Parcourir HE Condorcet par date de publication
Voici les éléments 1-20 de 109
Cardiorespiratory responses during running and sport-specific exercises in handball players
mai 2009, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueTo determine whether a 4-a-side handball (HB) game is an appropriate aerobic stimulus to reach and potentially enhance maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max), and whether heart rate (HR) is a valid index of V˙O2 during a handball game. Nine skilled players (21.0 ± 2.9 yr) underwent a graded maximal aerobic test (GT) where V˙O2max and HR−V˙O2 relationship were determined. V˙O2, HR and blood lactate ([La]b) ... -
First Report of Plasmodiophora brassicae on Rapeseed in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
09 octobre 2009, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueFirst report sur la détection de Plasmodiophora brassicae en culture de colza au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. -
Biodiversity of Fusarium species in ears and stalks of maize plants in Belgium
21 avril 2011, CARAHArticle scientifiqueIn order to investigate the pre-harvest contamination of maize plants by Fusarium species in Belgium, a three-year survey has been performed in five fields in which three hybrids differing in susceptibility to maize stalk rot were sampled at four different physiological stages. An extensive collection of 5,659 Fusarium isolates characterized at the species level was established during the 2005, 2006, ... -
A new phenotype of Polymyxa betae in Arabidopsis thaliana
21 avril 2011, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"The aim of this work was to assess the infection of P. betae in Arabidopsis thaliana in order to learn more about the P. betae genome and its interaction with the host." Extrait de l'abstract -
In Vitro Dual Culture of Polymyxa betae in Agrobacterium rhizogenes Transformed Sugar Beet Hairy Roots in Liquid Media
23 juin 2011, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"Polymyxa betae is a soil-borne protist and an obligate parasite of sugar beet that transmits the beet necrotic yellow vein virus. Sugar beet hairy roots, transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes, were inoculated with surface-sterilized root fragments infected by P. betae. After 10 wk in a liquid medium, typical structures of P. betae were observed in this in vitro system. This first in vitro culture ... -
Use of self-organizing map to analyze images of fungi colonies grown from Triticum aestivum seeds disinfected by ozone treatment
16 octobre 2012, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueWe submitted to ozone treatment Triticum aestivum (common wheat) seeds severely contaminated by fungi. Fungi colonies developed when seeds were placed over malt agar medium in Petri dishes; Fusarium sp. and Alternaria sp. were identified. However, conventional colonies counting did not allow a clear assessment of the effect of ozone disinfection. We thus used self-organizing maps (SOMs) to perform ... -
Systemic resistance induced by Bacillus lipopeptides in Beta vulgaris reduces infection by the rhizomania disease vector Polymyxa betae
19 décembre 2012, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueThe control of rhizomania, one of the most important diseases of sugar beet caused by the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus, remains limited to varietal resistance. In this study, we investigated the putative action of Bacillus amylolequifaciens lipopeptides in achieving rhizomania biocontrol through the control of the virus vector Polymyxa betae. Some lipopeptides that are produced by bacteria, ... -
Acclimatation de vitroplants de bananier (Musa sp.) en culture hydroponique : impact de différentes concentrations en cuivre sur la croissance des vitroplants
janvier 2013, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueLes contraintes dues au cuivre et les conséquences de son accumulation par les vitroplants de bananier pendant la phase d’acclimatation ont été étudiées en culture hydroponique. Des doses de 0-100-500-1000 ppm de cuivre, sous forme de CuSO4, ont été ajoutées au milieu nutritif en culture hydroponique. A 1000 ppm CuSO4, les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence des concentrations en cuivre élevées ... -
Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescent capillary electrophoresis : 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine bypass modulation by natural products
24 mai 2013, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueTranslesion synthesis (TLS) relies on a series of specialized DNA polymerases able to insert a base either correctly or incorrectly opposite a lesion on a DNA template strand during replication or post-repair synthesis. To measure the correct or mutagenic outcome of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) bypass by TLS DNA polymerases, a capillary electrophoresis (CE) method with fluorescent label ... -
Effets des différentes balances hormonales sur la micropropagation du Cv. Hybride FHIA-01 (Musa sp.)
