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Voici les éléments 1-20 de 109
Acclimatation de vitroplants de bananier (Musa sp.) en culture hydroponique : impact de différentes concentrations en cuivre sur la croissance des vitroplants
janvier 2013, HE CondorcetCARAHArticle scientifiqueLes contraintes dues au cuivre et les conséquences de son accumulation par les vitroplants de bananier pendant la phase d’acclimatation ont été étudiées en culture hydroponique. Des doses de 0-100-500-1000 ppm de cuivre, sous forme de CuSO4, ont été ajoutées au milieu nutritif en culture hydroponique. A 1000 ppm CuSO4, les résultats obtenus ont mis en évidence des concentrations en cuivre élevées ... -
Accuracy of Medical Oxygen Flowmeters: A Multicentric Field Study
août 2014, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueThe accuracy of 476 oxygen flowmeters was investigated using a thermal mass flowmeter in eight hospitals in France and Belgium. Different oxygen flow rates (2 to 15 l/min) were evaluated at the patient’s bed. When the sample was considered as a whole, the accuracy of delivered flow was acceptable but precision was poor. The variability of the delivered flow between devices was greater when a low ... -
Accuracy of oxygen flow delivered by compressed-gas cylinders in hospitals and prehospital emergency care
mars 2018, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueOxygen cylinders are widely used both in hospital and prehospital care. Excessive or inappropriate FIO2 may be critical for patients with hypercapnia or hypoxia. Moreover, over-oxygenation could be deleterious in ischemic disorders. Supplemental oxygen from oxygen cylinder should therefore be delivered accurately. The aim of this study was to assess the accuracy of oxygen flows for oxygen cylinder ... -
Adaptive benchmarking design for additive manufacturing processes
17 mars 2022, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"Standards enabling the objective tolerancing and evaluation of dimensional and geometrical performances of additive manufacturing (AM) printers are still missing. The design, printing and measurements of geometrical benchmark test artefacts (GBTA) is the current solution proposed in literature. However, the current GBTA with fixed dimensions cannot cover most of the available printing area of ... -
Additively Manufactured Multifunctional Composite Parts with the Help of Coextrusion Continuous Carbon Fiber: Study of Feasibility to Print Self-Sensing without Doped Raw Material
25 août 2023, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueAbstract ; "Nowadays, the additive manufacturing of multifunctional materials is booming. The fused deposition modeling (FDM) process is widely used thanks to the ease with which multimaterial parts can be printed. The main limitation of this process is the mechanical properties of the parts obtained. New continuous-fiber FDM printers significantly improve mechanical properties. Another limitation ... -
Analyzing apparatus
14 juin 2022, HE CondorcetBrevet"The invention relates to an apparatus configured to detect and measure in real time an electrical response from an electrical component exposed to ionizing radiation." Participation d'un chercheur de la HEPH-Condorcet mais le brevet est déposé par l'UMons : -
Aspergillus spp. and Bacillus spp. as Growth Promoters in Cotton Plants Under Greenhouse Conditions
13 août 2021, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"This study aimed to verify the potential of three Aspergillus and Bacillus species as growth promoters in cotton plants under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was conducted with a completely randomized design with seven treatments (six microorganisms plus one control) and five replicates until the flowering stage at 70 days after emergence." Extrait de l'abstract -
The bacterial world inside the plant
28 juillet 2022, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"This review provides an overview of the current research, including the concept of endophytes, endophytes in plant organs, endophyte colonization, nutrient e ciency use, endophytes and crop nutrition, inoculation with synergistic bacteria, the eect of inoculum concentration on plant root microbiota and synthetic communities. It also examines the practical opportunities and challenges when utilizing ... -
Beetroot juice does not enhance supramaximal intermittent exercise performance in elite endurance athletes
14 mai 2019, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueThe present study aimed to determine whether BR supplementation enhances the tolerance to SIE in elite endurance athletes. -
Behaviour of pre-sintered Y-TZP during machining operations: Determination of recommended cutting parameters
06 février 2018, HE CondorcetArticle scientifique"In this paper,the NF E 66-520-5 standard, dedicated to the determination ofthe optimal cutting parameters suitable for ductile material, is applied to the pre-sintered ceramic Y-TZP. The objective of the standard is to calculate the specific cutting energy of the forces created between the chosen tool and material during machining operation. Specific cutting energy is the energy required to remove ... -
Bigraphisme et difficultés d’écriture : étude de l’influence du bilinguisme-bigraphisme arabe-français dans une école du nord de la France
