Voici les éléments 41-60 de 62

    • In Vitro Dual Culture of Polymyxa betae in Agrobacterium rhizogenes Transformed Sugar Beet Hairy Roots in Liquid MediaPeer reviewedClosed access 

      23 juin 2011, DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Legrève, Anne, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "Polymyxa betae is a soil-borne protist and an obligate parasite of sugar beet that transmits the beet necrotic yellow vein virus. Sugar beet hairy roots, transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes, were inoculated with surface-sterilized root fragments infected by P. betae. After 10 wk in a liquid medium, typical structures of P. betae were observed in this in vitro system. This first in vitro culture ...
    • First Report of Plasmodiophora brassicae on Rapeseed in the Grand Duchy of LuxembourgPeer reviewedOpen access 

      09 octobre 2009, DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Delfosse, Philippe; Eickermann, Michael; Kremer, Franz; Godart, N.; Hoffmann, Lucien; Legrève, Anne, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      First report sur la détection de Plasmodiophora brassicae en culture de colza au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.
    • Molecular interactions between sugar beet and Polymyxa betae during its life cyclePeer reviewedClosed access 

      20 janvier 2014, DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Carbonell, José; Moreau, Jean-Sébastien; Conesa, Ana; Dopazo, Joaquin; Legrève, Anne, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "Polymyxa betae is a biotrophic obligate sugar beet parasite that belongs to plasmodiophorids. The infection of sugar beet roots by this parasite is asymptomatic, except when it transmits Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV), the causal agent of rhizomania. To date, there has been little work on P. betae–sugar beet molecular interactions, mainly because of the obligate nature of the parasite and ...
    • A new phenotype of Polymyxa betae in Arabidopsis thalianaPeer reviewedClosed access 

      21 avril 2011, DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Stocco, Céline; Bragard, Claude; Legrève, Anne, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "The aim of this work was to assess the infection of P. betae in Arabidopsis thaliana in order to learn more about the P. betae genome and its interaction with the host." Extrait de l'abstract
    • Systemic resistance induced by Bacillus lipopeptides in Beta vulgaris reduces infection by the rhizomania disease vector Polymyxa betaePeer reviewedOpen access 

      19 décembre 2012, DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Schramme, Florence; Ongena, Marc; Legrève, Anne, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      The control of rhizomania, one of the most important diseases of sugar beet caused by the Beet necrotic yellow vein virus, remains limited to varietal resistance. In this study, we investigated the putative action of Bacillus amylolequifaciens lipopeptides in achieving rhizomania biocontrol through the control of the virus vector Polymyxa betae. Some lipopeptides that are produced by bacteria, ...
    • Not in your usual Top 10 : protists that infect plants and algaePeer reviewedOpen access 

      11 juillet 2017, Schwelm, Arne; Badstöber, Julia; Bulman, Simon; DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Etemadi, Mohammad; Falloon, Richard E.; Gachon, Claire M. M.; Legreve, Anne; Lukes, Julius; Merz, Ueli; Nenarokova, Anna; Strittmatter, Martina; Sullivan, Brooke K.; Neuhauser, Sigrid, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Fungi, nematodes and oomycetes belong to the most prominent eukaryotic plant pathogenic organisms. Unicellular organisms from other eukaryotic lineages, commonly addressed as protists, also infect plants. This review provides an introduction to plant pathogenic protists, including algae infecting oomycetes, and their current state of research.
    • Inoculum Concentration and Mineral Fertilization : Effects on the Endophytic Microbiome of SoybeanPeer reviewedOpen access 

      07 juillet 2022, Mendes dos Santos, Roberta; Cueva-Yesquén, Luis Gabriel; Fantinatti Garboggini, Fabiana; DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Cid Rigobelo, Everlon, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      " The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether Bacillus subtilis inoculant concentrations and levels of mineral fertilization recommended for the crop have any influence on the endophytic microbiome of soybean plant roots." Extrait de l'abstract
    • Versatile Antagonistic Activities of Soil-Borne Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. against Phytophthora infestans and Other Potato PathogensPeer reviewedOpen access 