juillet 2013, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueDifférentes balances hormonales ont été évaluées afin de proposer un milieu de prolifération permettant de multiplier efficacement l’hybride FHIA-01 en culture in vitro. Les principaux résultats obtenus sont: l’inhibition presque complète de la prolifération par la BAP; l’inhibition totale de l’enracinement par la concentration de 10 µM BAP+10 µM MemTR, l’amélioration de la prolifération moyenne de ... -
Molecular interactions between sugar beet and Polymyxa betae during its life cycle
20 janvier 2014, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"Polymyxa betae is a biotrophic obligate sugar beet parasite that belongs to plasmodiophorids. The infection of sugar beet roots by this parasite is asymptomatic, except when it transmits Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the causal agent of rhizomania. To date, there has been little work on P. betae–sugar beet molecular interactions, mainly because of the obligate nature of the parasite and ... -
Étude de l'acclimatation en serre de vitroplants de bananiers de la FHIA : "cas de FHIA-01 AAAB et FHIA-23 AAAA"
31 janvier 2014, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueLes plants issus de la culture in vitro nécessitent une période d'acclimatation avant leur transfert au champ. Dans cette étude, la réponse des vitroplants de bananier aux fluctuations des températures et des quantités d'eau a été évaluée, lors de la phase d'acclimatation. Méthodologie et résultats : Dans le premier essai utilisant des vitroplants du bananier plantain, hybride FHIA-23 groupe AAAA, ... -
Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Flowmeters: A Multicentric Field Study
août 2014, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueThe accuracy of 476 oxygen flowmeters was investigated using a thermal mass flowmeter in eight hospitals in France and Belgium. Different oxygen flow rates (2 to 15 l/min) were evaluated at the patient’s bed. When the sample was considered as a whole, the accuracy of delivered flow was acceptable but precision was poor. The variability of the delivered flow between devices was greater when a low ... -
Investigation and development of potato parentage analysis methods using multiplexed SSR fingerprinting
25 décembre 2014, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueParentage assessment in the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), based on a reliable characterization of DNA varieties, can be a useful tool in validating pedigree information as well as for assigning potential parents to orphan varieties. The approach suggested in this study was to use the genetic profiles obtained on 577 cultivars using a set of 17 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers in ... -
Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercise
29 mai 2015, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueDietary nitrate (NO3−) supplementation has been shown to increase exercise tolerance and improve oxidative efficiency during aerobic exercise in healthy subjects. We tested the hypothesis that a 3-day supplementation in beetroot juice (BJ) rich in NO3− would improve the tolerance to supramaximal intensity intermittent exercise consisting of 15-s exercise periods at 170% of the maximal aerobic power ... -
Industrial-scale Malting Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Seed Disinfection by Fog of Ozonated Water Application
05 novembre 2015, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueThe aim of this study was to underscore that seed treatment by the fog of ozonated water constitutes a promising alternative tool, in terms of health and environmental gains, regarding traditional ozone treatment. In order to obtain a clear vision of this performance, the technology was implemented on an industrial scale (malting industry). Under an exposition of barley seeds to 9.8 ppm of dissolved ... -
Bilateral Strength Deficit Is Not Neural in Origin; Rather Due to Dynamometer Mechanical Configuration
18 décembre 2015, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueDuring maximal contractions, the sum of forces exerted by homonymous muscles unilaterally is typically higher than the sum of forces exerted by the same muscles bilaterally. However, the underlying mechanism(s) of this phenomenon, which is known as the bilateral strength deficit, remain equivocal. One potential factor that has received minimal attention is the contribution of body adjustments to ... -
Development of the hybrid sequential machining: laser machining and milling
2016, HE CondorcetActe de conférence ou de colloque"The aims of this paper is to study the advantages and disadvantages of laser micro-machining and the micro-milling. The final goal is to couple these processes in the same structure. The sequential hybrid process is subtractive-subtractive it combines the laser u-machining and the u-milling. The samples are machined with the two processes to compare the dimensional tolerance and the geometrical ... -
Effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on metabolic rate during rest and exercise in human: A systematic review and a meta-analysis
16 janvier 2016, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueBackground Recent randomized controlled trials have suggested that dietary nitrate (NO3-), found in beetroot and other vegetables, and inorganic NO3− salts decrease metabolic rate under resting and exercise conditions. Objective Our aim was therefore to determine from a systematic review and meta-analysis whether dietary NO3− supplementation significantly reduces metabolic rate, expressed as ... -
Efecto de oligosacarinas derivadas de plantas y hongos sobre la morfología, contenido y alteración de biomoléculas en plantas de Nicotiana tabacum bajo condiciones de estrés salino
juin 2016, CARAHActe de conférence ou de colloquePoster d'une présentation de juin 2016 à l'occasion de "Red Bio Perú 2016"