Voici les éléments 81-100 de 105

    • Exploiting Genetic Variability of Root Morphology as a Lever to Improve Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Oilseed RapePeer reviewedClosed access 

      29 juillet 2018, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; De Gernier, Hughes; Hermans, Christian, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
      Nitrogen (N) is the quantitatively most important nutrient in cropping systems. The use of nitrate as a mineral fertilizer is highly energy-intensive and causes greenhouse gas emission and groundwater pollution. Therefore, the need to reduce N-fertilizer input is pressing. In order to compensate that reduction, new crop genotypes must be sought with improved nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). While ...
    • Root Morphological Traits of Seedlings Are Predictors of Seed Yield and Quality in Winter Oilseed Rape Hybrid CultivarsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      15 octobre 2020, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; SPANOGHE, Martin; Hermans, Christian, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      The root system is responsible for soil resources acquisition. Hence, optimizing crop root characteristics has considerable implications for agricultural production. This study evaluated a panel of twenty-eight European modern cultivars of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivated in laboratory and field environments. Root morphology was screened using a high-throughput hydroponic growth system ...
    • In-Field Observation of Root Growth and Nitrogen Uptake Efficency of Winter Oilseed RapePeer reviewedOpen access 

      10 janvier 2020, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Leclercq, Antoine; Haelterman, Loïc; Hermans, Christian, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      Field trials were conducted with two nitrogen applications (0 or 240 kg N ha−1) and three modern cultivars of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) previously selected from a root morphology screen at a young developmental stage. The purpose is to examine the relationship between root morphology and Nitrogen Uptake Efficiency (NUpE) and to test the predictiveness of some canopy optical indices for ...
    • Quel comportement de développement adoptent les rameaux de la vigne après une gelée printanière ?Closed access 

      29 avril 2021, LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Rollinat, Alix; Stalport, Anouck; MAHIEU, Olivier, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      L'épisode gélif que nous avons connu en ce début avril nous rappelle combien la météo peut impacter les cultures, notamment fruitières et viticoles. Un tel phénomène s'est également produit l'année dernière, en mai, alors que les vignes se trouvaient à un stade particulièrement sensible de leur développement. À cette occasion, le Carah a observé et analysé comment les différents cépages de son ...
    • La dégradabilité des plastiques en culture de maïs : sous l'effet des micro-organismes et de la lumière, avec quels résultats et améliorations possibles ?Closed access 

      22 avril 2021, Carbonnelle, Géry; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; MAHIEU, Olivier; Delautre, Alexis; Oost, Jean-François; Foucart, Guy, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      [Disponible sur le site du sillon belge]La culture de maïs sous plastique soulève de nombreuses interrogations, notamment en matière d’environnement. Pour éclaircir cette problématique, le Carah a passé au crible différents types de plastique et a étudié plus précisément leur dégradabilité. Ces essais en laboratoire ont ensuite été complétés par une évaluation au champ, sous la houlette du Cipf. En ...
    • Cardiorespiratory responses during running and sport-specific exercises in handball playersPeer reviewedClosed access 

      mai 2009, Buchheit, Martin; Leprêtre, Pierre-Marie; Behaegel, A.L.; Millet, Grégoire P.; CUVELIER, Etienne; Ahmaidi, Said, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      To determine whether a 4-a-side handball (HB) game is an appropriate aerobic stimulus to reach and potentially enhance maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max), and whether heart rate (HR) is a valid index of V˙O2 during a handball game. Nine skilled players (21.0 ± 2.9 yr) underwent a graded maximal aerobic test (GT) where V˙O2max and HR−V˙O2 relationship were determined. V˙O2, HR and blood lactate ([La]b) ...
    • Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Flowmeters: A Multicentric Field StudyPeer reviewedOpen access 

      août 2014, DUPREZ, Frédéric; Barile, Maria; Bonus, Thierry; CUVELIER, Etienne; Ollieuz, Sandra; Mashayekhi, Shahram; Legrand, Alexandre, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      The accuracy of 476 oxygen flowmeters was investigated using a thermal mass flowmeter in eight hospitals in France and Belgium. Different oxygen flow rates (2 to 15 l/min) were evaluated at the patient’s bed. When the sample was considered as a whole, the accuracy of delivered flow was acceptable but precision was poor. The variability of the delivered flow between devices was greater when a low ...
    • Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercisePeer reviewedClosed access 

