpen access 

      2018, Grégoire, Charlotte; Nicolas, Hubert; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Delevallez, France; Merckaert, Isabelle; Razavi, Darius; Razavi, Darius; Faymonville, Marie-Elisabeth; VANHAUDENHUYSE, Audrey
      Article scientifique
    • Efficacy of a Short Role-Play Training on Breaking Bad News in the Emergency DepartmentOpen access 

      2019, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Szyld, Demian; Van Ngoc, Pauline; Scholtes, Béatrice; VAN CAUWENBERGE, Isabelle; VAN CAUWENBERGE, Isabelle; Dardenne, Nadia; Goosse, Manon; Pilote, Bruno; Guillaume, Michèle
      Article scientifique
      Breaking bad news (BBN) in the emergency department (ED) represents a challenging and stressful situation for physicians. Many medical students and residents feel stressed and uncomfortable with such situations because of insufficient training. Our randomized controlled study aimed to assess the efficacy of a four-hour BBN simulation-based training on perceived selfefficacy, the BBN process, and ...
    • Efficacy of a Short Role-Play Training on Breaking Bad News in the Emergency DepartmentPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2019, SERVOTTE, Jean-Christophe; BRAGARD, Isabelle; Szyld, D.; Van Ngoc, P.; Scholtes, B.; Van Cauwenberge, I.; Donneau, A.-F.; Dardenne, N.; Goosse, M.; Pilote, B.; Guillaume, M.; Ghuysen, A., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Breaking bad news (BBN) in the emergency department (ED) represents a challenging and stressful situation for physicians. Many medical students and residents feel stressed and uncomfortable with such situations because of insufficient training. Our randomized controlled study aimed to assess the efficacy of a four-hour BBN simulation-based training on perceived selfefficacy, the BBN process, and ...
    • Efficacy of the Buzzy System for pain relief during venipuncture in children: a randomized controlled trialPeer reviewedClosed access 

      2018, Volkan, Susam; Friedel, Marie; Basile, Patrizia; Bonetti, Loris, HE Léonard de Vinci
      Article scientifique
      Background and aim of the work: procedural pain is a significant issue for paediatric patients. In particular, needle pain is amongst the most stressful for children. Studies revealed that a large number of children do not receive adequate pain prevention during the procedures. Neglecting the prevention of needle pain can cause several psychological effects such as anxiety and phobias, and increase ...
    • Efficiency of GPUs for Relational Database Engine ProcessingPeer reviewedClosed access 

      2016, CREMER, Samuel; Bagein, Michel; Mahmoudi, Saïd; Manneback, Pierre, HE en HainautAutre
      Article scientifique
      Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are still widely required by numerous business applications. Boosting performances without compromising functionalities represents a big challenge. To achieve this goal, we propose to boost an existing RDBMS by making it able to use hardware architectures with high memory bandwidth like GPUs. In this paper we present a solution named CuDB. We compare ...
    • Elaboration d'une voiture didactique : la simulation comme méthode pédagogique innovanteOpen access 

      2012, DEGUELDRE, Blaise; STUCKENS, Didier; BERNARD, Michel, HENALLUX
      Publication d'intérêt général/presse
      Création d’une ambulance pédagogique et modulable partant des soins pré-hospitaliers aux structures hospitalières, en passant par le transport du patient. Cette voiture didactique permet aux étudiants et professionnels d’acquérir les gestes de survie lors des accidents de la route.
    • Electron impact dissociation of ND+: formation of D+Peer reviewedOpen access 

      2011, LECOINTRE, Julien, HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Nitrogen is a common contaminant species in fusion reactors such as the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor). Thus, the collisional properties of nitrogen-containing plasma compounds arewidely studiedexperimentally andtheoretically. Here we show the results of absolute cross section measurements for the electron impact dissociative excitation of ND+ yielding D+, especially ...
    • Electron impact dissociation of ND+: formation of D+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2011, LECOINTRE, Julien; Belic, D.S.; Cherkani-Hassani, S.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact dissociation of ND+ leading to the formation of D+ have been measured by applying the animated electron-ion beam method in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum inclusive cross section is observed to be (16.8 ± 0.8) × 10−17 cm2 at the electron energy of 65.1 eV. The appearance energy for the D+ production is measured to ...
    • Electron impact ionization of thymine clusters embedded in superfluid helium dropletsPeer reviewedClosed access 

      2007, LECOINTRE, Julien; Zappa, F.; Denifl, S.; Mähr, I.; Rondino, F.; Echt, O.; Märk, T.D.; Scheier, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Embedding molecules in helium clusters has become a powerful technique for the preparation of cold targets for spectroscopy experiments, as well as for the assembly of complex, fragile molecular species. We have recently developed a helium cluster source and a pick-up cell to produce neutral beams of doped helium droplets, to be used as targets in studies on electron collisions with molecules of ...
    • Electron impact multiple ionization of argon ionsPeer reviewedClosed access 

      2010, LECOINTRE, Julien; Defrance, P.; Belic, D. S., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact single and multiple ionization of argon ions leading to the formation of Ar q + (q = 2–8) are reported. The animated crossed beam method is applied in the energy range extending from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross sections for the multiply charged products Ar q + (q = 2–8) are measured to be (12.6 ± 0.6) × 10−17 cm2 for Ar2+, ...
    • Electron impact multiple ionization of C+ and N+ and O+ ionsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2014, LECOINTRE, Julien; Kouzakov, K. A.; Belic, D. S.; Defrance, P.; Popov, Y. V.; Shevelko, V. P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron impact single and multiple ionization of C+, N+ and O+ ions leading to the formation of Cq+ (q=2-4), Nq+ (q=2-5) and Oq+ (q=2-5) are reported in the energy range extending from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The general feature of the measured cross sections is investigated.
    • Electron-impact dissociation and ionization of NH+: formation of N+ and N2+Peer reviewedClosed access 

      2010, LECOINTRE, Julien; Jureta, J.J.; Defrance, P., HENALLUX
      Article scientifique
      Absolute cross sections for electron-impact dissociation and ionization of NH+ leading to the formation of N+ and N2+ products have been measured by applying the animated electron–ion beam method, in the energy range from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross sections are observed to be (15.7 ± 0.7) × 10−17 cm2 and (11.1 ± 0.2) × 10−18 cm2 for N+ and N2+, respectively. ...