Parcourir Sciences Et Techniques par titre
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 79
AI in an autonomous robotic system vision
janvier 2022, HE de la Province de LiègeAutreTravail d'étudiant -
An Antilope to measure PM 2.5 and NO 2 concentrations in Antwerp and in Wallonia
novembre 2019, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloqueVAQUUMS workshop -
Antilope, système de mesure des polluants
novembre 2019, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloqueJournée des chercheurs, 28 novembre 2019, Ath, Belgique -
Antilope: vers un système bon marché de mesure des polluants atmosphériques
25 février 2021, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloquePoster Journée des Chercheurs en Hautes Ecoles SynHERA -
Architecture and status as of December 2019 of educational OUFTI-2 CubeSat featuring D-STAR amateur-radio communications and test of a new multilayer shield against space radiations
février 2020, HE de la Province de LiègeActe de conférence ou de colloqueSSSIF , 23-25 February 2020 , Malaga , Espagne -
Architecture of educational OUFTI-1 nanosatellite of University of Liège, as tested in preparation for space flight
septembre 2015, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloque7 th European CubeSat Symposium, 9 – 11 September 2015 Liège, Belgium -
Autopilot and companion computer for unmanned aerial vehicle: Survey
janvier 2023, HE de la Province de LiègeAutreTravail d'étudiant -
Cartographie du champ électromagnétique généré par une carte à microcontrôleur.
avril 2006, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloqueCongrès CEM 06, Saint-Malo 3-4-5 Avril 2006. -
Classification des nuages
septembre 2008, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEAutresite web Planet’ULg, les recherches de l’Université de Liège en matière d’environnement. Rentrée académique 08 de l’Ulg. Liège, 18 septembre 2008. -
Comparison Between Optical Pulsed Thermography and Vibrothermography for the Assessment of Carbon Fiber Composite Materials
juillet 2013, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloquePulsed thermography and vibrothermography are two active thermography techniques characterized by different heating methods of the specimen. In pulsed phase thermography, a sample is heated by two flash lamps for a short period to inject a Dirac impulse heat in the material. The cooling of the part is monitored with an infrared camera to detect thermal contrast in the image, characteristic of the ... -
Comparison of the effectiveness of different kinds of shields in space: Design and prototyping of a CubeSat experiment.
septembre 2012, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloqueURSI Forum 2012 Antennas : multiple designs, multiple applications. September 2012. Bruxelles -
Confronting Nationally Determined Contributions to IPPC’s +2°C Carbon Budgets through the Analyses of France and Wallonia Climate Policies
01 juin 2023, HE de la Province de LiègeArticle scientifiqueA method to objectively compare and link climate policies, expressed in CO2eq, to IPCC’s carbon budgets, expressed in CO2-only, is exhibited, as countries often omit to so in their Nationally Determined Contributions. Furthermore, they are usually pledging only towards territorial targets despite the fact that imported emissions are now greater in occidental countries, thus relying on the countries ... -
Cubesats activities at the University of Liège
mai 2017, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloquePrésentation powerpoint lors du congrès annuel 2017 de l'UBA, Eurospace center, Redu -
Decarbonization potential of fuel cell technologies in micro-cogeneration applications: spotlight on SOFCs in a Belgian case study
30 janvier 2025, HE de la Province de LiègeArticle scientifiqueThere is a plethora of fuel cell technologies, many of which hold great promise in terms of their decarbonisation potential, which this paper aims to explore. In fact, this paper is primarily based on the only two existing technologies on the market, polymer exchange membrane fuel cells and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs). Unfortunately, these commercial systems mainly use natural gas as primary fuel ... -
Des capteurs pour surveiller la pollution atmosphérique : un enjeu de santé publique
octobre 2020, HE de la Province de LiègeAutreLiege creative on-line -
Description of secondary payload of upcoming educational OUFTI-2 1U CubeSat for testing a new multilayer shield for protecting electronics against space radiations
décembre 2018, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloque10th European Cubesat Symposium -
Design of a high data-rate wireless communication on FPGA - Part one
janvier 2022, HE de la Province de LiègeAutreTravail d'étudiant -
Design, implementation, and preliminary tests of the emergency beacon transmitter of the OUFTI-1 nanosatellite of the University of Liège, as of March 2013
mars 2013, HE de la Province de LiègeCECOTEPEActe de conférence ou de colloqueURSI forum Benelux 2013, March 2013, Eindhoven. -
Design, implementation, and tests of the architecture of the radiocommunication system of the OUFTI-1 CubeSat
mai 2010, HE de la Province de LiègeActe de conférence ou de colloqueCommunication Poster d'un colloque: URSI Forum 2019 Broadband communications -
Developing individual carbon footprint reduction pathways from carbon budgets: Examples with Wallonia and France
23 avril 2024, HE de la Province de LiègeArticle scientifiqueTraditional climate strategies focus on long-term emissions targets, neglecting cumulative CO2 emissions and often limiting their scope to territorial emissions. Additionally, individual citizens struggle to connect with community targets. This study addresses these issues by computing a comprehensive carbon footprint pathway that, as a main contribution, can be easily personalized and associated ...