• Effects of fatigue on the stretch reflex in a human musclePeer reviewedOpen access 

      1992, Balestra, C.; Duchateau, J.; Hainaut, K., Autre
      Article scientifique
      The effects of fatigue on the electromyographic (EMG) reflex activities were compared during sustained voluntary contractions and contractions evoked by electrical stimulation (30 Hz) in the human first dorsal interosseus (FDI). Short latency (SL), medium latency (ML) and long latency (LL) reflex responses to a ramp-and-hold stretch of the muscle were recorded and analysed in 27 healthy subjects of ...
    • Intrathoracic pressure changes after Valsalva strain and other maneuvers: Implications for divers with patent foramen ovalePeer reviewedOpen access 

      1998, Balestra, C.; Germonpré, P.; Marroni, A., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Scuba divers with patent foramen ovale (PFO) may be at risk for paradoxical nitrogen gas emboli when performing maneuvers that cause a rebound blood loading to the right atrium. We measured the rise and fall in intrathoracic pressure (ITP) during various maneuvers in 15 divers. The tests were standard isometric exercises (control), forceful coughing, knee bend (with and without respiration blocked), ...
    • Patent foramen ovale and decompression sickness in sports divers.Peer reviewedOpen access 

      mai 1998, Germonpré P; Dendale P; Unger P; Balestra C, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Patency of the foramen ovale (PFO) may be a cause of unexplained decompression sickness (DCS) in sports divers. To assess the relationship between PFO and DCS, a case-control study was undertaken in a population of Belgian sports divers. Thirty-seven divers who suffered from neurological DCS were compared with matched control divers who never had DCS. All divers were investigated with transesophageal ...
    • Reflex regulation during sustained and intermittent submaximal contractions in humansPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2002, Duchateau, J.; Balestra, C.; Carpentier, A.; Hainaut, K., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      To investigate whether the intensity and duration of a sustained contraction influences reflex regulation, we compared sustained fatiguing contractions at 25 % and 50 % of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force in the human abductor pollicis brevis (APB) muscle. Because the activation of motoneurones during fatigue may be reflexively controlled by the metabolic status of the muscle, we also ...
    • The fractal approach as a tool to understand asymptomatic brain hyperintense MRI signalsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2004, Balestra, C.; Marroni, A.; Farkas, B.; Peetrons, P.; Vanderschueren, F.; Duboc, E.; Snoeck, T.; Germonpré, P., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      The prevalence of a Patent Foramen Ovale is described in merely 30% of the asymptomatic population. This patency has been shown to be an increasing risk factor for paradoxical cerebral embolization. Some desaturation or decompression situations in human activities such as scuba diving or altitude flight are prone to provoke embolisations. The association with the presence of a patent Foramen Ovale ...
    • Erythropoietin production can be enhanced by normobaric oxygen breathing in healthy humansPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2004, Balestra, C.; Germonpré, P.; Poortmans, J.; Marroni, A.; Schiettecatte, J.; Collard, J.-F.; Snoeck, T., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Erythropoietin (EPO) induces red blood cell production by activating red bone marrow progenitor cells, and is used therapeutically in chronic anemia. It is also used as an unauthorized adjunct to increase the oxygen transport capacity in the blood of athletes. Renal tissue hypoxia is the only widely accepted trigger for EPO production (1-3), even if new oxygen-sensitive sites have been recently ...
    • Scuba diving can induce stress of the temporomandibular joint leading to headache [1]Peer reviewedOpen access 

      2004, Balestra, C.; Germonpré, P.; Marroni, A.; Snoek, T., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      In ordinary recreational scuba diving, many anatomical parts can be involved in disorders of cranial regions: ears and eyes are involved but also sinuses. Dental problems are generally involved in barotraumas because of bad dental fillings or other matters of interest to the general dental practitioner.1 Very few papers have looked at the articular and periarticular problems of the temporomandibular joint ...
    • Normobaric oxygen can enhance protein captation by the lymphatic system in healthy humans.Peer reviewedOpen access 

