HENALLUX: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 101-120 de 209
A crossed-beam experiment for electron impact ionization and dissociation of molecular ions: its application to CO+
2006, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueA crossed electron–ion beam experimental set-up has been upgraded for the study of electron impact ionization and dissociation of molecular ions by means of ionic product detection. Both the experimental set-up and the data analysis procedures are described in detail for the estimation of (i) absolute cross sections, (ii) kinetic energy release distributions (KERD) and (iii) anisotropies of angular ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 4
2008, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ 4 leading to formation of ionic products (CD2+ 4, CD+ 3, CD+ 2, CD+, C+, D+ 3, D+ 2, and D+) have been measured. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. Around 100 eV, the maximum cross sections are found to be (3.8±0.2) ×10-19 cm2, (10.8±1.5)× ... -
Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD +3
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+3/(CH+3) leading to formation of singly-charged fragments (CD +2, CH+, C+, H +2 and D+). The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross-sections are found to be (14.0±1.0)×10-17 cm2, (6.5± 0.7)×10-17 cm2, (3.3± ... -
Absolute cross-sections and kinetic-energy-release distributions for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of CD+ 2
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections have been measured for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD +2 leading to formation of CD 2+2, CD+, C+, D +2 and D+. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross-sections are found to be (1.2±0.1)×10-17 cm2, (6.1±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (6.4±0.7)×10-17 cm2, (26.3±3.8)×10-19 ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron impact ionization and dissociation of CD+
2007, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of CD+ leading to the formation of ionic products (D+, C+, C2+ and C3+) are reported in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. Around the maximum, cross sections are found to be (10.5 ± 1.0) × 10−17 cm2, (20.6 ± 3.5) × 10−17 cm2, (1.20 ± 0.11) × 10−17 cm2 and (8.2 ± 1.5) × 10−20 cm2 for D+, C+, ... -
Nuclear spin conversion in the gaseous phase in the presence of a static electric field: Intramolecular magnetic interactions and the role of collisions
2004, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueWhen a gaseous sample of 13CH3F is prepared with a spin-isomer population ratio (ortho and para forms) far from the equilibrium given by nuclear spin statistics, it relaxes towards this equilibrium with an exponential decay rate. This phenomenon, called nuclear spin conversion, is mainly governed by intramolecular spin-spin and spin-rotation interactions which couple two pairs of quasidegenerate ... -
III. Electron-impact dissociative ionization of C2H +2 and C2D +2
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections for electron-impact dissociative ionization of C2 H +2 and C2 D +2 to CH+, C+, C +2 , H+, CH +2 and C2D+ fragments are determined for electron energies ranging from the corresponding threshold to 2.5 keV. Results obtained in a crossed beams experiment are analyzed to estimate the contribution of dissociative ionization to each fragment formation. The dissociative ionization ... -
II. Electron-impact dissociative excitation of C2H +2 and C2D +2
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections for electron-impact dissociative excitation of C2H +2 and C2D +2 to C2D+, CH+, C+, C +2, H+ and CH +2 singly-charged fragments have been estimated. The animated crossed-beams method is applied in the energy range from the corresponding reaction threshold up to 2.5 keV. Individual contributions for dissociative excitation are determined from the analysis of the total absolute ... -
I. Electron-impact ionization and dissociation of C2H +2 and C2D +2
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross-sections for electron-impact ionization and dissociation of C2H +2 and C2D +2 have been measured for electron energies ranging from the corresponding thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The animated crossed beams experiment has been used. Light as well as heavy fragment ions that are produced from the ionization and the dissociation of the target have been detected for the first time. The maximum ... -
Electron-impact ionization and dissociation of C2D+
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron-impact single ionization, dissociative excitation and dissociative ionization of the ethynyl radical ion (C2D+) have been measured for electron energies ranging from the corresponding reaction thresholds to 2.5 keV. The animated crossed electron-ion beam experiment is used and results have been obtained for the production of C2D2+, C2+, C+2, CD+, C+ and D+. The ... -
Electron-impact dissociation and ionization of OH+ and OD+ ions