2021, HE CondorcetTFEDans une ville cosmopolite et multiculturelle du nord de la France, une partie de la population est capable d’écrire en arabe, pour des raisons socioculturelles. Un double apprentissage est alors présent chez les enfants, qui écrivent dans deux systèmes graphiques (arabe et latin). Les différences présentes entre ces deux alphabets pourraient entraîner des interférences dans les productions écrites ... -
Bilateral Strength Deficit Is Not Neural in Origin; Rather Due to Dynamometer Mechanical Configuration
18 décembre 2015, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueDuring maximal contractions, the sum of forces exerted by homonymous muscles unilaterally is typically higher than the sum of forces exerted by the same muscles bilaterally. However, the underlying mechanism(s) of this phenomenon, which is known as the bilateral strength deficit, remain equivocal. One potential factor that has received minimal attention is the contribution of body adjustments to ... -
Binder influence on green ceramic machining by means of milling and laser machining
06 septembre 2021, HE CondorcetActe de conférence ou de colloque"The micro manufacturing of ceramic components is technologically challenging especially when complex shapes and micro features are required. A hybrid manufacturing chain is developed for non-sintered(green) blanks machined using sequentially a cutting tool and a laser source. During the preparation of the green blank, a binder is added to the powder to improve compaction. The amount of binder can ... -
Biodiversity of Fusarium species in ears and stalks of maize plants in Belgium
21 avril 2011, CARAHArticle scientifiqueIn order to investigate the pre-harvest contamination of maize plants by Fusarium species in Belgium, a three-year survey has been performed in five fields in which three hybrids differing in susceptibility to maize stalk rot were sampled at four different physiological stages. An extensive collection of 5,659 Fusarium isolates characterized at the species level was established during the 2005, 2006, ... -
Calibration method of hybrid machining process in the green ceramic combining micro-milling and laser machining
2019, HE CondorcetActe de conférence ou de colloqueContribution to "euspen’s 19th International Conference & Exhibition, Bilbao, ES, June 2019" Abstract : "The requirements for quality amelioration of engineered products are increasingly stringent, and specially when the miniaturization and difficult-to-machine materials are considered. The development of hybrid machining processes (HMPs) answers this problem. Indeed, HMPs are variants of ... -
Cannabidiol in sport : Ergogenic or else ?
20 mars 2020, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueIn the sports domain, cannabis is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) across all sports in competition since 2004. The few studies on physical exercise and cannabis focused on the main compound i.e. Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabidiol (CBD) is another well-known phytocannabinoid present in dried or heated preparations of cannabis. Unlike Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol, CBD is non-intoxicating ... -
Cardiorespiratory responses during running and sport-specific exercises in handball players
mai 2009, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueTo determine whether a 4-a-side handball (HB) game is an appropriate aerobic stimulus to reach and potentially enhance maximal oxygen uptake (V˙O2max), and whether heart rate (HR) is a valid index of V˙O2 during a handball game. Nine skilled players (21.0 ± 2.9 yr) underwent a graded maximal aerobic test (GT) where V˙O2max and HR−V˙O2 relationship were determined. V˙O2, HR and blood lactate ([La]b) ... -
The CDIO approach in a FabLab activity for engineering education promotion
2021, HE CondorcetActe de conférence ou de colloqueAbstract : "The number of FabLabs has been steadily increasing over the last few years. Their main objectives are to sensitize its public on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education through the digital manufacturing chain of an object and to allow the large public to make their own objects. Through, the increasing popularization of these advanced technologies, it becomes more ... -
Characterisation of bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd) ecotypes: An ancient and promising legume
12 septembre 2024, HE CondorcetArticle scientifiqueAbstract : "Bitter vetch (Vicia ervilia (L.) Willd) is a promising legume, drought tolerant, mainly used in the Mediterranean area for its grains as a source of proteins in animal feed. However, it is an underused crop cultivated in marginal soils. Ecological, agro-morphological, and bromatological diversity evaluations were conducted to study its reintroduction potential. Seeds of seventeen ecotypes ... -
Chemical etching as a finishing process for electron beam melting (EBM) parts
02 juillet 2019, HE CondorcetActe de conférence ou de colloque"The goal of this research is to analyze the impact of chemical etching on parts produced by electron beam melting. Given that the surface conditions are poor (Ra between 25 to 35 µm), an enhancement of these is asked. Dimensional and surface measurements were realized on conceived parts. Different exposure times were tested. The impact of these times on surface quality was evaluated. To help ...