HENALLUX: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 61-80 de 208
Immersion in an emergency department triage center during the Covid-19 outbreak: first report of the Liège University hospital experience
2020, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueObjectives: Since the beginning of the novel coronavirus outbreak, different strategies have been explored to stem the spread of the disease and appropriately manage patient flow. Triage, an effective solution proposed in disaster medicine, also works well to manage Emergency Department (ED) flow. The aim of this study was to describe the role of an ED Triage Center for patients with suspected ... -
CEdRIC: Strategy for Patient Education During COVID-19 Triage
2020, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueThe current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is forcing healthcare systems around the word to organise care differently than before. Prompt detection and effective triage and isolation of potentially infected and infectious patients are essential to preventing unnecessary community exposure. Since there are as yet no medications to treat or vaccines to prevent COVID-19, prevention focuses ... -
HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes among social work students: A comparative study
2021, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueThe article describes a quantitative cross-sectional study of a sample of 674 university students enrolled in social work programmes in four countries: Belgium, Canada, Chile and Switzerland. The study aimed to assess HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes among participants. The median HIVKQ-18 score for the sample was 14.0, which Carey and Schroder classify as indicating borderline low levels of knowledge. ... -
Grande précarité. Compréhension des concepts dans leur complexité : la précarité et ses conséquences
2021, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloque1. Approche de la précarité vulnérabilité minorité à partir de l’interactionnisme symbolique d’Erving Goffman - Le rapport social à la précarité - La précarité en rapport au social 2 . Approcher la précarité comme un processus social de dégradation - Définir la pauvreté pour comprendre la précarité - La précarisation est un processus qui désaffilie et qui désintègre socialement - L’enfermement ... -
Clinical event debriefing: who, what, where, when and why?
2021, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloqueDebriefing is an important strategy for learning from defects and for improving performance. It is one of the central learning tools in simulation and is also recommended after a real-life emergency response. -
Learning from COVID experience: The perspective from Nursing education in Europe
2021, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloqueClinical event debriefing: who, what, where, when and why? Students lost the clinical training : online and simulation can help. Simulation is mandatory before clinical. -
Développement d’une semi-remorque 50 tonnes polyvalente avec vidage horizontal rapide
2020, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloqueSystème de sécurité pour l’utilisation d’une benne « classique » Le basculement d’une benne est un accident courant dans le milieu de la construction. Un système de sécurité électronique visant à prévoir et empêcher ce basculement est à l’étude. L’article présente le principe de fonctionnement d’un tel système de sécurité. Le système développé étend ce principe et se base sur des mesures inertielles ... -
Le développement de la réflexivité et de l’esprit critique par la médiation de dispositifs mobilisant le savoir-analyser : le cas des ateliers philo-traduction avec des élèves de 4ème primaire et des dispositifs DAPPP et ASAPP avec des étudiants en formation initiale d’enseignement primaire
2020, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloqueAujourd’hui plus que jamais, la question du sens de l’école, de l’éducation et apprentissages est au coeur des enjeux de société. Notre recherche a pour but de mettre en exergue en quoi apprendre à penser par soi-même peut, tout au long de la vie, constituer un point d’appui précieux. Plus largement, de nombreuses situations (sociales, médiatiques, politiques, économiques, environnementales,…) ... -
Regards croisés Haute Ecole – Université – Ecoles secondaires sur l’accompagnement personnalisé et la différentiation au D1 de l’enseignement secondaire
2020, HENALLUXActe de conférence ou de colloqueLe constat d’iniquité du système scolaire en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles a engendré ces dernières années l’élaboration d’un Pacte pour un Enseignement d’Excellence et d’un Code de l’Enseignement. Ces réformes expriment notamment la nécessité de développer des pratiques de différenciation (renforcement, consolidation et dépassement), tant dans la classe que lors de périodes spécialement consacrées ... -
Development and implementation of an end-of-shift clinical debriefing method for emergency departments during COVID-19
2020, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueBackground: Multiple guidelines recommend debriefing after clinical events in the emergency department (ED) to improve performance, but their implementation has been limited. We aimed to start a clinical debriefing program to identify opportunities to address teamwork and patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: We reviewed existing literature on best-practice guidelines to answer ... -