2012, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact ionization and dissociation of OH+ and OD+ leading to the formation of the OH2+, O+, O2+, O3+ and D+ ions have been measured by applying the animated electron-ion beam method in the energy range from the respective reaction thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum of the single ionization cross section is found to be (0.95±0.02) × 10−19 cm2 at 155 eV. ... -
Electron impact multiple ionization of argon ions
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact single and multiple ionization of argon ions leading to the formation of Ar q + (q = 2–8) are reported. The animated crossed beam method is applied in the energy range extending from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross sections for the multiply charged products Ar q + (q = 2–8) are measured to be (12.6 ± 0.6) × 10−17 cm2 for Ar2+, ... -
Deux ambulances pour se former
2021, HENALLUXPublication d'intérêt général/presseL’Hénallux vient de se doter de 2 ambulances, un atout pour les futurs infirmiers dont ceux spécialisés en soins intensifs et aide médicale urgente. Le NaSim (centre de simulation du département paramédical de l’Hénallux), a reçu deux ambulances des zones de secours NAGE (Namur, Andenne, Gembloux, Éghezée) et Dinaphi (Dinant-Philippeville). Elles ont été intégralement reconditionnées par l’école ... -
The state of professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium : A discussion paper
2020, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueTo describe the state of the professionalisation of midwifery in Belgium, and to formulaterecommendations for advancing the midwifery profession.Methods: A descriptive overview of maternity care in Belgium and the professionalisation of midwiferythrough an analysis of relevant policy and academic texts, underpinned by Greenwood’s sociologicalcriteria for a profession: (1) own body of knowledge, (2) ... -
Starting Life as a Midwife
2019, HENALLUXLivre/Ouvrage ou monographieThis chapter presents the principles of the midwifery curricula and the transition of midwifery students to qualified midwives working in Wallonia (the French-speaking part of Belgium) and Flanders (Dutch-speaking part of Belgium). It highlights the legal, educational and practical regulations in respect of the profession including the 4-year curricula (in Wallonia) and 3-year curricula (in ... -
Crise de la COVID-19 : de moins de 10 % à 100 % à distance, les leçons d’une expérience
2020, HE Louvain en HainautHENALLUXArticle scientifiqueLa pandémie de COVID-19 a propulsé, en quelques heures, les enseignants des hautes écoles belges vers un apprentissage 100 % à distance. En quoi un dispositif pédagogique implémentant des TIC, en cours d’expérimentation a-t-il constitué un support pour des étudiants également contraints de s’adapter au contexte? L’analyse de cette expérience pointe les apports et les difficultés constatés. Une ... -
Réflexivité et débriefing en simulation : présentation d’un dispositif pédagogique
2018, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueLa publication, en 1999, du rapport de l’institut américain de médecine (Institute Of Medicine, IOM) intitulé To Err Is Human a donné naissance au mouvement de sécurité du patient (Safety Patient Movment) (Chaboyer et al., 2013). L’observation d’évènements indésirables dans 2.9 à 3.7 % des hospitalisations, conduisant au décès dans 6.6 à 13.6 % des cas, soit une mortalité supérieure aux accidents ... -
Efficacy of a Short Role-Play Training on Breaking Bad News in the Emergency Department
2019, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueBreaking bad news (BBN) in the emergency department (ED) represents a challenging and stressful situation for physicians. Many medical students and residents feel stressed and uncomfortable with such situations because of insufficient training. Our randomized controlled study aimed to assess the efficacy of a four-hour BBN simulation-based training on perceived selfefficacy, the BBN process, and ... -
Triage for out-of-hours primary care calls: a reliability study of a new French-language algorithm, the SALOMON rule
2019, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueTriage systems for out-of-hours primary care physician (PCP) calls have been implemented empirically but no triage algorithm has been validated to date. A triage algorithm named SALOMON (Systeme Algorithmique Liegeois d’Orientation pour la Medecine Omnipraticienne Nocturne) was developed to guide triage nurses. This study assessed the performance of the algorithm using simulated PCP calls. Methods: ... -
Methodological approach for the implementation of a simulator in augmented reality in a radiation therapy department
2016, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueRadiation therapy (RT) is one of the cornerstones for the treatment of cancer. In most countries RT machines are handled by professionals benefitting from an ad hoc training in theoretical knowledge as well as technical and non-technical skills. In Belgium, RT departments are hiring in nurses for this activity. In countries where there is a specified core curriculum for basic training of radiation ...