• Physiological characteristics associated with increased resistance to decompression sickness in male and female ratsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      23 juillet 2020, Lautridou, Jacky; Dugrenot, Emmanuel; Amérand, Aline; Guernec, Anthony; Pichavant-Rafini, Karine; Gouvanec, Christelle; Inizan, Manon; Albacete, Gaelle; Belhomme, Marc; Galinat, Hubert; Lafère, Pierre; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Guerrero, François; Moisan, Chistine; Buzzacott, Peter, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Decompression sickness (DCS) is a complex and poorly understood systemic disease with wide inter-individual resistance variability. We selectively bred rats with a 3-fold greater resistance to DCS than standard ones. To investigate possible physiological mechanisms underlying the resistance to DCS, including sex-related differences in these mechanisms, 15 males and 15 females resistant to DCS were ...
    • Venous gas emboli are involved in post-dive macro, but not microvascular dysfunctionPeer reviewedClosed access 

      21 janvier 2017, LAMBRECHTS, Kate; BALESTRA, Costantinoorcid-id; Theron, Michaël; Henckes, Anne; Galinat, Hubert; Mignant, Fanny; Belhomme, Marc; Pontier, Jean-Michel; Guerrero, François, HE Bruxelles Brabant
      Article scientifique
      Purpose: Previous studies have shown vascular dysfunction of main conductance arteries and microvessels after diving. We aim to evaluate the impact of bubble formation on vascular function and haemostasis. To achieve this, we used a vibration preconditioning to influence bubble levels without changing any other parameters linked to the dive. Methods: Twentty-six divers were randomly assigned to ...