Modélisation d'assiette de véhicule pour personne à mobilité réduite
2015, HENALLUXLivre/Ouvrage ou monographieL'asbl "Les Papillons de Saint-Jacques" organise des pèlerinages sur les chemins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle pour les personnes à mobilité réduite. Les véhicules existants à ce jour pour le transport de ces personnes sur des chemins de campagne ne sont pas adaptés et nécessitent plusieurs accompagnants. De plus, ils procurent une telle sensation de déséquilibre que beaucoup renoncent. C'est dans ... -
Electron impact ionization of thymine clusters embedded in superfluid helium droplets
2007, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueEmbedding molecules in helium clusters has become a powerful technique for the preparation of cold targets for spectroscopy experiments, as well as for the assembly of complex, fragile molecular species. We have recently developed a helium cluster source and a pick-up cell to produce neutral beams of doped helium droplets, to be used as targets in studies on electron collisions with molecules of ... -
Spectroscopy and dynamics of the 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethaneradical anion
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueThe photoelectron spectrum of the 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) radical anion has been measured at 3.1 eV. Additionally, the ultrafast relaxation dynamics of the first excited state (12B3u) of TCNQ have been studied using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy, which reveals that it undergoes internal conversion back to the ground state (2B2g) with an associated lifetime of 650 fs ... -
Toward real-time charged-particle image reconstruction using polar onion-peeling
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueA method to reconstruct full three-dimensional photofragment distributions from their two-dimensional (2D) projection onto a detection plane is presented, for processes in which the expanding Newton sphere has cylindrical symmetry around an axis parallel to the projection plane. The method is based on: (1) onion-peeling in polar coordinates [Zhao et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3044 (2002)] in which ... -
Electron-impact dissociative ionization of the molecular ion HDO + : A global view
2014, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueWe present a combined experimental and theoretical study of the fragmentation of HDO2+ molecular ions produced by electron-impact ionization of HDO+ in the collision energy range 20–2500 eV. Experimental absolute partial inclusive cross sections for the production of OD+, OH+, and O+ are reported and compared successfully to theoretical predictions. Ab initio methods are used to calculate the ... -
Electron-impact dissociation and ionization of NH+: formation of N+ and N2+
2010, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron-impact dissociation and ionization of NH+ leading to the formation of N+ and N2+ products have been measured by applying the animated electron–ion beam method, in the energy range from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum total cross sections are observed to be (15.7 ± 0.7) × 10−17 cm2 and (11.1 ± 0.2) × 10−18 cm2 for N+ and N2+, respectively. ... -
Differential and total cross sections of mutual neutralization in low-energy collisions of isotopes of H + + H −
2016, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueMutual neutralization in the collisions of H+ and H− is studied both theoretically and experimentally. The quantum-mechanical ab initio model includes covalent states associated with the H(1)+H(n 3) limits and the collision energy ranges from 1 meV to 100 eV. The reaction is theoretically studied for collisions between different isotopes of the hydrogen ions. From the partial wave scattering ... -
Dissociative excitation of NeD+
2009, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueMeasurements of NeD+ dissociative excitation cross section were obtained in Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL, Belgium) by using the animated crossed electron-ion beam method. The electronic structure of the system was calculated by using quantum chemistry calculations for the NeD+ ion and ab initio electron scattering calculations using the complex Kohn variational method for the resonant NeD neutral complex ... -
Absolute cross sections and kinetic energy release distributions for electron-impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+
2008, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron impact dissociative excitation and ionization of NeD+ leading to the formation of singly and multiply charged products (D+, Ne+, Ne2+ and Ne3+) are reported, in the energy range from their respective thresholds to 2.5 keV. The animated crossed-beams method is used. For singly charged fragments, absolute cross sections are obtained separately for dissociative ... -
Electron-impact ionization of singly-charged neon ions
2008, HENALLUXArticle scientifiqueAbsolute cross sections for electron-impact single and multiple ionization of Ne+ leading to the formation of Neq+ (q = 2–5) are reported. The animated crossed beams method is applied in the energy range from the respective thresholds up to 2.5 keV. The maximum cross sections are found to be (4.12 ± 0.21) × 10−17 cm2, (1.42 ± 0.07) × 1018 cm2, (2.57 ± 0.14) × 10−20 cm2, (8.78 ± 0.54) × 10−22 cm2 for ...