      janvier 2004, Balestra C; Germonpré P; Snoeck T; Ezquer M; Leduc O; Leduc A; Willeput F; Marroni A; Cali Corleo R; Vann R, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      has been advocated for a long time. Several beneficial effects of NBO have been demonstrated, one of which is the faster elimination of tissue nitrogen bubbles. During DCS occurrence, a cascade of intravascular reactions has been demonstrated. These inflammatory reactions occur within minutes of the onset of DCS, and involve the precipitation of proteins on the gas-bubble interface, causing a ...
    • A deep stop during decompression from 82 fsw (25 m) significantly reduces bubbles and fast tissue gas tensions.Peer reviewedOpen access 

      janvier 2004, Marroni A; Bennett PB; Cronje FJ; Cali-Corleo R; Germonpre P; Pieri M; Bonuccelli C; Balestra C, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      n spite of many modifications to decompression algorithms, the incidence of decompression sickness (DCS) in scuba divers has changed very little. The success of stage, compared to linear ascents, is well described yet theoretical changes in decompression ratios have diminished the importance of fast tissue gas tensions as critical for bubble generation. The most serious signs and symptoms of DCS ...
    • Pulpal and periodontal temperature rise during KTP laser use as a root planing complement in vitroPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2005, Nammour, S.; Rocca, J.-P.; Keiani, K.; Balestra, C.; Snoeck, T.; Powell, L.; Van Reck, J., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to define the optimal irradiation conditions of a KTP laser during root planing treatment. METHODS: The surfaces of 60 single-root human teeth were scaled with conventional instruments before lasing. The pulpal temperature increase was measured by means of one thermocouple placed in the pulp chamber and a second one placed on the root surface at 1 mm from the ...
    • Evidence for increasing patency of the foramen ovale in diversPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2005, Germonpre, P.; Hastir, F.; Dendale, P.; Marroni, A.; Nguyen, A.-F.; Balestra, C., HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      sing a standardized contrast-enhanced transesophageal echocardiographic technique, a group of divers was reexamined for the presence and size of patent foramen ovale (PFO) 7 years after their initial examinations. Unexpected but significant increases in the prevalence and size of PFO were found, suggesting a possible increasing risk for decompression sickness in these divers over time.
    • Ultrasound lung "comets" increase after breath-hold divingPeer reviewedClosed access 

      23 octobre 2010, LAMBRECHTS, Kate; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Charbel, Brian; Cialoni, Danilo; Musimu, Patrick; Sponsiello, Nicola; Marroni, Alessandro; Pastouret, Fredéric; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      The purpose of the study was to analyze the ultrasound lung comets (ULCs) variation, which are a sign of extra-vascular lung water. Forty-two healthy individuals performed breath-hold diving in different conditions: dynamic surface apnea; deep variable-weight apnea and shallow, face immersed without effort (static maximal and non-maximal). The number of ULCs was evaluated by means of an ultrasound ...
    • The 'normobaric oxygen paradox': does it increase haemoglobin?Peer reviewedClosed access 

      14 juin 2012, De Bels, David; THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Devriendt, Jacques; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Lafère, Pierre; Valsamis, Joseph; SNOECK, Thyl; Meeus, Philippe; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Background: A novel approach to increasing erythropoietin (EPO) using oxygen (O2) (the 'normobaric oxygen paradox') has been reported in healthy volunteers. We investigated whether the EPO increase is sufficient to induce erythropoiesis by comparing two protocols of O2 administration. Methods: We compared the effect of daily versus alternate days 100% O2, breathed for 30 minutes, on haemoglobin ...
    • Nitric oxide-related endothelial changes in breath-hold and scuba diversPeer reviewedClosed access 

      01 mars 2013, THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Guerrero, François; Sponciello, Nicholas; Cialoni, Danilo; Pieri, Massimo; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Obeid, Georges; Tillmans, Frauke; Papadopoulou, Virginie; HEMELRYCK, Walter; Marroni, Alessandro; De Bels, David; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Objective: Scuba and breath-hold divers are compared to investigate whether endothelial response changes are similar despite different exposure(s) to hyperoxia. Design: 14 divers (nine scuba and five breath-holding) performed either one scuba dive (25m/25 minutes) or successive breath-hold dives at a depth of 20 meters, adding up to 25 minutes of immersion time in a diving pool. Flow-mediated ...
    • The effect of a passive stretch training protocol on performance during a drop jump in humansPeer reviewedClosed access 

