• Evaluating the additive diagnostic value of DidRen LaserTest: Correlating temporal and kinematic predictors and patient-reported outcome measures in acute-subacute non-specific neck painPeer reviewedOpen access 

      12 mars 2024, Hage, Guillaume; Buisseret, Fabien; Brismée, Jean-Michel; Dierick, Frédéric; Detrembleur, Christine; Hage, Renaud, CeREF Santé
      Article scientifique
      This study aims to investigate the relationships between altered kinematic parameters, as assessed by the DidRen laser test, and PROMs. Using a multivariate logistic regression (LR) model, we sought to identify the best predictors for discriminating ANSP patients from HCP. We hypothesized that the DidRen laser test would reveal different relationships between kinematic parameters and PROMs ...
    • Fine adaptive precision grip control without maximum pinch strength changes after upper limb neurodynamic mobilizationPeer reviewedOpen access 

      30 juin 2021, DIERICK, Frédéric; Brismée, Jean-Michel; White, Olivier; Bouché, Anne-France; Périchon, Céline; Filoni, Nastasia; Barvaux, Vincent; BUISSERET, Fabien, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      Before and immediately after passive upper limb neurodynamic mobilizations targeting the median nerve, grip ( GF ) and load ( LF ) forces applied by the thumb, index and major fingers (three-jaw chuck pinch) were collected using a manipulandum during three different grip precision tasks: grip-lifthold- replace (GLHR), vertical oscillations (OSC), and vertical oscillations with up and down ...
    • A First-Quantized Model for Unparticles and Gauge Theories around Conformal WindowPeer reviewedOpen access 

      02 décembre 2021, Lhost, Guillaume; BUISSERET, Fabien; Boulanger, Nicolas, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      We first quantize an action proposed by Casalbuoni and Gomis in 2014 that describes two massless relativistic scalar particles interacting via a conformally invariant potential. The spectrum is a continuum of massive states that may be interpreted as unparticles. We then obtain in a similar way the mass operator for a deformed action in which two terms are introduced that break the conformal symmetry: ...
    • Focus sur un projet de thèse en course à pied au laboratoire Forme et Fonctionnement HumainPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2018, Letroye, Benjamin; SCOHIER, Mikaël, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      À ce jour, de nombreuses études ont analysé les différents aspects de la biomécanique de course et leurs effets sur le risque de blessures et l’économie de course. Malgré quelques divergences retrouvées au sein de la littérature scientifique, la tendance actuelle nous incite à croire qu’une augmentation de la fréquence de pas est une stratégie intéressante pour minimiser ...
    • The Formulations of Classical Mechanics with Foucault’s PendulumPeer reviewedOpen access 

      01 octobre 2020, BUISSERET, Fabien; Boulanger, Nicolas, CERDECAM
      Article scientifique
      Since the pioneering works of Newton (1643–1727), Mechanics has been constantly reinventing itself: reformulated in particular by Lagrange (1736–1813) then Hamilton (1805–1865), it now offers powerful conceptual and mathematical tools for the exploration of dynamical systems, essentially via the action-angle variables formulation and more generally through the theory of canonical transformations. ...
    • Gravitating Bubbles of Gluon Plasma above Deconfinement TemperaturePeer reviewedOpen access 

      13 octobre 2020, Brihaye, Yves; BUISSERET, Fabien, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      The equation of state of SU(3) Yang–Mills theory can be modelled by an effective Z3− symmetric potential depending on the temperature and on a complex scalar field ϕ . Allowing ϕ to be dynamical opens the way to the study of spatially localized classical configurations of the scalar field. We first show that spherically symmetric static Q-balls exist in the range (1−1.21)×Tc , Tc being the ...
    • Hadrons, Charmé et BeautéOpen access 

      04 mai 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien, CeREF Technique
      Séminaire donné le 4 mai 2021 pour le département de Physique (UMONS)
    • Hamilton, Lagrange, le chaosOpen access 

      15 mars 2024, Buisseret, Fabien, CeREF Santé
      Conférence donnée au Séminaires Sandwich de l'UMONS, le 20/02/24 Consultable en ligne : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrdfvWcXOrg
    • Hamilton, Lagrange, le chaos. Cette Mécanique dans nos mouvements.Open access 

