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Pre-dive Whole-Body Vibration Better Reduces Decompression-Induced Vascular Gas Emboli than Oxygenation or a Combination of Both

dc.contributor.authorBALESTRA, Costantino
dc.contributor.authorTHEUNISSEN, Sigrid
dc.contributor.authorPapadopoulou, Virginie
dc.contributor.authorLe Mener, Cédric
dc.contributor.authorGERMONPRÉ, Peter
dc.contributor.authorGuerrero, François
dc.contributor.authorLafère, Pierre
dc.description.abstractPurpose: Since non-provocative dive profiles are no guarantor of protection against decompression sickness, novel means including pre-dive "preconditioning" interventions, are proposed for its prevention. This study investigated and compared the effect of pre-dive oxygenation, pre-dive whole body vibration or a combination of both on post-dive bubble formation. Methods: Six healthy volunteers performed 6 no-decompression dives each, to a depth of 33 mfw for 20 min (3 control dives without preconditioning and 1 of each preconditioning protocol) with a minimum interval of 1 week between each dive. Post-dive bubbles were counted in the precordium by two-dimensional echocardiography, 30 and 90 min after the dive, with and without knee flexing. Each diver served as his own control. Results: Vascular gas emboli (VGE) were systematically observed before and after knee flexing at each post-dive measurement. Compared to the control dives, we observed a decrease in VGE count of 23.8 ± 7.4% after oxygen breathing (p < 0.05), 84.1 ± 5.6% after vibration (p < 0.001), and 55.1 ± 9.6% after vibration combined with oxygen (p < 0.001). The difference between all preconditioning methods was statistically significant. Conclusions: The precise mechanism that induces the decrease in post-dive VGE and thus makes the diver more resistant to decompression stress is still not known. However, it seems that a pre-dive mechanical reduction of existing gas nuclei might best explain the beneficial effects of this strategy. The apparent non-synergic effect of oxygen and vibration has probably to be understood because of different mechanisms involved.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofFrontiers in Physiologyen_US
dc.subjectdecompression sicknessen_US
dc.subjectdiving/adverse effectsen_US
dc.subjectrisk assessmenten_US
dc.subjectrisk factorsen_US
dc.titlePre-dive Whole-Body Vibration Better Reduces Decompression-Induced Vascular Gas Emboli than Oxygenation or a Combination of Bothen_US
dc.typeArticle scientifiqueen_US
synhera.classificationSciences de la santé humaineen_US
synhera.institutionHE Bruxelles Brabanten_US
synhera.otherinstitutionAnatomical Research Training and Education (ARTE), Vrije Universiteit BrusselBrussels, Belgiumen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionAnatomical Research and Clinical Studies (ARCS), Vrije Universiteit BrusselBrussels, Belgiumen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionMotor Sciences, Université Libre de BruxellesBrussels, Belgium.en_US
synhera.otherinstitutionDAN Europe Research DivisionRoseto, Italyen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionDAN Europe Research DivisionBrussels, Belgiumen_US
synhera.otherinstitutionDayton Lab, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC, USA.en_US
synhera.otherinstitutionCenter for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Military Hospital "Queen Astrid"Brussels, Belgium.en_US
synhera.otherinstitutionORPHY Laboratory, EA 4324, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France.en_US
dc.rights.holderLes auteursen_US

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