      30 mars 2013, Levenez, Morgan; THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Bottero, Antoine; SNOECK, Thyl; Tinlot, Arnaud; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Provyn, Steven, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Our study's aim is to show how a five-week stretch training protocol, based on passive stretching, can change muscle performance during a drop jump (stretch shortening cycle). METHODS: This study observes in 8 healthy subjects (four males and four females), the effect of a 5-week passive stretch training protocol on the stretch shortening cycle (SSC) during the performance of a drop jump, and identify ...
    • Effect of tetrahydrobiopterin and exercise training on endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in SHRPeer reviewedClosed access 

      02 juin 2013, Guerrero, François; Sanéo, Thioub; Goanvec, Christelle; THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Feray, Annie; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Mansourati, Jacques, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      We examined whether the improvement of impaired NO-dependent vasorelaxation by exercise training could be mediated through a BH4-dependent mechanism. Male spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, n = 20) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY, n = 20) were trained (Tr) for 9 weeks on a treadmill and compared to age-matched sedentary animals (Sed). Endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation (EDV) was assessed with ...
    • Oxidative stress in breath-hold divers after repetitive divesPeer reviewedClosed access 

      08 juin 2013, THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Sponciello, Nicholas; Rozloznik, Miroslav; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; Guerrero, François; Cialoni, Danilo; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Introduction: Hyperoxia causes oxidative stress. Breath-hold diving is associated with transient hyperoxia followed by hypoxia and a build-up of carbon dioxide (CO₂), chest-wall compression and significant haemodynamic changes. This study analyses variations in plasma oxidative stress markers after a series of repetitive breath-hold dives. Methods: Thirteen breath-hold divers were asked to perform ...
    • The effect of a passive stretch training protocol on performance during a drop jump in humansPeer reviewedClosed access 

      15 juin 2013, Lévénez, Morgan; THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Bottero, Antoine; SNOECK, Thyl; Bruyère, A; Tinlot, Arnaud; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Provyn, Steven, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Aim: Our study's aim is to show how a five-week stretch training protocol, based on passive stretching, can change muscle performance during a drop jump (stretch shortening cycle). Methods: This study observes in 8 healthy subjects (four males and four females), the effect of a 5-week passive stretch training protocol on the stretch shortening cycle (SSC) during the performance of a drop jump, ...
    • Effect of a single, open-sea, air scuba dive on human micro- and macrovascular functionPeer reviewedClosed access 

      15 août 2013, LAMBRECHTS, Kate; Pontier, Jean-Michel; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Mazur, Aleksandra; Wang, Qiong; Buzzacott, Peter; Theron, Michaël; Mansourati, Jacques; Guerrero, François, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Purpose: Previous studies have shown that bubble formation induced endothelial damage on conduit arteries. We aim to evaluate the effect of diving on microvascular and macrovascular function. Methods: Nine divers took part in a SCUBA dive at 30 msw (400 kPa), for 30 min of bottom time. Pre- and post-dive, they underwent an assessment of endothelial-dependent (acetylcholine) and endothelial-independent ...
    • Dark chocolate reduces endothelial dysfunction after successive breath-hold dives in cool waterPeer reviewedOpen access 

      16 septembre 2013, THEUNISSEN, Sigrid; Schumacker, Julie; Guerrero, François; Tillmans, Frauke; BOUTROS, Antoine; Lambrechts, Kate; Mazur, Alexandra; Pieri, Massimo; GERMONPRÉ, Peter; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Objective: The aim of this study is to observe the effects of dark chocolate on endothelial function after a series of successive apnea dives in non-thermoneutral water. Methods: Twenty breath-hold divers were divided into two groups: a control group (8 males and 2 females) and a chocolate group (9 males and 1 female). The control group was asked to perform a series of dives to 20 m adding up to ...