• Comments on Yang–Mills thermodynamics: The Hagedorn spectrum and the gluon gas pictures for a generic gauge algebraPeer reviewedOpen access 

      20 octobre 2011, BUISSERET, Fabien; Lacroix, Gwendolyn, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      We discuss the dependence of pure Yang–Mills equation of state on the choice of gauge algebra. In the confined phase, we generalize to an arbitrary simple gauge algebra Meyer’s proposal of modeling the Yang–Mills matter by an ideal glueball gas in which the high-lying glueball spectrum is approximated by a Hagedorn spectrum of closed-bosonic-string type. Such a formalism is undefined above the ...
    • Compte rendu de Cyril Verdet : «Méditations sur la physique : anthologie»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 janvier 2019, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Cyril Verdet : «Méditations sur la physique : anthologie»,
    • Compte rendu de Sabine Hossenfelder : «Lost in Maths : comment la beauté égare la physique»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 janvier 2020, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Compte rendu de Sabine Hossenfelder : «Lost in Maths : comment la beauté égare la physique»
    • Compte rendu de Stéphane Collion : «Voyage dans les mathématiques de l'espace-temps : trous noirs, big-bang, singularités»Peer reviewedOpen access 

      01 mai 2019, BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Compte rendu de Stéphane Collion : «Voyage dans les mathématiques de l'espace-temps : trous noirs, big-bang, singularités»
    • L’histoire des sciences et des techniques, la philosophie des sciences, dans «La recherche», «Pour la science», «Revue d’histoire des sciences», «Revue des questions scientifiques» : 1937-1990. BibliographieOpen access 

      1991, STOFFEL, Jean-Françoisorcid-id, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
      Bibliographie des articles d'histoire des sciences, d'histoire des techniques et de philosophie des sciences parus dans ces quatre revues de vulgarisation
    • Q-ball formation at the deconfinement temperature in large-Nc QCDPeer reviewedOpen access 

      23 janvier 2013, BUISSERET, Fabien; Brihaye, Yves, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The deconfinement phase transition in large-Nc QCD is studied within the framework of an effective Polyakov-loop model, where the potential has a U(1) symmetry originating in the large-Nc limit of a ZNc-symmetric model. At the critical temperature, the shape of the effective potential allows the existence of Q-balls as position-dependent fluctuations of the Polyakov loop. Q-balls with spherical ...
    • Quand soixante étudiants manipulent pour appréhender l'univers des grandeurs et ses aspects didactiques...Peer reviewedOpen access 

      juin 2019, MOUSSET, Céline, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Nous présentons un dispositif avec artefacts vécu par les étudiants en début de formation d’instituteur primaire (Belgique). L’ambition principale de ce dispositif est de parcourir l’ensemble des aspects de l’apprentissage d’une grandeur pour les enfants de 3 à 12 ans, en mettant l’accent sur l’importance de la pratique des gestes de mesurage et l’intérêt de l’élaboration de représentations mentales, ...
    • Relevance of glueball bound states in the Yang-Mills plasma within a many-body T-matrix approachPeer reviewedOpen access 

      26 juillet 2012, Cabrera, Daniel; Lacroix, Gwendolyn; BUISSERET, Fabien; Semay, Claude, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The strongly coupled phase of Yang-Mills plasma with gauge group SU(3) is studied in a Tmatrix approach. The existence of lowest-lying glueballs, interpreted as bound states of two transverse gluons (quasi-particles in a many-body setup), is analyzed in a non-perturbative scattering formalism with the input of lattice-QCD static potentials. The relevance of the singlet and the (colored) octet ...
    • The SUSY Yang Mills plasma in a T-matrix approachPeer reviewedOpen access 

      12 août 2015, Lacroix, Gwendolyn; BUISSERET, Fabien; Semay, Claude, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      In this paper, the thermodynamic properties of N = 1 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory with an arbitrary gauge group are investigated. In the confined range, we show that identifying the bound state spectrum with a Hagedorn one coming from noncritical closed superstring theory leads to a prediction for the value of the deconfining temperature Tc that agrees with recent lattice data. The deconfined ...
    • Thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma within a T-matrix approachPeer reviewedOpen access 

      24 juin 2015, Lacroix, Gwendolyn; Semay, Claude; BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The strongly coupled phase of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) is studied here by resorting to a T -matrix formulation in which the medium is seen as a nonideal gas of quasiparticles (quarks, antiquarks, and gluons) interacting nonpertubatively. In the temperature range under study, (1–5)Tc, where Tc is the temperature of deconfinement, the interactions are expected to be strong enough to generate ...
    • Two- and three-body calculations within the dominantly orbital state methodPeer reviewedOpen access 

      14 mai 2013, Semay, Claude; BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      The dominantly orbital state method allows a semiclassical description of quantum systems. At the origin, it was developed for two-body relativistic systems. Here, the method is extended to treat two-body Hamiltonians and systems with three identical particles, in D≥2 dimensions, with arbitrary kinetic energy and potential. This method is very easy to implement and can be used in a large variety of ...