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Spitaels, Laurent
Ducobu, François
Rivière-Lorphèvre, Edouard
Dehombreux, Pierre
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Influence of Conventional Machining on Chemical Finishing of Ti6Al4V Electron Beam Melting Parts
"Additive manufacturing is feeding great hopes for future developments in fields such as aeronautical, biomedical and rapid tooling industrssssies. However, limitations are still restricting its use to make prototypes and hampering mass production. In the case of titanium alloy printing (e.g. Ti6Al4V) with the EBM (Electron Beam Melting) process, the major obstacle to use parts directly after printing is their roughness (Arithmetic Roughness (Ra) ~25 µm). Even if the parts are better regarding residual stresses than parts coming from other 3D printing processes, the high roughness decreases their fatigue resistance. A set of parts were manufactured in Ti6Al4V by EBM process. "
Extrait de l'abstract