      13 février 2018, Caulier, Simon; Gillis, Annika; Colau, Gil; Licciardi, Florent; Liépin, Maxime; DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Modrie, Pauline; Legrève, Anne; Mahillon, Jacques; Bragard, Claude, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "The world potato is facing major economic losses due to disease pressure and environmental concerns regarding pesticides use. This work aims at addressing these two issues by isolating indigenous bacteria that can be integrated into pest management strategies." Extrait de l'abstract
    • Plant Microbiota Beyond Farming Practices: A ReviewPeer reviewedOpen access 

      29 mars 2021, Delitte, Mathieu; Caulier, Simon; Bragard, Claude; DESOIGNIES, Nicolas, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "Being able to engineer microbial communities in ways that benefit crop health and growth will help decrease the number of chemical inputs required. Against this background, this review explores the impacts of agricultural practices on soil- and plant-associated microbiomes, focusing on plant growth-promoting microorganisms from a metagenomic perspective." Extrait de l'abstract
    • Aspergillus spp. and Bacillus spp. as Growth Promoters in Cotton Plants Under Greenhouse ConditionsPeer reviewedOpen access 

      13 août 2021, Escobar Diaz, Paola Andrea; Aguirre Gil, Oniel Jeremias; Barbosa, Carlos Henrique; DESOIGNIES, Nicolas; Cid Rigobelo, Everlon, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      "This study aimed to verify the potential of three Aspergillus and Bacillus species as growth promoters in cotton plants under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was conducted with a completely randomized design with seven treatments (six microorganisms plus one control) and five replicates until the flowering stage at 70 days after emergence." Extrait de l'abstract
    • Les analyses en viticulture : un accompagnement du début du projet jusqu'au produit finiClosed access 

      11 janvier 2022, Jabrane, Hamid; LOUVIEAUX, Julien, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      [Disponible sur le site du sillon belge] Le métier de vigneron implique la maîtrise de diverses disciplines. En effet, celui-ci doit être performant tant sur le terrain, pour mener à bien la conduite de ses parcelles de vignes, qu’en cave (chai) pour la transformation de ses raisins via de très nombreux processus de vinification différents, ainsi qu’à la vente et la commercialisation de ses produits
    • Oilseed Rape Cultivars Show Diversity of Root Morphologies with the Potential for Better Capture of NitrogenPeer reviewedOpen access 

      14 décembre 2021, Kupcsik, László; Chiodi, Claudia; Moturu, Taraka; De Gernier, Hugues; Haelterman, Loïc; LOUVIEAUX, Julien; Tillard, Pascal; Sturrock, Craig J.; Bennett, Malcolm; Nacry, Philippe; Hermans, Christian, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      The worldwide demand for vegetable oils is rising. Oilseed rape (Brassica napus) diversifies cereal dominated crop rotations but requires important nitrogen input. Yet, the root organ is offering an untapped opportunity to improve the nitrogen capture in soil. This study evaluates three culture systems in controlled environment, to observe root morphology and to identify root attributes for superior ...
    • Valorization of sugar beet pulp to value-added products: A reviewPeer reviewedClosed access 

      février 2022, Usmani, Zeba; Sharma, Minaxi; Diwan, Deepti; Tripathi, Manikant; Whale, Eric; Jayakody, Lahiru N.; Moreau, Benoît; Thakur, Vijay Kumar; Tuohy, Maria; Gupta, Vijay Kumar, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      The processing of sugar beet in the sugar production industry releases huge amounts of sugar beet pulp as waste which can be considered a valuable by-product as a source of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin. Valorization of sugar beet pulp into value added products occurs through acid hydrolysis, hydrothermal techniques, and enzymatic hydrolysis. Biochemical conversion of beet pulp into simple ...
    • Valorization of dairy waste and by-products through microbial bioprocessesPeer reviewedClosed access 

