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Development and implementation of an end-of-shift clinical debriefing method for emergency departments during COVID-19
Background: Multiple guidelines recommend debriefing after clinical events in the emergency department (ED) to
improve performance, but their implementation has been limited. We aimed to start a clinical debriefing program
to identify opportunities to address teamwork and patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Methods: We reviewed existing literature on best-practice guidelines to answer key clinical debriefing program
design questions. An end-of-shift huddle format for the debriefs allowed multiple cases of suspected or confirmed
COVID-19 illness to be discussed in the same session, promoting situational awareness and team learning. A novel
ED-based clinical debriefing tool was implemented and titled Debriefing In Situ COVID-19 to Encourage Reflection
and Plus-Delta in Healthcare After Shifts End (DISCOVER-PHASE). A facilitator experienced in simulation debriefings
would facilitate a short (10–25 min) discussion of the relevant cases by following a scripted series of stages for
debriefing. Data on the number of debriefing opportunities, frequency of utilization of debriefing, debriefing
location, and professional background of the facilitator were analyzed.
Results: During the study period, the ED treated 3386 suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 11 deaths and
77 ICU admissions. Of the 187 debriefing opportunities in the first 8-week period, 163 (87.2%) were performed. Of
the 24 debriefings not performed, 21 (87.5%) of these were during the four first weeks (21/24; 87.5%). Clinical
debriefings had a median duration of 10 min (IQR 7–13). They were mostly facilitated by a nurse (85.9%) and mainly
performed remotely (89.8%).
Conclusion: Debriefing with DISCOVER-PHASE during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed often, were
relatively brief, and were most often led remotely by a nurse facilitator. Future research should describe the clinical
and organizational impact of this DISCOVER-PHASE.