      29 mai 2015, Aucouturier, Julien; Boissière, Julien; Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi; CUVELIER, Etienne; Gamelin, François-Xavier, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Dietary nitrate (NO3−) supplementation has been shown to increase exercise tolerance and improve oxidative efficiency during aerobic exercise in healthy subjects. We tested the hypothesis that a 3-day supplementation in beetroot juice (BJ) rich in NO3− would improve the tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercise consisting of 15-s exercise periods at 170% of the maximal aerobic power ...
    • Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on metabolic rate during rest and exercise in human: A systematic review and a meta-analysisPeer reviewedClosed access 

      16 janvier 2016, Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi; Boissière, Julien; Gamelin, François X.; CUVELIER, Etienne; Berthoin, Serge; Aucouturier, Julien, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Background Recent randomized controlled trials have suggested that dietary nitrate (NO3-), found in beetroot and other vegetables, and inorganic NO3− salts decrease metabolic rate under resting and exercise conditions. Objective Our aim was therefore to determine from a systematic review and meta-analysis whether dietary NO3− supplementation significantly reduces metabolic rate, expressed as ...
    • Bilateral Strength Deficit Is Not Neural in Origin; Rather Due to Dynamometer Mechanical ConfigurationPeer reviewedOpen access 

      18 décembre 2015, Simoneau-Buessinger, Emilie; Leteneur, Sébastien; Toumi, Anis; Dessurne, Alexandra; Gabrielli, François; Barbier, Franck; Jakobi, Jennifer M., HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      During maximal contractions, the sum of forces exerted by homonymous muscles unilaterally is typically higher than the sum of forces exerted by the same muscles bilaterally. However, the underlying mechanism(s) of this phenomenon, which is known as the bilateral strength deficit, remain equivocal. One potential factor that has received minimal attention is the contribution of body adjustments to ...
    • Variability of fractional delivered oxygen (FDO2) with nasal cannulaPeer reviewedOpen access 

      10 janvier 2017, Duprez, Frédéric; Bonus, Thierry; Cuvelier, Grégory; Machayekhi, Sharam; Ollieuz, Sandra; Reychler, Grégory, HE Condorcet
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
    • EEG dynamics and neural generators of psychological flow during one tightrope performancePeer reviewedOpen access 

      24 juillet 2020, Leroy, Axelle; Cheron, Guy, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Psychological “flow” emerges from a goal requiring action, and a match between skills and challenge. Using high-density electroencephalographic (EEG) recording, we quantified the neural generators characterizing psychological “flow” compared to a mindful “stress” state during a professional tightrope performance. Applying swLORETA based on self-reported mental states revealed the right superior ...
    • EEG-based brain-computer interface for alpha speed control of a small robot using the MUSE headbandPeer reviewedClosed access 

      28 septembre 2020, Simar, Cédric; Petieau, Mathieu; Cebolla, Anita; Leroy, Axelle; Bontempi, Gianluca; Cheron, Guy, HE Condorcet
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      Non-invasive BMI applications are increasingly used in different contexts ranging from industrial, clinical and gaming. After having tested the difference between a classical EEG recorder with electroconductive gel (ANT system) and the MUSE EEG headband, we studied the BCI performances of the later during the control of a small robot. We demonstrated that the participants were able to successfully ...
    • Neural generators involved in visual cue processing in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)Peer reviewedClosed access 