      20 février 2024, BUISSERET, Fabien, CeREF Santé
      La compréhension des principes fondamentaux régissant les mouvements observés dans la Nature est un objectif fondamental de la science. Après les travaux pionniers de Newton (1643-1727), la Mécanique a considérablement évolué grâce aux reformulations de Lagrange (1736-1813) et de Hamilton (1805-1865). En invoquant un principe de moindre action, Lagrange a remplacé l'équation de Newton par la recherche ...
    • Head Pitch Angular Velocity Discriminates (Sub-)Acute Neck Pain Patients and Controls Assessed with the DidRen Laser TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      06 avril 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; HOURY, Martin; Hage, Renaud; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Understanding neck pain is an important societal issue. Kinematic data from sensors may help to gain insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with neck pain through a quantitative sensorimotor assessment of one patient. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential usefulness of artificial intelligence with several machine learning (ML) algorithms in assessing neck ...
    • High Specificity of Single Inertial Sensor-Supplemented Timed Up and Go Test for Assessing Fall Risk in Elderly Nursing Home ResidentsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      17 février 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; Schütz, Gaston; Stoffel, Pierre-Loup; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      The Timed Up and Go test (TUG) is commonly used to estimate the fall risk in the elderly. Several ways to improve the predictive accuracy of TUG (cameras, multiple sensors, other clinical tests) have already been proposed. Here, we added a single wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU) to capture the residents’ body center-of-mass kinematics in view of improving TUG’s predictive accuracy. The aim ...
    • Higher-derivative harmonic oscillators: stability of classical dynamics and adiabatic invariantsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      06 janvier 2019, Boulanger, Nicolas; BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; White, Olivier, CERISIC
      Article scientifique
      he status of classical stability in higher-deriv- ative systems is still subject to discussions. In this note, we argue that, contrary to general belief, many higher-derivative systems are classically stable. The main tool to see this prop- erty are Nekhoroshev’s estimates relying on the action-angle formulation of classical mechanics. The latter formulation can be reached provided the Hamiltonian ...
    • Influence des paramètres de l’entrainement et de la gestion de course sur la performance et l’incidence des blessures lors d’un marathonPeer reviewedOpen access 

      2018, Dhenin, Claire; SCOHIER, Mikaël, HE Louvain en Hainaut
      Article scientifique
      L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer si une course à vitesse constante est un facteur déterminant de la performance lors du marathon et d’établir un éventuel lien entre les blessures observées et la gestion de la vitesse de course ou les caractéristiques de l’entrainement. Deux cent quarante-deux marathoniens ont répondu à un questionnaire accessible en ligne et les données chronométriques ...
    • Intégrer le numérique dans la discipline du français : exemples raisonnés de pratiques enseignantesPeer reviewedOpen access 

      10 mai 2023, DUMONT, Marie; De Lièvre, Bruno, CeREF Education
      Article scientifique
      Au XXIe siècle, le numérique tient une place importante dans l’enseignement. En Belgique francophone, une plateforme de ressources didactiques accompagne les enseignants dans le développement des compétences numériques en littératie. Nous examinons la place laissée à la littérature numérique sur cette plateforme et les ressources qu’elle propose. Enfin, nous décrivons comment ces dernières pourraient ...
    • Le Boson de Brout-Englert-HiggsOpen access 

      25 mars 2014, BUISSERET, Fabien; Daubie, Evelyne, CeREF Technique
      Conférence présentée à l'Université de Mons (UMONS dans le cadre du cycle Univers 2014-2015, par Fabien Buisseret (Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut et Service de Physique nucléaire et subnucléaire, UMONS) et Evelyne Daubie (Service de Physique nucléaire et subnucléaire, UMONS) « Presque cinquante ans après avoir été postulée, l’existence du boson de Brout-Englert-Higgs est maintenant avérée. Quel ...
    • Low-Cost Sensors and Biological SignalsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      21 février 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; EGGERMONT, Stéphanie; DIERICK, Frédéric, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Editorial of the Special issue Low-Cost sensors and Biological signals https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/LCSBS
    • Low-Cost Sensors and Biological SignalsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      01 juin 2021, BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; EGGERMONT, Stéphanie, CeREF Technique
      Livre/Ouvrage ou monographie
      This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Low-Cost Sensors and Biological Signals that was published in Sensors
    • Machine Learning Identifies Chronic Low Back Pain Patients from an Instrumented Trunk Bending and Return TestPeer reviewedOpen access 

      03 juillet 2022, Thiry, Paul; HOURY, Martin; PHILIPPE, Laurent; Nocent, Olivier; BUISSERET, Fabien; DIERICK, Frédéric; Slama, Rim; Bertucci, William; Thévenon, André; Simoneau, Emilie, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Nowadays, the better assessment of low back pain (LBP) is an important challenge, as it is the leading musculoskeletal condition worldwide in terms of years of disability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relevance of various machine learning (ML) algorithms and Sample Entropy (SampEn), which assesses the complexity of motion variability in identifying the condition of low back pain. ...
    • Many-Quark Interactions: Large-N Scaling and Contribution to Baryon MassesPeer reviewedOpen access 

      31 mai 2022, BUISSERET, Fabien; Willemyns, Cintia; Semay, Claude, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Starting from an effective Hamiltonian modeling, of a baryon made of N identical quarks in the large-N approach of QCD, we obtain analytical formulas, allowing to estimate the contributions of multiquark interactions to the baryon mass. The cases of vanishing (mass spectrum) and nonvanishing (baryon melting) temperatures are treated.
    • Meson spectrum in SU(N) gauge theories with quarks in higher representations: A check of Casimir scaling hypothesisPeer reviewedOpen access 

      01 juin 2020, BUISSERET, Fabien; Semay, Claude, CeREF Technique
      Article scientifique
      Gauge theories with gauge group and quarks belonging to arbitrary representations of SU(N) form a rich landscape of QCD-like theories, whose study can shed new light on the properties of confinement. Four cases are particularly worth of interest: quarks in the fundamental representation, quarks in the 2-indice (anti)symmetric representation and quarks in the adjoint representation. The last three ...