      28 novembre 2021, Usmani, Zeba; SHARMA, Minaxi; Gaffey, James; Sharma, Monika; Dewhurst, Richard J.; Moreau, Benoît; Newbold, John; Clark, William; Thakur, Vijay Kumar; Gupta, Vijay Kumar, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Waste is an inherent and unavoidable part of any process which can be attributed to various factors such as process inefficiencies, usability of resources and discarding of not so useful parts of the feedstock. Dairy is a burgeoning industry following the global population growth, resulting in generation of waste such as wastewater (from cleaning, processing, and maintenance), whey and sludge. These ...
    • Development and application of a quantitative real-time PCR assay for rapid detection of the multifaceted yeast Kazachstania servazzii in food.Peer reviewedClosed access 

      avril 2017, SPANOGHE, Martin; Godoy Jara, Mario; RIVIÈRE, John; LANTERBECQ, Déborah; GADENNE, Martine; MARIQUE, Thierry, CARAH
      Article scientifique
      The beneficial contributions of Kazachstania servazzii are well-established in various food processes. This yeast also contributes in the spoilage of finished packaged food due to abundant gas production. In particular, an occurrence of K. servazzii was recently positively correlated with the formation of severe package swelling of some prepared fresh pizzas. To circumscribe this concern, a quantitative ...
    • Effects of Chemopreventive Natural Compounds on the Accuracy of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2′-deoxyguanosine Translesion SynthesisPeer reviewedClosed access 

      08 juillet 2021, Nachtergael, Amandine; LANTERBECQ, Déborah; SPANOGHE, Martin; Belayew, Alexandra; Duez, Pierre, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Translesion synthesis is a DNA damage tolerance mechanism that relies on a series of specialized DNA polymerases able to bypass a lesion on a DNA template strand during replication or post-repair synthesis. Specialized translesion synthesis DNA polymerases pursue replication by inserting a base opposite to this lesion, correctly or incorrectly depending on the lesion nature, involved DNA polymerase(s), ...
    • Industrial-scale Malting Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Seed Disinfection by Fog of Ozonated Water ApplicationPeer reviewedClosed access 

      05 novembre 2015, SPANOGHE, Martin; ALLARD, Olivier; DELVOYE, Sébastien; MARIQUE, Thierry; Van Koninckxloo, Michel, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      The aim of this study was to underscore that seed treatment by the fog of ozonated water constitutes a promising alternative tool, in terms of health and environmental gains, regarding traditional ozone treatment. In order to obtain a clear vision of this performance, the technology was implemented on an industrial scale (malting industry). Under an exposition of barley seeds to 9.8 ppm of dissolved ...
    • Investigation and development of potato parentage analysis methods using multiplexed SSR fingerprintingPeer reviewedClosed access 

      25 décembre 2014, SPANOGHE, Martin; MARIQUE, Thierry; RIVIÈRE, John; LANTERBECQ, Déborah; GADENNE, Martine, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      Parentage assessment in the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), based on a reliable characterization of DNA varieties, can be a useful tool in validating pedigree information as well as for assigning potential parents to orphan varieties. The approach suggested in this study was to use the genetic profiles obtained on 577 cultivars using a set of 17 polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers in ...
    • Measurement of translesion synthesis by fluorescent capillary electrophoresis : 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine bypass modulation by natural productsPeer reviewedClosed access 

      24 mai 2013, Nachtergael, Amandine; Charles, Catherine; SPANOGHE, Martin; GADENNE, Martine; Belayew, Alexandra; Duez, Pierre, HE Condorcet
      Article scientifique
      Translesion synthesis (TLS) relies on a series of specialized DNA polymerases able to insert a base either correctly or incorrectly opposite a lesion on a DNA template strand during replication or post-repair synthesis. To measure the correct or mutagenic outcome of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine (8-oxodG) bypass by TLS DNA polymerases, a capillary electrophoresis (CE) method with fluorescent label ...
    • Use of self-organizing map to analyze images of fungi colonies grown from Triticum aestivum seeds disinfected by ozone treatmentPeer reviewedOpen access 

      16 octobre 2012, MARIQUE, Thierry; ALLARD, Olivier; SPANOGHE, Martin, HE CondorcetCARAH
      Article scientifique
      We submitted to ozone treatment Triticum aestivum (common wheat) seeds severely contaminated by fungi. Fungi colonies developed when seeds were placed over malt agar medium in Petri dishes; Fusarium sp. and Alternaria sp. were identified. However, conventional colonies counting did not allow a clear assessment of the effect of ozone disinfection. We thus used self-organizing maps (SOMs) to perform ...