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Dominant vectors of nonnegative matrices : application to information extraction in large graphs
Objects such as documents, people, words or utilities, that are related in some way, for instance by citations, friendship, appearance in definitions or physical connections, may be conveniently represented using graphs or networks. An increasing number of such relational databases, as for instance theWorldWideWeb, digital libraries, social networking web
sites or phone calls logs, are available. Relevant information may be hidden in these networks. A user may for instance need to get authority web pages on a particular topic or a list of similar documents from a digital library, or to determine communities of friends from a social networking site or a phone calls log. Unfortunately, extracting this
information may not be easy. This thesis is devoted to the study of problems related to information extraction in large graphs with the help of dominant vectors of nonnegative matrices. The graph structure is indeed very useful to retrieve information from a relational database. The correspondence between nonnegative matrices and graphs makes Perron–Frobenius methods a powerful tool for the analysis of networks. In a first part, we analyze the fixed points of a normalized affine iteration used by a database matching algorithm. Then, we consider questions related to PageRank, a ranking method of the web pages based on a random surfer model and used by the well known web search engine Google. In a second part, we study optimal linkage strategies for a web master who wants to maximize the average PageRank score of a web site. Finally, the third part is devoted to the study of a nonlinear variant of PageRank. The simple model that we propose takes into account the mutual influence between web ranking and web surfing.