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Genetic control of root morphology in response to nitrogen across rapeseed diversity

dc.contributor.authorHaelterman, Loïc
dc.contributor.authorLOUVIEAUX, Julien
dc.contributor.authorChiodi, Claudia
dc.contributor.authorBouchet, Anne-Sophie
dc.contributor.authorKupcsik, Laszlo
dc.contributor.authorStahl, Andreas
dc.contributor.authorRousseau-Gueutin, Mathieu
dc.contributor.authorSnowdon, Rod
dc.contributor.authorLaperche, Anne
dc.contributor.authorNesi, Nathalie
dc.contributor.authorHermans, Christian
dc.description.abstractAbstract : "Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is an oil-containing crop of great economic value but with considerable nitrogen requirement. Breeding root systems that efficiently absorb nitrogen from the soil could be a driver to ensure genetic gains for more sustainable rapeseed production. The aim of this study is to identify genomic regions that regulate root morphology in response to nitrate availability. The natural variability offered by 300 inbred lines was screened at two experimental locations. Seedlings grew hydroponically with low or elevated nitrate levels. Fifteen traits related to biomass production and root morphology were measured. On average across the panel, a low nitrate level increased the root-to-shoot biomass ratio and the lateral root length. A large phenotypic variation was observed, along with important heritability values and genotypic effects, but low genotype-by-nitrogen interactions. Genome-wide association study and bulk segregant analysis were used to identify loci regulating phenotypic traits. The first approach nominated 319 SNPs that were combined into 80 QTLs. Three QTLs identified on the A07 and C07 chromosomes were stable across nitrate levels and/or experimental locations. The second approach involved genotyping two groups of individuals from an experimental F2 population created by crossing two accessions with contrasting lateral root lengths. These individuals were found in the tails of the phenotypic distribution. Co-localized QTLs found in both mapping approaches covered a chromosomal region on the A06 chromosome. The QTL regions contained some genes putatively involved in root organogenesis and represent selection targets for redesigning the root morphology of rapeseed."en_US
dc.relation.ispartofPhysiologia Plantarumen_US
dc.subjectRoot morphologyen_US
dc.titleGenetic control of root morphology in response to nitrogen across rapeseed diversityen_US
dc.typeArticle scientifiqueen_US
synhera.classificationSciences du vivant>>Biotechnologie verteen_US
synhera.institutionHE Condorceten_US
synhera.otherinstitutionCrop Production and Biostimulation Laboratory (CPBL), Brussels Bioengineering School, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels, Belgiumen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionInstitut de Génétique, Environnement et Protection des Plantes (IGEPP), Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement (INRAE), Institut Agro, Université de Rennes, Le Rheu, Franceen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionJulius Kühn Institute (JKI), Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance, Quedlinburg, Germanyen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionDepartment of Plant Breeding, IFZ Research Centre for Biosystems, Land Use and Nutrition, Justus Liebig University, Germanyen_US
synhera.stakeholders.fundFonds de la Recherche Scientifique - FNRSen_US
dc.rights.holderHaelterman et al.en_US

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