      10 novembre 2020, Zarka, David; Leroy, Axelle; Cebolla, Ana Maria; Cevallos, Carlos; Palmero-Soler, Ernesto; Cheron, Guy, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Event-related potentials (ERP) studies report alterations in the ongoing visuo-attentional processes in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We hypothesized that the neural generators progressively recruited after a cue stimulus imply executive-related areas well before engagement in executive processing in children with ADHD compared to typically developed children (TDC)
    • Where should we place the stethoscope's chestpiece to hear the noise of the primary bronchi ?Peer reviewedClosed access 

      10 janvier 2017, Duprez, Frédéric; Dupuis, Bastien; Cuvelier, Grégory; Bonus, Thierry; Ollieuz, Sandra; Machayekhi, Sharam; Reychler, Grégory, HE Condorcet
      Acte de conférence ou de colloque
      "The aim of our study is to evaluate the probability to find the primary bronchi by analysis of chest radiography."
    • Ultrasonographic quantification of architectural response in tibialis anterior to neuromuscular electrical stimulationPeer reviewedClosed access 

      26 juillet 2017, Simoneau-Buessinger, Émilie; Leteneur, Sébastien; Bisman, Alix; Gabrielli, François; Jakobi, Jennifer, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      While muscle contraction in voluntary efforts has been widely investigated, little is known about contraction during neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES). The aim of this study was to quantify in vivo muscle architecture of agonist and antagonist muscles at the ankle joint during NMES
    • Accuracy of oxygen flow delivered by compressed-gas cylinders in hospitals and prehospital emergency carePeer reviewedClosed access 

      mars 2018, Duprez, Frédéric; Michotte, Jean-Bernard; Cuvelier, Grégory; Legrand, Alexandre; Mashayekhi, Sharam; Reychler, Grégory, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Oxygen cylinders are widely used both in hospital and prehospital care. Excessive or inappropriate FIO2 may be critical for patients with hypercapnia or hypoxia. Moreover, over-oxygenation could be deleterious in ischemic disorders. Supplemental oxygen from oxygen cylinder should therefore be delivered accurately. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of oxygen flows for oxygen cylinder ...
    • Energy expenditure of household activities and cardiorespiratory fitness in women with obesityPeer reviewedClosed access 

      19 septembre 2018, Dereppe, Hubert; Verbeke, M.; Debruxelles, Coralie; Boucq, Elise; Ponzoni, L.; Cuvelier, Grégory, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Patients with obesity experience difficulties in executing household activities. Our purpose was to compare the energy expenditure and exercise intensity of daily household activities and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) in women with obesity and normal weight women.
    • Plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine concentrations are not related to differences in maximal oxygen uptake in endurance trained and untrained menPeer reviewedClosed access 

      22 novembre 2018, Pawlak-Chaouch, Mehdi; Boissière, Julien; Munyaneza, Désiré; Tagougui, Semah; Gamelin, François-Xavier; Cuvelier, Grégory; Heyman, Elsa; Goossens, Jean-François; Descat, Amandine; Berthoin, Serge; Aucouturier, Julien, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) is an endogenous inhibitor of nitric oxide (NO) synthesis that could limit oxygen (O2) delivery in the working skeletal muscles by altering endothelium‐dependent vasodilatation. Exercise capacity is associated with plasma ADMA concentrations in patients with cardiovascular diseases, but this issue has still not been investigated in healthy subjects. We aimed to ...
    • A new formula for predicting the fraction of delivered oxygen during low-flow oxygen therapyPeer reviewedClosed access 

      décembre 2018, Duprez, Frédéric; Machayekhi, Shahram; Cuvelier, Grégory; Legrand, Alexandre; Reychler, Grégory, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      During O2 therapy at low flow in patients who breathe spontaneously, the fraction of delivered O2 (FDO2) is unknown. In recent years, FDO2 prediction formulas have been proposed. However, they do not take into account the effect of inspiratory flow (V̇I) on the FDO2. The aim of this study was to validate a new FDO2 prediction formula, which takes into account the V̇I and compares it with other FDO2 ...